The main objective of the group in the coming period is to implement the activities and action items included in the report beside conducting capacity building sessions related to the hot topics policy issues.

See: Topics Report 2018 and Rapport 2018 d’AFRALO : sujets brûlants

AFRALO Hot Topics Webinars 2018

New: AFRALO Hot Policy Topics Document

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Next Call: 23 August 2018 - AFRALO Hot Topics Webinar: "Compliance of the Whois Registrants Data with the GDPR"

Previous Call: 24 July 2018

SNMembersHot Topic Interest

Mohamed (Mo) Elbashir (AfRALO Chair)

GDPR, Internet Governance, DNSSEC
3GDPR, Diversity, Internet Governance
4Capacity Building, GDPR, Diversity, Internet governance

Olévié Kouami 

8GDPR, Internet Governance, Capacity Building, Diversity

Aisha Saho


Sarata Omane


Emmanuel Mugabi


Caleb Olumuyiwa

17Ali Hussein
18Brahim Ousmane

Capacity Building, Awareness and outreach to Africa, Internet governance, GDPR and Privacy, ICANN's Accountability and Transparency

20Ines Hfaiedh
21GDPR, Capacity Building, Diversity and Internet governance
25Yusif Amadu
  • No labels


  1. The WG should selects its chair on its first Conference call, the Chair should lead the group activities, coordinate with hot topis issue champions.

    Ensure the group has plan of actions, follow the implementations of the actions and tracking the activities.

    1. I agree - with you. Can we create the implementation plan for the first Hot Topics Plan? Secondly, I think I should be part of this but am not listed. 

      1. This is the list of volunteers, expressed their interested, its seems you missed to that in the last call or on the mailing list/
        I Already asked Staff to arrange for a very conference call for the WG ( old + volunteers ), hopefully next week

        1. Great - looking forward to the call.

      2. Dear Daniel, your name has been added to the membership list.

        Thank you for your interest!

        Kind regards


        1. Thanks Silvia for adding me 

  2. The Action Items from the Hot Topics Working Group of 2017 are as follows:

    1. Promoting DNSSEC Implementation in Africa's TLD registries
      1. Promote DNSSEC and raise awareness among African ALS about the importants of DNSSEC implementation in their ccTLD registries.

      2. Coordinate with ICANN and AfTLD in organizing DNSSEC session for AfRALO ALS

    2. New gTLDs and Geographic names
      1. Conduct a periodic webinars to AFRALO members to get insight into the New gTLDs and Geographic names

    3. Registration Directory Service (RDS) and Whois
      1. Promote RDS - Whois and raise awareness among African ALS about the importance of RDS implementation.
      2. Coordinate with ICANN and GNSO - RDS WG to have a session to explain the relevance of AFRALO participation in the RDS PDP
      3. Request members from AFRALO who are passionate and willing to join the WG to become members to enhance African views and contribute to the Policy recommendations

    4. ICANN's  Accountability and Transparency
      1. Conduct a session on the processes to engage members to understand clearly the Accountability and Transparency Processes
      2. Seek feedback on the current Accountability and Transparent Process
    5. Gender Diversity and Participation at ICANN
      1. Conduct a Gender Diversity Assessment of the engagement of AFRALO Members
      2. Cordinate with ICANN and Regional Leaders ways to enhance engagement from Africa region
    6. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Privacy
      1. Urgently set up a WG in collaboration with the ICANN Stakeholder Engagement Department and the GAC to draft a work plan to address the issues below:
      2. African Region to build capacity and justify their policies in reference to how the GDPR affects the region
      3. examine how the regulations will affect the African organizations and countries
      4. raise awareness on the purpose of the GDPR to mitigate any risks that may result from non-compliance

    7. Internet Governance activities and issues
      1. Have AFRALO represented in Internet Governance Forum at different regional levels
    8. Capacity Building, Awareness and Outreach to Africa ( e.g Access of ICANN materials in African/Other languages other than English )
      1. Coordinate with AFRALO Staff in Africa have ICANN materials in the region translated to more languages including Portuguese, Swahili etc
      2. Distribute ICANN materials to ALSes for capacity building
      3. Set up mechanisms to use local media (community radio, TV, social media on mobile phones) to increase awareness and reach out to communities with very limited internet access
    1. Thanks for sharing the Action Items, from these - that is where the implementation will be done.