News Alert

IDN ccTLD Request from Greece Successfully Passes String Evaluation
4 May 2015

ICANN is pleased to announce the successful evaluation of the proposed IDN ccTLD string for Greece.

Details of the successful evaluation are provided here:

The Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) ccTLD Fast Track Process was approved by the ICANN Board at its annual meeting in Seoul, South Korea on 30 October 2009. First requests were received starting 16 November 2009. The process enables countries and territories to submit requests to ICANN for IDN ccTLDs, representing their respective country or territory names in scripts other than Latin. IDN ccTLD requesters must fulfill a number of requirements:

the script used to represent the IDN ccTLDs must be non-Latin;
the languages used to express the IDN ccTLDs must be official in the corresponding country or territory; and
a specific set of technical requirements must be met.
The request and evaluation processes entail three steps:

Preparation (by the requester in the country / territory): Community consensus is built for which IDN ccTLD to apply for, how it is run, and which organization will be running it, along with preparing and gathering all the required supporting documentation. Requests are submitted through an online system together with additional material supporting the process at
String Evaluation: Requests are evaluated in accordance with the technical and linguistic requirements for the IDN ccTLD string(s) criteria described above.
String Delegation: Requests successfully meeting string evaluation criteria are eligible to apply for delegation following the same ICANN IANA process as is used for ASCII based ccTLDs. Requesters submit string delegation requests to IANA root zone management:
With this announcement, requests from a total of 37 countries/territories have successfully passed through the String Evaluation stage. Of these, 29 countries/territories (represented by 39 IDN ccTLDs) are delegated in the DNS root zone, with the remainder either readying to apply, or actively applying for delegation of the string. Up-to-date information about the IDN Fast Track Program will continue to be provided on the Fast Track Process web page at

ICANN looks forward to enabling the availability of non-Latin country-code domains for countries that meet the Fast Track Process requirements. ICANN will continue to accept new string evaluation requests in the Fast Track Process. Staff support is available to help all countries and territories interested in participating in the Fast Track Process. Please email for any inquiries for participation.

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