ICANN Announces Strategy Panel Members

14 October 2013

ICANN welcomes over 40 diverse practitioners, subject matter experts, and thought leaders as members of the ICANN Strategy Panels<> to support development of ICANN's strategic and operational plans.

ICANN Strategy Panels will serve as an integral part of a framework for cross-community dialogue on strategic matters. Designed to conduct work in critical strategic areas identified by the community, Board, and staff<> [PDF, 209 KB], the work of these panels will build on public input being generated to inform a new, overarching vision and five-year strategic plan. As illustrated<>, there will be extensive information sharing and community engagement with the Panels. Panel output will be posted for public comments and community discussion online and at ICANN meetings, before being factored into ICANN's strategic and/or operating plans<>, as appropriate.

A video interview with Theresa Swinehart, Senior Advisor to the President on Strategy, is available here<>.

Identifier Technology Innovation<>

Paul Mockapetris<> — Inventor, Domain Name System


Jari Arkko<> — Chair, Internet Engineering Task Force
Anne-Marie Eklund-Löwinder<> — Security Manager, The Internet Infrastructure Foundation
Geoff Huston<> — Chief Scientist, Asia-Pacific Network Information Center
James Seng<> — CEO, Zodiac Holdings
Paul Vixie<> — CEO, Farsight Security
Lixia Zhang<> — Postel Chair of Computer Science, University of California Los Angeles

This panel is dedicated to strategizing engagement with the ICANN community and public on technology matters. Its objectives include developing a technology roadmap for DNS and other identifiers, and providing a technology roadmap for ICANN technical and security operations, including best practice recommendations and reference objects.

ICANN Multistakeholder Innovation<>

Beth Simone Noveck<> — Founder and Director, The Governance Lab


Alison Gillwald<> — Executive Director, Research ICT Africa
Joi Ito<> — Director, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab
Karim Lakhani<> — Lumry Family Associate Professor of Business Administration, Harvard University
Guo Liang<> — Director, China Internet Project
Geoff Mulgan<> — Chief Executive, National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts
Hon. Bitange Ndemo<> — Permanent Secretary, Kenyan Ministry of Information and Communication

This panel is tasked with examining how Internet policy related to unique identifiers might be best managed. It will propose new models for broad, inclusive engagement, consensus-based policymaking, and institutional structures to support such enhanced functions. In addition, it will design processes, tools and platforms to enable the global ICANN community to engage in these new forms of participatory decision-making.

Public Responsibility Framework<>

Nii Quaynor<> — Founding Chairman, AfriNIC


Tim Berners-Lee<> — Director, World Wide Web Consortium
Soumitra Dutta<> — Dean of Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University
Bob Hinden<> — Check Point Fellow, Check Point Software Technologies
Blake Irving<> — CEO, Go Daddy
Nevine Tewfik<> — Director, Cyber Peace Initiative
Raúl Zambrano<> — Team Leader, Inclusive Participation and Global Policy Adviser in the ICT for Development and e-governance team, United Nations Development Program

This panel will propose ICANN's role and five-year strategic objectives and milestones in promoting the global public interest. It will examine ways of building out ICANN's base of internationally diverse, knowledgeable and engaged stakeholders, especially within the developing world. It will also propose a framework for achieving those objectives and milestones as well providing advice on specific programs and initiatives.

ICANN's Role in the Internet Governance Ecosystem<>

Vinton Cerf<> — VP and Chief Internet Evangelist, Google


Adiel Akplogan<> — CEO, AfriNIC Ltd
Michael Barrett<> — President, The FIDO Alliance
Hartmut Glaser<> — Executive Secretary, Brazilian Internet Steering Committee/
Erik Huizer<> — Chief Technology Officer, SURFnet
Hagen Hultzsch<> — Senior Advisor, TeleSoft Partners
Janis Karklins<> — Assistant Director General of Communication and Information, United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization
Wolfgang Kleinwächter<> — Professor of International Communication Policy and Regulation, University of Aarhus
Luis Magalhães<> — Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon
Debbie Monahan<> — Domain Names Commissioner, Domain Name Commission Ltd, part of the InternetNZ Group
Alice Munyua<> — Chair of the Kenya Internet Governance Steering Committee
P.J. Narayanan<> — Director, Hyderabad International Institute of Information Technology
Alejandro Pisanty<> — Director General, Academic Computing Service of the National University of Mexico
Carlton Samuels<> — Former Secretariat, Latin America and Caribbean Regional At-Large Advisory Organization
Ismail Serageldin<> — Director, Library of Alexandria
Pindar Wong<> — Chairman, Asia and Pacific Internet Association

The previously announced<> "Strategy Panel on ICANN's Role in the Internet Organizations' Ecosystem" and the "Strategy Panel on the Role of ICANN in the Future of Internet Governance" have been integrated given the topics, and are now covered under this Strategy Panel on "ICANN's Role in the Internet Governance Ecosystem." This panel will review the assumptions, linkages and frameworks that dictate ICANN's responsibilities in the current Internet ecosystem. It will seek insights into ways to maintain and enhance ICANN's stewardship of the evolving ecosystem while cultivating thought leadership on ways in which ICANN can serve a complex set of Internet constituencies.

The 5th panel originally identified will be refocused and is expected to be forthcoming later this year.

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