ICANN Weekly Newsletter

News from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers


Week ending 16 December 2016




Announcements This Week

At-Large Community Announces the Slate of Candidates to Proceed to the Next Stage of the ICANN Board Director Position Selection[icann.org]

16 December 2016

Proposal for Thai Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR)[icann.org]

15 December 2016

Call for volunteers to join Cross-Community Working Group tasked to develop a proposal(s) for the mechanism that should be developed in order to allocate the New gTLD Auction Proceeds[icann.org]

13 December 2016

ICANN Implements Standardized Framework for Release of Two-Character Labels[icann.org]

13 December 2016

WEBINAR: WHOIS Accuracy Reporting System December 2016 Report[icann.org]

12 December 2016

ICANN Publishes Report on Syntax and Operability Accuracy of WHOIS Data in gTLDs[icann.org]

12 December 2016

Request for Proposal: Real-Time Transcription Services[icann.org]

12 December 2016

Nomination Period Opens For ICANN Multistakeholder Ethos Award | Award Targeted for ICANN59 | Nominations Close 20 March 2017[icann.org]

12 December 2016




Upcoming Events


11-16 March 2017: 58th International Public ICANN Meeting – Copenhagen[meetings.icann.org]


ICANN Bylaws[icann.org]

Our bylaws are very important to us. They capture our mission of security, stability and accessibility, and compel the organization to be open and transparent. Learn more at www.ICANN.org[icann.org].

Strategic Plan, 2016 - 2020[icann.org]

ICANN FY17 Operating Plan and Budget[icann.org]

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