ccNSO Activity Summary    June 2011

ccNSO Meetings Singapore - detailed reporting is below this monthly summary/   [ccNSO Council Minutes Singapore 2011.doc|download/attachments/2262570/ccNSO+Council+Minutes+Singapore+2011.doc?version=1&modificationDate=1313457072000|||]

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during June 2011 are available at:]

Transcript Framework of Interpretation (FoI) Working Group Meeting 23 June 2011:

Transcript Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN (JIG) Working Group Meeting 20 June 2011:

Transcript Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN (JIG) Working Group Telephone Conference 14 June 2011:

Transcript Joint DNS Security and Stability Analysis (DSSA) Working Group Telephone Conference 9 June 2011:

ccNSO Strategic and Operational Planning (SOP) Working Group Comments to ICANN Draft Fiscal Year 2012 Operational Plan and Budget:

Notes Framework of Interpretation (FoI) Working Group Telephone Conference 2 June 2011:

ccNSO Council

Recording ccNSO Council Meeting 22 June 2011:

Minutes ccNSO Council Telephone Conference 7 June 2011:

Recording Council Telephone Conference 7 June 2011:

ccNSO Resources

(OPEN until 1 July 2011) ccNSO Travel Funding Open for Dakar Applications: <>

Updated Policy & Legal Resources:

New Members

.GG, .JE and .NA Join as Newest Members of the ccNSO:


.cl Registry Overview:

.eu Summary of ICANN Brussels 2010:

.it quality certification process to ISO 9001 standards:

Various Announcements

Further Notice of Inquiry (FNOI) on IANA Functions published 14June 2011:

ICANN Board Meeting Resolutions 24 June 2011:

ICANN Board Approves Launch of New gTLDs 20 June 2011:

ccNSO Strategic and Operational Planning (SOP) Working Group Comments to ICANN Draft Fiscal Year 2012 Operational Plan and Budget; 16 June 2011:

SSAC Report on DNS Blocking; 14 June 2011:

June Update from ICANN’s Policy Department; 11 June 2011:

ICANN Forms six IDN Variant TLD Case Study Teams; 9 June 2011:

Norwegian Recommendations on new Top Level Domains with National Significance:

ccNSO Comments on the ICANN Security Stability Resilience (SSR) Framework FY 2012; 6 June 2011:

Open ccNSO Related Public Comment Periods

(Open until 29 July 2011): Further Notice of Inquiry (FNOI) on IANA Functions:

(OPEN until 23 July 2011) WHOIS Policy Review Team Discussion paper:

Singapore Meeting#41 Information

Detailed Summary and report for ccNSO Meetings Singapore

ccNSO Singapore Meeting Page:

Presentations ccNSO Meetings Singapore:

ccNSO Singapore Meeting Report:

Evaluation Results ccNSO Meeting Singapore:

Recordings, Transcripts, Notes:

Photos ccNSO Meeting Singapore:

The ccNSO Singapore Meeting Highlights Report is posted at: on 24th June

<Text copy>
Meeting Highlights
ccNSO meetings at the 41th ICANN meeting in Singapore

Tech Day Meeting
The ccNSO Tech Day organized by the ccNSO working group with the same name was well attended again with over 70 attendants. The 10 presentations on operational and technical topics relevant for the ccTLD community ranged from a keynote address from Jeff Moss, ICANN’s new VP Chief Security Officer to DNSsec Key Management and Scaling the Registry. All presentations can be found at

The ccNSO Members and Council Meeting
The ccNSO Meetings were attendant by more than 130 attendants from more than 50 ccTLD’s.

ICANN’s Draft Ops Plan and Budget FY 2012
During the ccNSO meeting the ccTLD community present extensively discussed ICANN’s Draft Operation Plan and Budget for Fiscal Year 2012 (1 July-30 June 2012) with ICANN’s acting CFO Akram Atllah and other staff and the ICANN Board of Directors. The discussion focused on the main points of the ccNSO Strategic and Operational Planning and the work done by the Finance WG. The main points the discussion were:
Greater clarity, enhanced description of specific goals of activities and the addition of measurable objectives, where they are missing.
The spiralling ICANN costs, in particular the budgeted 13% overall expenditure increase compared with a budgeted 6.5% overall revenue increase. In particular the discussion focused on the 15 % increase in professional services and the increase in staff costs. With regard to the increase the ccTLD’s expressed their concern on to manage all these professionals and their contracts In relation to the staff costs the ccTLD community present noted the planned increase of almost 25 % in staffing in FY2012 and the management issues this raises.
The concerns of the ccNSO of the initial 30% increase in ccTLD related costs, with initially no explanation or justification, and the very late reduction of USD 2.0 Million as a result from the input of the SOP WG.

ccNSO Reponse on Further Notice of Inquiry on the IANA Functions contract.
The NTIA of the USG published its Further Notice of Inquiry regarding its IANA Functions Contract (the IANA contract) and in particular on the Statement of Works it contains. In the FNOI comments are sought on the proposed changes. The ccTLD community present discussed some aspects of the FNOI process with the ICANN Board and at a session dedicated to this topic. At it meeting the ccNSO Council decided to initiate the process to provide a ccNSO response on the Further Note of Inquiry.
ccNSO Improvements: adoption of ccNSO workplan and guidelines and documentation of process for ccNSO statement or responses.
As a result of the ccNSO review the ccNSO is expected to introduce, maintain and review a 3 year forward looking rolling policy roadmap and a documentation of the process to provide a ccNSO Reponse or Statement. The ccNSO council has been discussing the work plan and associated procedures since its meeting in San Francisco and provided an overview to the ccNSO membership. At its meeting in Singapore the council adopted the work-plan and related guidelines, to maintain, update and review the work plan. The Council also adopted guidelines with the documentation of the processes for a ccNSO, ccNSO Council and critical incident statement processes.
Panel Discussion on Impact of new gTLD’s on ccTLD’s and cvice versa
At the Wednesday meeting a panel discussion was held on potential impact of new gTLD’s on ccTLD’s and vice versa. The theme was approached from a regulatory/policy and business/marketing perspective. The regulatory perspective was introduced by a presentation on a new regulatory framework of Norway for Geo new gTLD for which the Norwegian Government needs to be involved. One the panel were ccTLD registries, a representative from ALAC and Geographic (new) gTLD’s, providing a diverse range of experience and views.

The GAC-ccNSO meeting
The ccNSO was pleased that its meeting with the GAC was reconvened in order to foster the cooperation between the GAC and the ccNSO and inform each other of on-going work on issues of concern for each of the communities. Topics that were discussed ranged from the new Regulatory Framework on GEO new gTLD’s to progress of the Framework of Interpretation Working Group and the findings of the ccNSO SOP and Finance WG on the FY 2012 Draft Ops Plan and Budget.

New Format of the ccNSO – GNSO Council Meeting
The ccNSO and GNSO council met on Monday afternoon in a new format to improve the sharing of information and mutual understanding. Main topics on the agenda were a brief explanation of the restructuring of the GNSO improvements and an extensive session on the make-up and method of working of the SOP WG and its findings regarding the FY 2012 Draft Ops Plan and Budget.

Other Sessions
Update on the IANA Function by ICANN staff (Kim Davies).
ccTLD news session from 7 ccTLD’s. and the Regional Organizations
Security session, with updates of the DSSA WG, and presentation from ccTLD from Costa Rica and Japan on incidents they had to cope with, and updates from the Anti --Phishing Work Group, on ICANN’s DNSSEC deployment and the .CZ DNSSEC awareness campaign.
AoC review updates on the implementation of the ATRT and the current status of the SSR Review Team activities.
IDN Session. The IDN WG 1 and the JIG provided an update on their current activities. IDN ccPDP WG 2 presented the complex issues involved in the future make-up of the ccNSO, if the IDN ccTLD will be included. In particular the focus was on the topic of formal voting mechanism in the ccNSO. The WG sought feed-back and input from the ccNSO on the one-vote per territory and one-vote per member as a principle for voting. As part of the IDN session 6 ccTLD involved in IDN gave a presentation.

Working Groups
All 12 working groups, including the cross-community working groups in which the ccNSO is participating have held meetings in Singapore, starting on Sunday 19 June and running through to Thursday 23 June. The ccNSO Council also extended the charter of the JIG WG, until the next meeting of the Council on 24 August awaiting a work plan from the JIG.

All presentations will be available on the ccNSO Website (

Thank You’s

Host of the Singapore meeting
The ccNSO Council wants to thank the hosts and sponsors of ICANN 41th meeting, and in particular the .SG ccTLD manager for there great hospitality and assistance.

Peter Dengate Thrush
Finally, the ccNSO expresses its deep appreciation to Peter Dengate Thrush for his service to the community as a ccNSO elected Board and his work as chair of ICANN. Peter has been selected to the Board in 2005 and his depth of knowledge and leadership to resolve issues for the general ICANN community in general, and the issues facing ccTLD managers in particular have been invaluable. The ccNSO Council wishes Peter all success in his future endeavours.

ccNSO Council Meeting draft agenda for Wednesday, 22 June is now posted at
ccNSO Meeting, Time & Room details (including remote participation details,closer to the meeting):
ccNSO Meeting Summaries of Presentations:
List of pre-Registered ccNSO Meeting Participants:
ICANN Main Meeting Page:
ICANN Main Meeting Schedule:
ICANN Meeting Schedule Overview:
ICANN Pre-registered Participants:*%40H%23W0%20%20%0A
Registration form for ICANN Meeting:

Monthly Reports see also the ccNSO Master Calendar at []*June ccNSO  Council Meeting   Agenda - Meeting  7th June at 1200 UTC.

The recording from call is here : and

Agenda ccNSO Council Telephone Conference
7 June 2011

1. Confirmation of Approval of Minutes and Actions Council call 10 May 2011

2. High-level de-Briefing on ccNSO Related Activities

· Chair
· Vice-chairs
· Councilors

3. Appointment of Volunteers Preparation Meeting in Singapore for ICANN Summit on Developing Countries.

4. ccNSO Response on ICANN Security, Stability and Resilience Plan Framework

· ccNSO response status update
· Issues arising out of this process

o Documentation of process to produce statements and responses in an organised manner. Initial draft of actions and timelines.
o Need for DNS and DNSSEC capacity building: how is it organised?

5. Working Group updates

5.1 IDN PDP Working Group 1 (Chair: Chris Disspain)
5.2 IDN PDP Working Group 2 (Chair: Hiro Hotta)
5.3 SOP Working Group (Chair: Roelof Meijer)
5.4 Finance Working Group (Chair: Byron Holland)
5.5 Framework of Interpretation Working Group (Chair: Keith Davidson)

· Update charter for adoption by the council. Mode of GAC participation needs to be reflected in charter.
· Nomination of Becky Burr as vice-chair of FoI WG. To be appointed by the Council
· Update activities

5.6 Joint IDN WG (JIG) (co-Chair: Jian Zhang)
5.7 Joint Security & Stability Working Group (DSSA) (Update: Bart Boswinkel)

6. ccNSO Draft Work Plan - Update (Bart Boswinkel)

· Draft Guideline to maintain and update work plan
· Update work plan

7. Update Singapore ccNSO Meeting

· ccNSO council meetings (informal, with Board, GNSO etc)
· ccNSO meeting agenda

8. ccNSO-GNSO Meeting

· Liaison between councils
· Informational: Briefing paper on joint working groups

9. Proposal for Additional Informal Council Call: de-briefing by ccNSO appointed Board Members (5 or 12 July 2011)

10. Liaison Updates:

10.1 At-Large Liaison (Ron Sherwood)
10.2 GNSO Liaison (Han Chuan Lee)

11. AOB

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