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22 February 2011 ALAC Liaison to the ccNSO, Report to ALAC Meeting:

Link to ccNSO web site
Recent outputs from ccNSO Council and WG Meetings

February 2011 ccNSO Council Call meeting notes have been posted and can now be found here:

The Next Meeting of the ccNSO Council will be held on March 1st.

As foreshadowed in my Jan Report the ccNSO has now called for 4 Volunteers to join the Study Group on the Use of Names for Countries and Territories.

This study group was established at the Cartagena meeting in response to the note of the chair of this working group that some of the issues that are raised are considered outside the scope of the PDP ( for example how to deal with meaningful representations of country or territory names that do NOT contain a non-ASCII character or are NOT in an designated language). The purpose of this workin group is to provide the ccNSO Council, ccTLD community and other interested stakeholders, including the GAC and GNSO Council, an overview of the scope and issues associated with the use of Country and Territory names as TLD strings and the scope and impact of alternative action paths on IDN ccTLD and new gTLD processes.

The Study Group's goal is to provide the ccNSO Council, ccTLD community and other interested stakeholders, including the GAC and GNSO Council, an overview of the scope and issues associated with the use of Country and Territory names as TLD strings and the scope and impact of alternative action paths on IDN ccTLD and new gTLD processes.

The statement of purpose for the study group can be found at

This matter is on the Feb 22nd ALAC Agenda. <link to outcomes will be inserted here later>

During February the ccNSO

  • Welcomed Moldova (.md) and Bulgaria (.bg) as Members # 110 and 111.
  • on Feb 16th called for nominations for a Council Member Representative for the AP Region to replace Chris Disspain who is resigning from his position on the ccNSO Council on the 18 March 2011, as he moves to the ICANN Board in June. This process is planned to be completed by March 16th.

The last two reports will be provided to the ICANN Board for their consideration at their meeting in San Francisco.

Following ICANN Board consideration, changes and actions will be implemented
by ICANN Staff.

The ccNSO WG => ccnso-idnpdpwg1 which has been quite for a short time has reconvened and will meet on Feb 24th and in SFO on March 17th

On Jan 25th the ccNSO’s DRD WG’s Fourth Progress Report has just been posted. The announcement and report can be found at: This progress report was an update of the Third Progress Report and contained issues identified and recommendations of the DRD WG regarding re-delegations without the consent of the incumbent operator. The public comment period on the full report closed on 31 January.nThe Final Report from the WG was received by the ccNSO Council on February 14th and will be discussed at the March 1st meeting.

End February ccNSO Activity Summary as posted to ccNSO Council list and ccNSO web space updates on March 1st 2011=>

<copy from list email text>
ccNSO Activity Summary February 2011

ccNSO Activity Summary
February 2011

San Francisco Meeting Information

ccNSO Meeting Page:

ccNSO General Meeting Schedule, including Room & Time information:

ccNSO Draft Meeting Agenda:

Summary of presentations that will be given:

Pre-registered ccNSO Meeting Participants:*%40L%26V0%20%20%0A

ICANN General Meeting Page:

ICANN General Meeting Schedule:

Pre-registered ICANN Meeting Participants:*%40L%26V0%20%20%0A


Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during February 2011 are available at:

Delegation and Re-delegation Working Group Final Report 17 February 2011:

Notes Programme Working Group Telephone Conference 17 February 2011: <http://

Notes Strategic and Operational Planning Working Group Telephone Conference 16 February 2011:

Transcript Joint IDN ccNSO/GNSO Working Group Telephone Conference 15 February 2011:

Notes IDN ccPDP Working Group 2 Telephone Conference 10 February 2011:

ccNSO Council

Call for Nominations to the Council for the Asia-Pacific Region 16 February 2011:

ccNSO Council comments on Final Report and Recommendations of Accountability and Transparency Review Team:

ccNSO Council Minutes Telephone Conference 25 January 2011:

Call for Volunteers

(CLOSED on 14 February 2011) Call for volunteers to Study Group on Use of Names for Countries and Territories:

New Members

.MD and .BG Join as Newest Members of the ccNSO:

ccNSO Resources

New Section on Cybercrime and Security:

ICANN Board/GAC Consultations on New gTLDs

GAC releases scorecard on new gTLD outstanding issues:

ICANN Briefing Papers on 12 New gTLD related topics identified by the GAC:

Webpage ICANN Board-GAC consultation in Brussels:

Update information ICANN Board/GAC consultation on New gTLDs:

Information on physical attendance ICANN Board/GAC meeting on New gTLDs:

Various Announcements

Request for Comments on IANA Functions by US Department of Commerce/NTIA:

ICANN meeting June 2011 to be held in Singapore:

Revised ICANN meeting sponsorship programme 2011:

Tentative meeting dates for ICANN meetings 2014 – 2016:

Updated ICANN Strategic Plan 2011-2014:

Security, Stability & Resiliency of the DNS Review Team seeks input on set of issues:

Analysis of the IDN ccTLD Fast Track First Annual Review:

Draft proposal for IDN Variant Issues Project:

ccNSO Travel Funding Open for Singapore Applications:

Update from ICANN’s Policy Department February 2011:

ICANN Framework for Operating Plan & Budget for FY 2012:

Amman ICANN meeting cancelled:

ICANN Global Policy Proposal for the Allocation of IPv4 by IANA Post Exhaustion:

Pre-San Francisco ICANN Policy Update Webinar Invitation:

Status report on the DNS in Egypt:

Open ccNSO Related Public Comment Periods

(OPEN until 31 March 2011) Request for Comments on IANA Functions by US Department of Commerce/NTIA:

(OPEN until 8 March 2011) Tentative meeting dates for ICANN meetings 2014 – 2016:

(OPEN until 15 March 2011) Delegation and Re-delegation Working Group Final Report 17 February 2011:

(OPEN until 4 April 2011) ICANN Framework for Operating Plan & Budget for FY 2012:

(OPEN until 6 April 2011) Draft proposal for IDN Variant Issues Project:

(OPEN until 6 April 2011) Security, Stability & Resiliency of the DNS Review Team seeks input on set of issues:


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