On behalf of the GNSO Secretariat:



This is a call for volunteers to participate in a new Cross-Community Working Group to finalize a Framework of Operating Principles that will guide future CWGs. This CWG has been chartered jointly by the Country Code Names Supporting Organization and the Generic Names Supporting Organization.

It is expected to take forward the initial work done on this topic by the GNSO, as supplemented by feedback and suggestions provided to the GNSO by the ccNSO.


What this CWG will do

The CWG has been chartered

<http://gnso.icann.org/en/drafts/ccwg-framework-charter-15apr14-en.pdf>  to finalize a Framework of Operating Principles under which working groups jointly chartered by two or more of ICANN¹s Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees can effectively function and produce meaningful and timely recommendations on issues of common interest.

In performing its task, the CWG will have as a starting point the GNSO¹s initial draft principles from 2012 and the feedback on them that was provided by the ccNSO. It will also review the operations of prior and current CWGs (including without limitation the DSSA WG, the Joint ccNSO-GAC IDN WG, the Joint ccNSO-GNSO IDN WG and the GNSO-ALAC Joint Applicant Support WG.) It will have to consider the different remits and operating procedures of each of ICANN¹s SOs and ACs and the types of issues that might be suitable for CWG work, in developing the final Framework for the chartering, operation, decision making and termination of future CWGs.


How this team will work

ICANN WGs use transparent, open processes. The operational aspects of this CWG are set out in its charter and may be further determined by the co-chairs at the start of the CWG's operations, but typically meetings are recorded, mailing lists are publicly archived and members from the GNSO are expected to submit Statements of Interest in order to participate. The group may decide to collaborate using a public workspace for draft materials and all final work products and milestones will be documented.

Please note that as a Working Group member you are expected to attend conference calls and to actively participate in online discussions.


How to Join

The CWG welcomes expressions of interest from anyone interested to join. If you are interested in participating and have not otherwise been selected through any process specific to a particular SO or AC, please send an email to the GNSO Secretariat (gnso.secretariat@gnso.icann.org <mailto:gnso.secretariat@gnso.icann.org> ) preferably by 12 May 2014, to indicate your interest in joining this CWG.

Please note that this particular CWG will consist of Members and Observers.

Each SO and AC will be limited to five (5) Members, with a matching limit for Observers. Members and Observers will have full discussion and participation rights in the CWG (including on consensus calls), with the sole difference being that only Members will be permitted to vote if a vote is called by the CWG co-chairs. If you wish to know if your SO or AC has already reached its limits for Members or Observers, you are advised to contact your SO or AC chair prior to volunteering for this CWG.



In March 2012, the GNSO Council approved <http://gnso.icann.org/en/council/resolutions#201203>  an initial set of Draft Principles <http://gnso.icann.org/drafts/draft-principles-for-cwgs-23dec11-en.pdf>  for CWGs developed by a GNSO Drafting Team. Feedback on the Draft Principles was solicited from other ICANN SOs and ACs, and the ccNSO provided a detailed response <http://gnso.icann.org/en/drafts/ccnso-comments-cwg-principles-11jun13-en.pd

f>  in June 2013. In October 2013 the GNSO Council approved

<http://gnso.icann.org/en/council/resolutions#201310> the formation of a new cross-community Drafting Team ­ co-chaired by the ccNSO and GNSO ­ to develop a charter for a CWG to complete the work on a Framework of Operating Principles for CWGs.

Both the ccNSO and GNSO Councils adopted the charter developed by this Drafting Team for the new CWG at their respective meetings at ICANN¹s 49th public meeting in Singapore, on 26 March 2014.


Glen de Saint Géry

GNSO Secretariat






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