08:43:16           From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome to the At-Large Regional Leadership Call

08:55:44          From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : hi everyone!

08:55:48          From Glenn : Hi All

08:58:05          From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : Hi dear friend!

09:01:20          From Glenn : Hi All

09:02:11          From silvia.vivanco : Hello all

09:02:16          From silvia.vivanco : Welcome all

09:02:20          From silvia.vivanco : we are still gathering

09:02:36          From Glenn : At the  Social Media call earlier this week we discuss the  Curated/Rappourter notes of the meetings.  Its an action item for the Marrakesh meeting.

09:02:44          From Glenn : Here is the draft template for the  notes

09:02:45          From Glenn : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r5Xtmmu3Auezgye92V46bWd_eeGRN6-m1YdM07Yc28o/edit#

09:02:51          From Glenn : It will look like this

09:03:54          From Glenn : http://fliphtml5.com/gnel/benq

09:04:15          From Glenn : The curated notes includes pictures and related links. ie presentations etc

09:07:23          From silvia.vivanco : https://community.icann.org/display/CRALO/Action+Items%3A+2019-05-02+At-Large+Regional+Leadership+Call

09:07:34          From silvia.vivanco : Action Items above

09:07:39          From FSylla : Hello everyone

09:08:41          From Heidi Ullrich : Welcome, Fatimata!

09:09:48          From Claudia Ruiz : https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=96213595&preview=/96213595/109479766/FY20%20ABR%20Results%20%26%20Rationale%20per%20Category%2030%20April%202019.docx

09:11:06          From Heidi Ullrich : At-Large: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+FY20+Additional+Budget+Request+Implementation+Workspace

09:12:08          From Glenn : Discretionary funds of  $4K per RALO

09:12:53          From Glenn : A template report would be good

09:13:56          From Glenn : It would be a good idea for  all the RALO to incorporate the plans for discretionary funds in  the annual  CROP O and E plans

09:14:07          From Glenn : Wow that is expensive....

09:14:34          From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : $1,800/hour

09:14:51          From Glenn : ISOC does it much much cheaper

09:15:07          From Glenn : 120 hours....

09:15:11          From Glenn : much better

09:15:17          From Glenn : great

09:15:28          From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : $150/hour (better)

09:15:41          From Glenn : NCUC Policy workshop was approved

09:15:52          From Glenn : $5K

09:16:04          From Claudia Ruiz to Glenn (Privately) : got it! thanks

09:16:16          From Glenn to Claudia Ruiz (Privately) : send me the request via your  gmail

09:16:23          From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : @Glenn” When?

09:16:50          From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : @Glenn: Never mind. It is the NCUC. Didi not see that

09:16:56          From Glenn : NCUC was funded for their second round of funding

09:17:38          From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : @Glenn: Maybe we should use their same wording and see what happens.

09:19:05          From silvia.vivanco : @ Sergio ver este documento: https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=96213595&preview=/96213595/109479766/FY20%20ABR%20Results%20%26%20Rationale%20per%20Category%2030%20April%202019.docx

09:19:14          From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : gracias silvia!

09:20:44          From silvia.vivanco : Pagina 13

09:21:23          From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : This ia the reason that they wrote regarding why the policy writing course was not accepted: With the   pending launch of  a  policy writing course on   ICANN Learn, based substantially on   webinars and training sessions conducted during FY18 and    FY19, the   At Large and    NARALO community is encouraged to  take    the   ICANN Learn course as it  has   been    designed to address the   objective noted in this request of  skills    training in researching and    writing policy comments. As a  result this   request cannot be accommodated in   FY20. The    At Large and    NARALO community is  also    encouraged to   provide feedback on   specific ways in  which the ICANN Learn course can be   improved, including with    a  view toward enhancing the   skills    of the   At   Large community. ICANN Organization’s ICANN Learn team will be   encouraged to  explore the   feasibility of translating the   ICANN Learn course into    French and Spanish, as requested in  this ABR submission

09:24:09          From Heidi Ullrich : RALO Request page: https://community.icann.org/display/CRALO/RALO+Requests+for+Funding+to+support+an+Outreach+Activity

09:24:17          From Claudia Ruiz to Harold Arcos (Privately) : still no luck Harold

09:24:40          From Glenn : Folks  NARALO launched the  NARALO INSIGHTS  Series on  current  policy issues

09:24:44          From Lianna Galstyan : Hi everyone. Sorry for joining late. I'm traveling and just get an access to Internet.

09:24:50          From Glenn : Also launched the  new  IG Blog

09:24:51          From Glenn : https://internetgovernancehub.blog/

09:25:03          From Glenn : This blog is more  generic vs  ICANN  stuff on IG

09:25:43          From Glenn : I think a simple  INFO GRAPHIC would be a good idea on the RALO request process

09:26:23          From Heidi Ullrich : Yes, I agree the form is not user friendly

09:27:06          From Glenn : Why is links not working in chat?

09:27:41          From silvia.vivanco : AI; Staff will prepare a draft form more user friendly form it is noted

09:28:26          From Glenn : Perhaps a google form

09:28:36          From Glenn : hard to hear

09:28:39          From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : Can not hear her

09:28:47          From silvia.vivanco : Yes Glenn perhaps google form would be better

09:28:59          From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : No

09:29:04          From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : too far

09:29:07          From silvia.vivanco : not really

09:29:20          From silvia.vivanco : A bit closer to microphone dear Fatimata

09:29:28          From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : better

09:29:31          From silvia.vivanco : now yes

09:29:37          From Glenn : i can hear

09:32:04          From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : So we are aware.

09:32:44          From Glenn : Is other people having a problem with clicking on the links?

09:32:50          From FSylla : +1@Heidi

09:33:03          From Glenn : heidi is again garbled

09:33:34          From Glenn : Better now

09:34:53          From FSylla : yes, we should definitely promote it

09:36:19          From silvia.vivanco : you can see available funds for the remaining of FY19 in the wiki page: https://community.icann.org/display/CRALO/RALO+Requests+for+Funding+to+support+an+Outreach+Activity

09:39:02          From silvia.vivanco : https://community.icann.org/display/AFRALO/HOT+TOPICS+Implementation+Working+Group+2018

09:39:09          From silvia.vivanco : AFRALO Hot topics above

09:39:29          From Glenn : Funny when i check on the file above is freezing in Mozilla

09:39:56          From silvia.vivanco : NARALO document prepared by Glenn

09:39:59          From silvia.vivanco : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ubBSmh_K6CrLYn52ToR_CKCqcEZh3L0ai9pwszFLKHg/edit?ts=5cdb060f#heading=h.jqmko28woh32

09:40:35          From silvia.vivanco : Please see document prepared by Glenn on screen

09:41:05          From Glenn : Claudia can you show the slide i sent  you

09:41:19          From Glenn : I have a slide that summarizes

09:41:32          From silvia.vivanco : Olivier, Sergio, Heidi and me

09:41:53          From Glenn : I sent the list of  ALAC list of CURRENT TOPICS vs  Hot Topics

09:42:08          From Glenn : The Current topics is the focus of the  NARALO Insights series

09:42:20          From Glenn : Claudia can you show the slide

09:42:52          From silvia.vivanco : thanks Olivier

09:43:06          From silvia.vivanco : We have linked the google doc in the meantime to the Agenda

09:43:08          From Glenn : Naralo Insights

09:43:09          From Glenn : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHeYfhcpf4QQapmbiqkHZEP6BVmq0jVmz

09:43:29          From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : ok thanks Silvia

09:43:53          From Glenn : Again  Claudia can you show the slide i sent you via Skype on CURRENT TOPICS

09:44:45          From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : That is very good. I believe also that those topics from ALAC will be changing going forward

09:45:38          From Heidi Ullrich : @Eduardo, absolutely. It is recognized that the hot topics are dynamic.

09:45:40          From Glenn : I sent it via SKYPE  a few minutes ago

09:45:46          From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : Exactly - 2017 is not 2019

09:46:01          From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : Correct

09:46:05          From Heidi Ullrich : However, there are several that are key policy issues that remain constant.

09:46:38          From Heidi Ullrich : If a RALO wishes to produce videos rather than a document, that is fine

09:46:43          From silvia.vivanco : Your RALO Hot topics comparison is very useful Glenn!

09:46:53          From Heidi Ullrich : The format should be fit for purpose in their region

09:47:05          From Mohamed : @Heidi the video is a good idea

09:47:39          From Heidi Ullrich : But it is to be used for engagement and outreach - to show people what policy activities are key to ALAC and to a RALO - and the potential impact on end users

09:47:41          From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : For example: What about DNS Over HTTP? It may have a direct on ICANN’s remit

09:48:01          From Mohamed : Good point Eduardo on DoH

09:48:07          From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : …have a direct effect…

09:48:21          From silvia.vivanco : thanks for that Glenn

09:48:24          From Heidi Ullrich : @Eduardo/Glenn, you may also wish to reach out to Loris for one or two indigenous issues of importance.

09:49:25          From Glenn : Sounds better now  Heidi

09:49:34          From FSylla : yes

09:49:37          From Glenn : Who is speaking also?

09:49:46          From silvia.vivanco : Kindly mute your lines

09:49:52          From silvia.vivanco : if not speaking

09:49:53          From Glenn : We just want to focus on the current issues

09:49:53          From silvia.vivanco : atm

09:50:09          From silvia.vivanco : Thanks for clarifying Glenn

09:50:20          From Glenn : Welcome  Silvia

09:50:22          From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : @Glenn: +1

09:51:07          From silvia.vivanco : @ Heidi, yes it is very good to include “distinctive/unique /regional “ aspect for each Region

09:52:02          From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : Goal is to help enrich the policy discussion within ICANN.

09:52:22          From silvia.vivanco : Exactly Eduardo!

09:52:56          From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : by providing the perspective from each region if applicable

09:53:17          From Heidi Ullrich : GA - https://community.icann.org/display/CRALO/RALO+General+Assembly+Schedule+-+FY21-FY24

09:54:42          From Mohamed : I am not able to update the page:

09:55:00          From Mohamed : AfRALO - Africa Internet Summit 2021 ( May -June 2021 )

09:55:16          From Mohamed : Location : TBC

09:56:01          From Glenn : We are doing a NASIG Seattle before the  ICANN meeting in Seattle for  NARALO

09:57:19          From Glenn : We don't know if any ICANN meeting will be in North America in 2022 or 2023

09:58:17          From Glenn : https://meetings.icann.org/en/calendar

09:58:23          From Heidi Ullrich : Dates of all GAs: https://community.icann.org/display/CRALO/RALO+General+Assemblies

09:59:46          From Glenn : @Heidi did you want to encourage to spread it to 22 or 23?

09:59:53          From Heidi Ullrich : Yes.

09:59:55          From Heidi Ullrich : and 24

10:00:05          From Glenn : No idea where ICANN sessions will be in 22 23 or 24

10:00:32          From Glenn : It's doable in those years given the US or Canadian locations

10:02:39          From silvia.vivanco : Full schedule GAs  : https://community.icann.org/display/CRALO/RALO+General+Assemblies

10:02:46          From silvia.vivanco : Held so far

10:03:37          From Heidi Ullrich : Possible schedule:

10:03:51          From Heidi Ullrich : LACRALO - March 2021 Cancun

10:04:01          From Heidi Ullrich : EURALO.NARALO - FY22

10:04:07          From Heidi Ullrich : FY23 - AFRALO

10:04:11          From Heidi Ullrich : FY24 - APRALO

10:04:38          From Glenn : If no  ICANN meeting in FY 22 in North America it may not work

10:04:39          From silvia.vivanco : noted as AI

10:05:39          From silvia.vivanco : See Draft posted

10:05:47          From silvia.vivanco : under Agenda item 7

10:06:08          From Glenn : None of the  notes or  Action items are shown in  Zoom

10:06:49          From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : Election started today for all RALOS

10:06:55          From silvia.vivanco : AIs: ACTION ITEMS

-Evin to look into creating a more user friendly draft (MOC draft in google form/wiki or another format ) Discretionary Fund form.

-Heidi to invite Mary to the next meeting to explain ABRs (?)

-Heidi to check with Mary if one extra level of approval for the form is possible and If so the additional approval will be added.

RALO leaders to promote the RALO Discretionary funds availability particularly for FY20

-Next steps for RALOs to provide inputs to John Laprise and Joanna for coordination with ALAC Hot topics work to be presented in Marrakesh

-RALO leaders to review the possible dates and consider shifting to the 23 and 24. Heidi will reach out to meetings team to find out where the meetings in 22, 23 and 24 will be held.

LACRALO - March 2021 Cancun

10:07:21          From silvia.vivanco : Agenda for Marrakesh approved and will be posted

10:07:29          From Glenn : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r5Xtmmu3Auezgye92V46bWd_eeGRN6-m1YdM07Yc28o/edit#

10:08:37          From Harold Arcos : apologies,,,I have to drop off

10:09:12          From Glenn : http://fliphtml5.com/gnel/benq

10:09:27          From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : @Glenn: We should also have informal video interviews with some at-large participants and ask them their takes after participating in the meeting. We should also add a couple of interviews with the groups of students that will be floating around the meeting.

10:11:23          From Glenn : sure can

10:11:59          From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : Motion to adjourn the meeting

10:12:01          From Glenn : I did 93 testimonials in  Mexico City last week

10:12:09          From Glenn : Bye all

10:12:09          From silvia.vivanco : Thank you all !

10:12:10          From FSylla : thank you all

10:12:12          From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : bye!!!!

10:12:16          From FSylla : bye

10:12:23          From Lianna Galstyan : Thanks everyone, bye.

10:12:26          From silvia.vivanco : Next call will be in Marrakesh

10:12:35          From silvia.vivanco : so see you soon !

10:13:26          From Heidi Ullrich : Bye!

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