News Alert

ICG Announces Sixteenth Conference Call and Publishes a Statement
12 May 2015

ICG Call #16

The IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) has scheduled its sixteenth conference call:

ICG Call # 16 – Tuesday, 19 May at 21:00-23:00 UTC (time converter here)
The community is welcome to attend by way of a listen-only mode Virtual Meeting Room through which audio of the call will be streamed. Translations will be available through relevant Adigo Bridge dial-in numbers and Conference ID codes.

A list of country dial-in numbers can be found here. Should there be no appropriate dial-in number for an interested participant, the ICG Secretariat in conjunction with ICANN will provide a dial-out service to that individual. Correspondingly, language service Conference ID numbers are listed below:

Français – Conference ID: 75929475
Español – Conference ID: 68385764
中文 – Conference ID: 825702
Pусский – Conference ID: 345720
العربية – Conference ID: 82855066
Livestreaming translations will be available for the first 90 minutes of the call, thereafter, please join the Virtual Meeting Room for the remaining 30 minutes. Livestreaming in Português will be unavailable for this call. A translation of the transcript will be provided after the meeting.

Participants who are interested in an English line but are unable to join by way of the Virtual Meeting Room may request a dial-out service.

ICG Statement on Contract and Other Agreements

On 12 May 2015, the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) published the following statement (see here):

As the development of the proposal for the IANA stewardship transition proceeds, the ICG notes that operational communities have begun discussions with ICANN concerning existing and future contracts and other agreements called for in their respective transition proposals.

The ICG expects — as it has from the very beginning of the transition process — that all interested parties will express their opinions about the transition proposals openly, transparently, and within the community processes. This includes opinions about the provisions, principles, and mechanisms associated with contracts or other agreements between the communities and the IANA functions operator. In order to ensure that any final proposal complies with the principle of multistakeholder support, it is crucial that the opinions of the proposed contracted parties be shared within the community processes as early as possible.

For more information about the ICG and the IANA Stewardship Transition, please visit the NTIA IANA Functions' Stewardship Transition Microsite.

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