This workspace has been made available for community members to post suggested topics for the Public Forum during the Beijing Meeting. The deadline for comments is 22-February-2013 at 23:59 UTC.

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  1. Despite my wishes, I can not be in person in Beijing, so I suggest a topic that is very important: strategic planning. This topic is very necessary most remote participation. I do not see the application or statement of planning methodologies

    1. I am not sure whether this is a suitable subject for the Public Forum –because subjects in this forum are generally subjects which would be directed at the Board.

      Strategic Planning appears to be more suited to Staff & Board Strategy Committee.

      So I suggest the following sessions:

      There is a Staff-led cross-community Strategy Working Group currently in operation. However, it looks as though there are no sessions currently planned for the Working Group in Beijing. (sad)

      I think that this is the sort of question better asked of the Staff who are in charge of this. For regional Strategy, the Regional VPs are of course the people to speak to & also Denise Michel who is in charge of shepherding the ICANN Strategy process


      1. Thanks Olivier. I will.


  2. Ideas for Effective Outreach..

    1. This is something to ask of the Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) initiatives.

      There is a session for this:

  3. Suitable topics for the Public Forum, which are Broad enough:


    1. The struggle between Implementation versus Policy
    2. Top Down Working Groups versus Bottom-up GNSO Policy Development