17:40:37 From Yesim Nazlar : Welcome to ICANN67 Planning Committee Call taking place on Wednesday, 04 December 2019 at 15:00 UTC.
17:41:01 From Yesim Nazlar : Agenda: https://community.icann.org/x/DgFhBw
18:00:33 From Daniel K. Nanghaka : Hello all
18:01:01 From davekissoondoyal : hi
18:01:33 From Heidi Ullrich : Welcome, All!
18:01:34 From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : hi all!
18:01:35 From davekissoondoyal : hello all
18:03:56 From Filina Natalia : Hello all!
18:12:20 From Jonathan Zuck : https://atlarge.wiki/icann67
18:15:28 From Heidi Ullrich : Should a Talking Points Workspace be created to collect comments?
18:15:55 From Heidi Ullrich : And the RALO leadership talk to them in their RALO monthly calls?
18:17:04 From Barrack Otieno : Katrina also asked some of the issues ALAC wants discussed with the ccNSO
18:17:31 From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : That could be Heidi
18:19:08 From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : I agree with Jonathan if there are important issues we should do it in a closed meeting without the intervention of others

18:19:10 From Barrack Otieno : Closed sessions are tricky
18:19:45 From Barrack Otieno : Even the ccNSO does not really have such
18:20:09 From Barrack Otieno : Its closed in terms of who contributes to the conversation
18:21:29 From Jonathan Zuck : Definitely. Perhaps you can help identify them
18:22:58 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Some people also just tend to complain about being constrained in any way as well
18:23:17 From Jonathan Zuck : agree completely about optics
18:23:21 From Barrack Otieno : Indeed
18:23:37 From Jonathan Zuck : ok
18:24:25 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Oh and JZ re the closed sessions even the GNSO Council when it holds a rare C Meeting often gets push back and these are more often than not cancelled at
18:28:41 From Jonathan Zuck : That’s fine Cheryl. I guess the point is to manage some of the meetings more tightly
18:29:21 From Jonathan Zuck : At-Large is just SO easily infiltrated, both on our calls and our meetings.
18:29:32 From Daniel K. Nanghaka : @Jonathan, How can the meeting be managed more tightly?
18:30:26 From Filina Natalia : May we discuss joint meetings with RIRs and ALSs (special invitation for them) for the discussion of common topics and participation, membership, common ways for Capacity building work etc? We had this plan I remember... Community together - good and interesting for incoming people
18:30:27 From Jonathan Zuck : Well, making sure that only At-Large members have access to a microphone unless invited beforehand
18:30:45 From Jonathan Zuck : it’s more fun that way
18:33:50 From Daniel K. Nanghaka : @Natalia, in Kobe we had a meeting with RIRs and a session of how to engage between RALOs and RIRs and GSE
18:33:59 From Daniel K. Nanghaka : It was very fruitful
18:34:35 From Filina Natalia : Daniel, I know, it is the reason to do it again.-)
18:34:39 From Daniel K. Nanghaka : I think the issue is to house to enhance engagement participation during the meeting
18:34:59 From Jonathan Zuck : Well perhaps we need to control who amongst ourselves we call on as well. A lot of folks go of script in meetings with the board, etc.
18:35:15 From Jonathan Zuck : we never even go to DNS Abuse, our most important topic
18:35:23 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : her audio seems to be poor again
18:35:24 From Daniel K. Nanghaka : Yes, this calls for preparation before the Board meeting
18:35:31 From davekissoondoyal : Cannot hear Maureen properly
18:36:01 From Jonathan Zuck : Even when we HAVE prepared people somehow think what they’v thought of in the moment is more important than our plans
18:36:26 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Oh yes I hear you JZ
18:36:43 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : all part of the joy of working in At-Large
18:38:02 From Jonathan Zuck : I think there should be a meeting devoted to ALS activation
18:38:30 From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : I think it is necessary to have special sections of two important points DNS ABUSE AND UNIVERSAL ACCEPTANCE
18:39:09 From Filina Natalia : +1 Jonathan
18:39:28 From Daniel K. Nanghaka : I agree DNS Abuse and Universal Acceptance
18:39:30 From Jonathan Zuck : Don’t think we need to hear from the ccNSO
18:40:05 From Yrjo Lansipuro : +1 to Jonathan (ALS activation)
18:40:06 From Filina Natalia : actually DAAR and UA yes
18:40:27 From Filina Natalia : DOH.. ?
18:40:33 From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : +1 TO JONATHAN WHIT ALS ACTIVATION
18:40:43 From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : sory for de letter capital
18:40:43 From Jonathan Zuck : I’d like to relaunch the ALS UA project as it became way too abstract. It was meant to serve two purposes
18:43:11 From Daniel K. Nanghaka : I think before the ALS UA is relaunched, the most important is to make an assessment of what went wrong such that same mistakes are not done
18:43:47 From Jonathan Zuck : Old formula at work: Audience+Purpose=Design
18:43:48 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Yes but in our usual Agenda that is not always at all clear
18:44:34 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : we CAN declare the purposes more clearly on the Agendas and schedules as well that mayhelp manage expectations
18:44:54 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : and what you ask of any participants or presenters
18:45:16 From Jonathan Zuck : tru dat
18:45:22 From Daniel K. Nanghaka : I cannot agree with you anymore Cheryl - that is perfectly true
18:47:30 From Jonathan Zuck : We just need to manage that particular meeting better
18:50:01 From Filina Natalia : Yrjo, + your excellent idea to prepare the report/summary about local situations regards dialogs with Government (from each RALO)
18:50:26 From Filina Natalia : yes
18:50:31 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : even labels can help Ä formal meeting of the ALAC and At-Large Leadership to discuss XXXX or decide ZZZZ etc.," can be managed in different ways than "A briefing and interactive session about xxx or yyyy" etc.,
18:50:36 From Daniel K. Nanghaka : I think it would be good to have an At-Large Activity plan. We have ideas come up and we forget other activities
18:50:59 From Jonathan Zuck : Good suggestion Cheryl
18:52:00 From Filina Natalia : Cheryl!!! Genius-)
18:52:36 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : and as being discussed now a "meeting between the ALAC and At-Large Leadership and the GaC (or other entity) Can also be dealt with in a slightly different mode the GAC
18:52:55 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : SSAC like to present slides for example but they are usually less boring
18:53:06 From Jonathan Zuck : PDP3 is probably still the issue
18:55:41 From Daniel K. Nanghaka : +1 Cheryl - when I grow up I want to be like you
18:55:46 From Daniel K. Nanghaka : lol
18:56:49 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : The politics will need to be carefullt handled and may vert well be a place where GAC and even SSAC have an interest in working with us
18:57:10 From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : I'm sorry, I have to leave the meeting, see you later at the CPWG meeting! BYE
18:57:21 From Daniel K. Nanghaka : we tried to make the report as small as possible
18:57:34 From Jonathan Zuck : Definitely need a session on it then
18:58:38 From Jonathan Zuck : Eduardo recommended me for some kind of leadership training before the Cancun meeting. I’ll have to figure out what that is
18:58:48 From Daniel K. Nanghaka : Probably suggestion could be a session on presentation of the recommendations of the ATRT3
18:59:13 From Barrack Otieno : Cyrus Namazi
19:00:48 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : JZ I assume it is the ICANN Academy sessions... excelent
19:01:24 From Jonathan Zuck : ok. Might just be a conflict for me and day zero activities, ec.
19:02:44 From Jonathan Zuck : Gotta jump
19:03:57 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : ATRT3 and I assume SSRT2 will be running day -1 and 0 meetings in parallel with the Academy but there is no real clash (noting the Board orkshops run then as well
19:04:59 From davekissoondoyal : Agree +!
19:05:48 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Thanks
19:05:57 From davekissoondoyal : Thanks and bye to all
19:06:07 From Daniel K. Nanghaka : Bye all
19:06:17 From Filina Natalia : thank you all! bye!
19:06:26 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : bye for now then
19:06:36 From Barrack Otieno : Bye

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