00:23:03    Jonathan Zuck:    One small step for the ICANN community, one giant leap for humankind...
00:24:03    Israel Agordor:    How can I be a member of this community?
00:24:18    Olivier Crepin-Leblond:    LEOs have been around for a long time - unsuccessfully
00:25:59    judith hellerstein:    Reacted to "One small step for t…" with 
00:26:35    Israel Agordor:    Yes
00:26:54    judith hellerstein:    Replying to "LEOs have been aroun…"
Yes and I have a couple of coffee mugs from several dead Leo’s
00:27:23    Marita Moll:    Love that he did that, but gives me chills about one person having that kind of power
00:28:58    Israel Agordor:    Thanks
00:31:14    Jonathan Zuck:    space garbage as well!
00:31:18    Roberto Gaetano:    I thought that Leo, Meo and Geo were Donald Duck’s three nephews…
00:31:34    Laura Margolis:    Reacted to "I thought that Leo, ..." with 
00:31:48    Sébastien Bachollet:    Reacted to "I thought that Leo, ..." with 
00:35:41    Israel Agordor:    Join from Ghana. Nice meeting everyone here
00:36:04    judith hellerstein:    Reacted to "I thought that Leo, …" with 
00:38:11    judith hellerstein:    Love these space lasers
00:38:16    Glenn McKnight, VSIG and NASIG:    Any update on restrictions on Starlink in the Ukraine recently?
00:38:42    Glenn McKnight, VSIG and NASIG:    @Judith its that what Marjorie Green observed?
00:38:49    Sivasubramanian Muthusamy:    Dan,  does the Inter-satellite technology stretch to include switching on air to make it unnecessary to go through ground stations at all ?  <Q>
00:39:31    Joanna Kulesza:    ISOC: “Perspectives on LEO Satellites”  , https://www.internetsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Perspectives-on-LEO-Satellites.pdf
00:39:37    Oksana Prykhodko:    And what about gov permission in occupied territories?
00:39:41    Nabeel Yasin - Member of APRALO:    <Question> What is the RTP (Round Trip) for the Ping using the LEO Satellite ?</Question >
00:40:55    Peter Micek:    Is there any push towards standardization of the ground stations and related hardware?
00:41:16    Peter Micek:    In the US, Tesla has a separate charging system and others are working together and standardizing, for example
00:41:47    Glenn McKnight, VSIG and NASIG:    Also worth looking at recordings done by Don Means
00:41:49    Glenn McKnight, VSIG and NASIG:    https://www.youtube.com/@librariesinresponse1379
00:42:52    Jane Coffin:    @Peter Micek I had that same question
00:43:00    Glenn McKnight, VSIG and NASIG:    Recording
00:43:02    Glenn McKnight, VSIG and NASIG:    Recording https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9UwpQqDaps
00:43:14    Peter Micek:    Reacted to "Yes and I have a cou..." with 
00:43:31    Olivier Crepin-Leblond:    The 5 year lifespan is a major problem wrt return on investment
00:43:39    Faheem Soomro:    What is the primary motivation behind developing the interplanetary internet, despite the fact that it quite expensive considering internet over land ?
00:43:55    Olivier Crepin-Leblond:    are we moving towards que Constellation of Junk?
00:44:04    Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org:    When submitting a question or comment that you want me to read out loud on the mic,  please start with a <QUESTION> and end with a “</QUESTION>” or <COMMENT> </COMMENT>. Text outside these quotes will be considered as part of “chat” and will not be read out loud on the microphone.
00:44:19    Joanna Kulesza:    Housekeeping note: we want to keep this session as interactive as possible. Do feel free to put your questions into the chat, they are being recorded and will be shared with your speakers after their interventions. Also, we've reserved 30 mins for a discussion and we welcome your feedback.
00:44:44    Ali Hussain:    Reacted to "Also worth looking a..." with 
00:45:14    Faheem Soomro:    <QUESTION> </What is the primary motivation behind developing the interplanetary internet, despite the fact that it quite expensive considering internet over land ?>
00:45:54    Mouloud Khelif:    It’s going to get really crowded, we need use AI to safely manage all these ecosystems
00:46:00    Olivier Crepin-Leblond:    In today's world where Carbon Neutrality is becoming so important, has anyone calculated the carbon footprint for this endeavour? No wonder the SpaceX CEO is looking to escape to Mars :-)
00:46:07    Faheem Soomro:    Replying to "<QUESTION> </What is…"
Please do confirm if this is the correct format to ask a question?
00:46:24    Joanna Kulesza:    Reacted to "Please do confirm if..." with 
00:47:02    Roberto Gaetano:    …and for military intelligence
00:47:52    Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org:    When submitting a question or comment that you want me to read out loud on the mic,  please start with a <QUESTION> and end with a “</QUESTION>” or <COMMENT> </COMMENT>. Text outside these quotes will be considered as part of “chat” and will not be read out loud on the microphone.
00:48:01    Glenn McKnight, VSIG and NASIG:    The Far North in Canada can only be economically served for Internet Access via Satellite due to small numbers and distances. Challenge for Canadian government to fullfill the promise of equal access to the Internet for all
00:48:18    Dan York:    Reacted to "Also worth looking a..." with 
00:48:36    Waqar Ahmad:    Reacted to "The Far North in Can..." with 
00:48:53    Dan York:    Reacted to "The Far North in Can..." with 
00:49:22    denise hochaum:    Reacted to "The Far North in Can..." with 
00:51:18    Dan York:    Replying to "Dan,  does the Inter..."

The Inter-satellite technology does allow connectivity for some distance, but eventually you do need to connect to a ground station somewhere to get to the rest of the Internet.
00:54:13    Dan York:    Replying to "Dan,  does the Inter..."

Having said that, there are people working to enable caching technology (ex. Content distribution networks (CDNs)) within the space-based Internet. So you could have CDN caches in satellites… and so connections from users could go up to the constellation, and then be answered by a CDN cache. So the signal would never need to go back down to the ground.  This technology is not there YET, as far as I’m aware, but people are working on that.
00:54:42    Dan York:    Replying to "And what about gov p..."

This is a good question.
00:54:49    Waqar Ahmad:    Reacted to "Having said that, th..." with 
00:54:54    Peter Micek:    Reacted to "And what about gov p..." with 
00:55:36    Joanna Kulesza:    Replying to "And what about gov p..."

Berna might have an answer for you there, your Q is noted Oksana, thank you. We'll be sure to get back to this.
00:57:06    Glenn McKnight, VSIG and NASIG:    IEEE Spectrum has a few sessions on 5G and 6G in early October
00:57:10    Dan York:    Replying to "<Question> What is t..."

The round-trip time on Starlink (latency) has generally been measured as having a median between 50-75 ms.  Ookla, the people behind Speedtest . net, has been tracking the upload and download speeds and latency.
00:57:41    Glenn McKnight, VSIG and NASIG:    Here is the link for registration  https://www.keysight.com/us/en/events/keysight-world/innovate.html?cmpid=ASC-2111343&utm_source=ADSC&utm_medium=ASC&utm_campaign=303
00:57:59    Nabeel Yasin - Member of APRALO:    Reacted to "The round-trip time ..." with 
00:58:36    Dan York:    Replying to "Is there any push to..."

At this time, each of the constellations seem to be pursuing their own path with their own separate ground station design.
00:58:54    Oksana Prykhodko:    Could you please the link to this document? (ICANN responce)
00:59:03    Dan York:    Replying to "In the US, Tesla has..."

Yes, although that seems to be mostly everyone else is now moving to adopt Tesla’s standard.
00:59:04    Peter Micek:    Reacted to "At this time, each o..." with 
00:59:11    Sivasubramanian Muthusamy:    <question> Are the satellites by Spacex, OneWeb, Amazon and China interoperable to theoretically be a connected constellation of satellites? Isn't this a terribly important area for ISOC and ICANN to work on and bring together the major players to avoid overlaps and to optimize the reach of their own networks?  Also, if one of the unresolved areas pertain to the absence of sustainable business models, wouldn't it be in the true remit of ISOC and ICANN to help create and enable a sustainable business model that would have inbuild components of collaboration and interoperability, given ISOC's expertise in promoting peering ? </question>
00:59:19    Faheem Soomro:    <Question> “</the launch and operation of satellites for interplanetary communication can contribute to space debris and pollution in earth’s orbit. This debris poses a risk to operational satellites, spacecraft, and ISS, how we are looking into it?>”
00:59:25    Joanna Kulesza:    A link to the CTO report Berna mentions: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/octo-004-23jan20-en.pdf
00:59:34    Dan York:    Replying to "Also worth looking a..."

Yes, Don’s Gigabit Library Network (GLN) has been doing outstanding work here.
00:59:55    Oksana Prykhodko:    @Joanna Kulesza Thank you very much!
01:00:05    Dan York:    Reacted to "The 5 year lifespan ..." with ➕
01:01:01    Olivier Crepin-Leblond:    Several questions relating to costs and to latency of satellite networks are answered on: https://www.satelliteinternet.com/providers/starlink/
01:01:02    Waqar Ahmad:    Reacted to "Here is the link for..." with 
01:01:45    Dan York:    Replying to "are we moving toward..."

There is a *VERY LARGE* amount of attention being focused on the whole space debris issues, and all of the vendors / operators are involved. But yes, there’s a large potential for problems if we don’t collectively get this right.
01:02:22    Waqar Ahmad:    What are the key regulations and standards that govern satellite spectrum allocation and use?
01:02:24    Peter Micek:    Replying to "are we moving toward..." 

 Don't forget about the ground junk as well. Dishes, ground stations, etc
01:02:28    Glenn McKnight, VSIG and NASIG:    FYI    the Canadian Broadband conference is in Kelowna soon
01:02:29    Glenn McKnight, VSIG and NASIG:    https://crrbc.ca/
01:02:47    Waqar Ahmad:    Thank you Glenn
01:03:02    Waqar Ahmad:    Reacted to "FYI    the Canadian ..." with 
01:03:25    Nabeel Yasin - Member of APRALO:    Replying to "<Question> What is t..." 

 Thank you Dan , I think with this delay (50 - 75 ms) it will not be suitable for some IoT applications such as V2V and V2X .
01:03:38    Glenn McKnight, VSIG and NASIG:    Don't forget Waqar on Oct 4th the  Canadian IGF will be held in Montreal and remote
01:03:43    Roberto Gaetano:    Replying to "are we moving toward..."

Ground junk can physically be disposed properly - although it is a good question whether this is done in practice - but debris in orbit…
01:04:26    Roberto Gaetano:    Replying to "<Question> What is t..."

this is where DTN (Delay Tolerant Networks) get a role
01:04:46    Harold Arcos:    Hello Gisella,, hope you are doing well,, I just dial out to Adigo but my call is just down to lack of plan-money,,  I called to https://www.adigo.com/icann/  but now the system taked all my mobile plan letting me wihout plan and without call by ES...    Are there any other way to connect by ES? please help me to know,, thnx in advance,,
01:05:28    Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org:    Replying to "Hello Gisella,, hope..."

Hola Harold - only via Adigo for ES.
01:05:30    Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org:    @Harold - we will dial out to you now :)
01:05:31    Dan York:    Replying to "<QUESTION> </What is..."

To be precise, I call all this happening in LEO to be “space-based Internet” or “broadband from space” … versus “interplanetary Internet”, which I view as extending the Internet to other planets, the moon, etc.

Vint Cerf and a host of others have been involved in the broader interplanetary Internet discussion.
01:05:47    Joanna Kulesza:    https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/focusgroups/net2030/Documents/White_Paper.pdf
01:05:52    Sivasubramanian Muthusamy:    Wouldn't equipment costs and initial fee and also the subscription costs come down significantly
01:06:15    Dan York:    Replying to "<QUESTION> </What is..."

As far as your question… I think the answer is that the LEO operators believe there is a sufficiently large amount of people who will pay for ubiquitous Internet access everywhere.
01:06:22    Waqar Ahmad:    Reacted to "Don't forget Waqar o..." with 
01:06:35    Nabeel Yasin - Member of APRALO:    Reacted to "this is where DTN (D..." with 
01:06:54    Peter Micek:    What we've learned about internet shutdowns and net neutrality must be applied to this new sector. Where and how do we assert these norms and policy interventions?
01:07:00    Glenn McKnight, VSIG and NASIG:    @all is the pre  ICANN or  ICANN meeting having a session on the Global Digital Compact,  do we have any links to any work by ICANN on this?
01:07:11    Faheem Soomro:    Reacted to "As far as your quest…" with 
01:07:16    Faheem Soomro:    Reacted to "To be precise, I cal…" with 
01:07:23    Dan York:    Replying to "In today's world whe..."

I’ve NOT yet seen large research into this area. There have been a couple of papers. I haven’t looked in the last 6 months or so, though, so there may be more research.
01:07:42    Harold Arcos:    thn
01:08:09    Dan York:    Replying to "<question> Are the s..."

I’ll answer this live if we have time.
01:08:21    Sivasubramanian Muthusamy:    Dan, we need to borrow the technology from the moonraker villain to swallow up dysfunctional and junk satellites in orbit :)
01:08:43    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Excellent presentation
01:08:53    Waqar Ahmad:    well explained
01:08:55    Faheem Soomro:    Replying to "<QUESTION> </What is…"
Thank you Dan, I am sure together we can make impossible possible, the best is yet to come
01:09:43    Jane Coffin:    <QUESTION><ITU only regulates the global harmonization, yes, and not at the national level where countries assign and allocate and authorize and license?>
01:09:50    Sivasubramanian Muthusamy:    Thanks Dan. Will wait.
01:10:16    Silvia Vivanco:    UN work on Space debris UN Office of outer space affairs : https://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/topics/space-debris/index.html
01:10:42    Berna Akcali Gur:    Replying to "And what about gov p..."

This is a good question. I suspect that there will be different system when compared to authorisation of other communication infrastructure.
01:10:53    Roberto Gaetano:    Replying to "What we've learned a..."

there is a big question about whether the experience from the internet governance discussions on the “traditional” Internet can be used for these new developments
01:11:10    Dan York:    Replying to "<Question> What is t..."

@Nabeel Yasin - Member of APRALO - most VoIP/video systems can work up to around  150ms, so they can generally work over LEOs
01:11:35    Nabeel Yasin - Member of APRALO:    Reacted to "@Nabeel Yasin - Memb..." with 
01:11:39    Jane Coffin:    <QUESTION><From a random regulatory/policy perspective - Did any issues arise in your research related to cross-border connectivity?  There are issues in some countries vis-a-vis international gateways and “allowing” cross-border connectivity.  LEOs might just negate this issues, no.  As you could virtually cross-borders w/LEOs?>
01:11:59    Oksana Prykhodko:    Reacted to "This is a good que..." with 
01:13:08    Dan York:    Replying to "<Question> What is t..."

@Roberto Gaetano - DTN so far is not used much in LEOs because it’s not needed. DTN is primarily targeted more at the interplanetary connectivity when we are going out to the Moon and Mars.
01:13:30    Berna Akcali Gur:    Replying to "What are the key reg..."

Please see: https://www.cyber.uni.lodz.pl/leos
01:14:09    Berna Akcali Gur:    Replying to "What are the key reg..."

Our report has a detailed explanation
01:16:24    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Of course Dan's point in interoperability is why we need to be globally far more proactive as end user advocates on this topic...
01:16:47    Jane Coffin:    +1 Dan to IXPs in space
01:16:55    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Reacted to +1 Dan to IXPs in sp... with "
01:16:59    Glenn McKnight, VSIG and NASIG:    I think this session is interesting but we are shirting the connection of this topic to Internet Governance given the geopolitical issues.  I think Wolfgang would have valuable imput on this
01:17:14    Waqar Ahmad:    Reacted to "I think this session..." with 
01:17:18    Dr. Vladimer Svanadze:    Reacted to "I think this session…" with 
01:17:39    Dan York:    Reacted to "Of course Dan's poin..." with 
01:17:44    Nabeel Yasin - Member of APRALO:    Reacted to "I think this session..." with 
01:17:52    Faheem Soomro:    Reacted to "I think this session…" with 
01:17:55    Nabeel Yasin - Member of APRALO:    Thank you very mush Dan and everyone for this great session.
01:18:07    Harold Arcos:    add 
01:18:27    Dan York:    Replying to "Of course Dan's poin..."

- Hi, Cheryl! Are you coming in over a LEO connection today?
01:18:37    Roberto Gaetano:    @Dan York GSM was conceived and built in a moment in history where there was a push towards collaboration and sharing, at least in Europe, notwithstanding economical reasons. I don’t see this coming in the 2020’s and beyond, so the DIY (do it yourself) model might prevail
01:18:49    Monika Ermert:    Question: Starlink has partnered with Telekom US and will allow using Starlink connectivity seamlessly in areas without mobile coverage. Does that integration not make interop a bigger issue for Starlink?
01:18:50    Joanna Kulesza:    Reacted to "Of course Dan's poin..." with 
01:18:56    Wolfgang Kleinwaechter:    What incentives would be needed to promote interoperability?
01:19:09    Faheem Soomro:    In today’s session, time is flying , highly productive along with great company 
01:20:25    Nabeel Yasin - Member of APRALO:    I think neither China nor Russia will allow western LEO Satellite over thier territories.
01:21:19    Oksana Prykhodko:    Very provocative question - what is the punishment for violating such regulations? Not by company, but by the country?
01:21:47    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Replying to "What incentives woul..." 

 We also need to work...
01:22:01    Glenn McKnight, VSIG and NASIG:    @nabeel   you are right, more evidence of Internet Fragmentation
01:22:14    Nabeel Yasin - Member of APRALO:    Reacted to "@nabeel   you are ri..." with 
01:22:57    Oksana Prykhodko:    Reacted to "I think neither Ch..." with 
01:23:23    Roberto Gaetano:    Replying to "I think neither Chin..."

I wonder how they can avoid that - are they going to shoot them down when they pass over their territory?
01:23:46    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Replying to "What incentives woul..." 

 And that also links ...
01:24:12    Oksana Prykhodko:    Reacted to "I wonder how they ..." with 
01:24:38    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Replying to "What incentives woul..." 

 Connecting to device...
01:24:42    Dr. Vladimer Svanadze:    The Internet has become increasingly broad and gives rise to geopolitical issues….. In this context it is interesting to note that Internet fragmentation is a real threat to the unity of the Internet……
01:25:00    Monika Ermert:    Just what Dan pointed to...
01:25:01    Nabeel Yasin - Member of APRALO:    @Dan York, This is great news to have LEO to mobile internet access , not using any dish.
01:27:58    Marita Moll:    We are clearly in the "wild west" phase of the deployment of this technology. The same mistakes are repeated -- but on an extraterrestrial level.
01:28:04    Roberto Gaetano:    FYI, although as @Dan York has pointed out Interplanetary Network is different from LEO, there has been a session at EuroDIG 2023 that could be interesting, see https://eurodigwiki.org/wiki/Governance_Model_for_the_Inter-Planetary_Network_–_Flash_01_2023
01:28:05    Marita Moll:    Scarry
01:28:27    Wolfgang Kleinwaechter:    Thx. I have to leave. Good session. See you in Kyodo/Hamburg
01:28:32    Joanna Kulesza:    Reacted to "FYI, although as @Da..." with 
01:28:53    Joanna Kulesza:    Reacted to "We are clearly in th..." with 
01:28:54    Jane Coffin:    @Dan York Excellent point about fiber potentially pushing the biz models on LEOs.  The LEO race in 1997-2004ish was outpaced by Mobile - all those investment dollars left the LEOs for mobile systems…
01:28:55    Dan York:    Reacted to "We are clearly in th..." with 
01:29:02    Nabeel Yasin - Member of APRALO:    Reacted to "FYI, although as @Da..." with 
01:29:03    Roberto Gaetano:    and the IPNSIG is planning a session in October about lessons learned in IG that can be applied to Internet in space
01:29:10    Dan York:    Reacted to "@Dan York Excellent ..." with 
01:29:35    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Very much looking forward to that one Roberto
01:29:43    Joanna Kulesza:    we'll follow up on this session also in Kyoto, please save the date: https://www.intgovforum.org/en/content/igf-2023-ws-307-data-governance-in-broadband-satellite-services
01:29:43    Silvia Vivanco:    Space Law treaties and principles : https://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/spacelaw/treaties.html
01:29:57    Jane Coffin:    Reacted to "Space Law treaties a..." with 
01:30:28    Nabeel Yasin - Member of APRALO:    Reacted to "I wonder how they ca..." with 
01:30:36    Roberto Gaetano:    Reacted to "we'll follow up on t..." with 
01:30:49    denise hochaum:    Reacted to "we'll follow up on t..." with 
01:31:25    Monika Ermert:    On IXPs in space, i asked Decix on that recently, and they said the registered a domain for it, but it was still rather a fun thing
01:31:45    Joanna Kulesza:    Berna and I have a legal database for you https://www.cyber.uni.lodz.pl/leos-database
01:32:27    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Something to *avoid* at all cost is the debris issue again End User  voice and yes Public Interest  comes into play (I hope)
01:32:34    Jane Coffin:    Thank you Joanna!
01:32:39    Jane Coffin:    Reacted to "Berna and I have a l..." with 
01:32:39    Joanna Kulesza:    Reacted to "Something to *avoid*..." with 
01:33:10    Silvia Vivanco:    UN Space debris mitigation guidelines: https://www.unoosa.org/res/oosadoc/data/documents/2010/stspace/stspace49_0_html/st_space_49E.pdf
01:33:34    Faheem Soomro:    Reacted to "Something to *avoid*…" with 
01:33:49    Faheem Soomro:    Reacted to "UN Space debris miti…" with 
01:34:03    Jane Coffin:    Took the US 10 years and 16 Bill $ to move assets out of bands for mobile....
01:34:15    Roberto Gaetano:    Reacted to "Something to *avoid*..." with 
01:36:32    Joanna Kulesza:    That's where our ALSes come in;) we can work on building that consensus across communities, MSM compliant
01:36:46    Nabeel Yasin - Member of APRALO:    <question > Why do you think inmarsat and iridium the old sattalite communications providers are not playing any role in thie LEO internet access business? </question >
01:37:26    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Replying to "That's where our ALS..." 

 I hope so Joanna
01:37:28    Joanna Kulesza:    Europe does have a plan: https://www.euspa.europa.eu/newsroom/news/new-iris%C2%B2-constellation-will-be-beneficial-eu-citizens-several-ways-find-out-5-them
01:38:15    Dan York:    Replying to "That's where our ALS..."

We (Internet Society) are definitely willing to help here!
01:38:33    Dan York:    Replying to "<question > Why do y..."

Glad to answer this live
01:38:40    Joanna Kulesza:    Reacted to "Glad to answer this ..." with 
01:38:45    Nabeel Yasin - Member of APRALO:    Reacted to "Glad to answer this ..." with 
01:38:59    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Reacted to We (Internet Society... with "
01:39:33    Sivasubramanian Muthusamy:    Dan, the peering experiments that you mentioned, is the exchange point ground based or on air?
01:39:41    Jane Coffin:    @Joanna Kulesza If we want to note the legal DB - what citation should we use so that you and Berna are accurately noted in a study.
01:40:42    Joanna Kulesza:    @Jane Coffin thank you for asking - it is attached to our report: https://www.cyber.uni.lodz.pl/fileadmin/LODZ_CYBER_HUB/OUTPUT_1_full_report.pdf
01:40:53    Jane Coffin:    Replying to "@Jane Coffin thank y..."

Excellent.  Thank you.
01:41:16    Dr. Vladimer Svanadze:    Reacted to "@Jane Coffin thank y…" with 
01:42:13    Nabeel Yasin - Member of APRALO:    Thank you Dan 
01:42:25    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    I personally think the multiple orbit options may/should prevail IF we get onto some of these issues early enough and are SMART
01:43:26    Dan York:    Replying to "Dan, the peering exp..."

Everything I’m aware of right now is theoretical. But the idea would be that the IXP would be *in space*.
01:43:28    avri doria:    Great talks. Thanks.
01:43:48    Roberto Gaetano:    Replying to "I personally think t..."

for sure it might need more complex protocols, but I agree, it should pay off in time
01:44:02    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Joanna this can *nor* be a topic that drops... Yes I'm biased here I freely admit...
01:44:25    Joanna Kulesza:    Makes two of us, CLO, and we're in good company
01:44:37    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Reacted to Makes two of us, CLO... with ""
01:44:57    Betty Fausta:    thnak you Roberto
01:45:06    avri doria:    that is why IP is still the best layer to have at the waist!
01:45:38    Pari Esfandiari:    Thanks DAN and Berna  for an excellent session.  Special thanks go to Joanna for suggesting and organizing, and moderating  this session.
01:45:57    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Thank You all!!!!
01:46:02    Jane Coffin:    Thank you!
01:46:07    Monika Ermert:    Thanks for this!
01:46:11    Faheem Soomro:    Thank You everyone for this productive session
01:46:12    Heidi Ullrich, Org:    Many thanks or a fascinating session.
01:46:13    Roberto Gaetano:    Thank you all for a great conversation
01:46:14    Charles Baduya:    Thanks everyone for the insight.
01:46:17    Nabeel Yasin - Member of APRALO:    Thank you all for this great session
01:46:20    Dr. Vladimer Svanadze:    Thanks to you all, have a nice weekend!
01:46:24    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Reacted to Many thanks or a fas... with ""
01:46:28    Dan York:    Come talk to us at IGF in the session there!
01:46:30    Michel TCHONANG LINZE:    Thank for this great meeting
01:46:35    Betty Fausta:    Thank you!
01:46:36    Marita Moll:    Definitely a fascinating session. Thanks so much
01:46:42    Waqar Ahmad:    Thanks Everyone. Great Session
01:46:53    Dan York:    Also… check out the IPNSIG info - https://www.ipnsig.org/ - about *interplanetary Internet*
01:46:55    Michel TCHONANG LINZE:    Congrat Team
01:47:15    Nabeel Yasin - Member of APRALO:    Reacted to "Also… check out the ..." with 
01:47:18    Jonathan Zuck:    Thanks to everyone!
01:47:19    Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org:    Thank you to everyone for joining this session! Excellent presentations. Have a great weekend.
01:47:20    Roberto Gaetano:    +1 @seb
01:47:32    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Reacted to +1 @seb with "
01:47:44    Alfredo Calderon:    Thank you, Job well done!
01:47:45    Joanna Kulesza:    and in Kyoto https://www.intgovforum.org/en/content/igf-2023-ws-307-data-governance-in-broadband-satellite-services
01:47:49    Joanna Kulesza:    thanks all!
01:47:53    Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org:    Wednesday 25 October from 07:00-08:00 UTC (09:00 - 10:00 CEST)
01:47:56    Roberto Gaetano:    Reacted to "Also… check out the ..." with 
01:47:57    Oksana Prykhodko:    Thank you  very much!
01:47:57    Joanna Kulesza:    Reacted to "Wednesday 25 October..." with 
01:47:58    Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org:    See you then!
01:48:09    Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org:    More details will be circulated via email for the F2F session
01:48:15    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Bye Bye then
01:48:17    denise hochaum:    Great speckers
01:48:21    Samwel Kariuki:    Thanks

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