Gisella Gruber: (9/22/2015 19:06) Welcome to the ALAC Monthly Teleconference on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 at 19:00 UTC
  Gisella Gruber: (19:06) Draft agenda:
  Murray McKercher NARALO: (19:28) i guess i am early::)
  Gisella Gruber: (19:29) Hi Murray! another 30min to go
  Murray McKercher NARALO: (19:32) ok standing by...
  Murray McKercher NARALO: (19:41) i may have to step away at the start to take a call with joe catapano
  Gisella Gruber: (19:54) Thank you Murray for heads up
  Jimmy Schulz: (19:54) Hi
  Eduardo Diaz: (19:56) ¡Saludos a Todos!
  vanda: (19:57) hi all. probably in a noisy place. arriving at airport  will stay here
  Beran Gillen: (19:57) hello everyone
  Eduardo Diaz: (19:58) Hola
  Allan Skuce: (19:58) Greetings.
  Heidi Ullrich: (19:59) Welcome, all!
  Siranush Vardanyan: (19:59) hello all
  Julie Hammer: (20:01) Good Morning Everyone!
  Eduardo Diaz: (20:01) The baby want to participate.
  vanda: (20:02) hola eduardo!
  Heidi Ullrich: (20:03) Action Items from the last call:
  Alberto Soto: (20:03) Hola a todos, hello all!!!
  vanda: (20:04) hola Alberto
  Alberto Soto: (20:05) Olá Vanda!!
  vanda: (20:05) I am ok with this
  Ariel Liang: (20:06) Policy page:
  Gisella Gruber: (20:09) Fatima Cambronero has joined the call
  Fatima Cambronero: (20:12) hello everyone, sorry for being late
  Gisella Gruber: (20:13) Ron Sherwood has joined the call
  Ron Sherwood: (20:14) Good afternoon all, please excuse the late arrival
  Glenn McKnight: (20:15) joined now by Adobe.  Dropping  Adigo
  vanda: (20:15) at 7. statement armenian
  Gisella Gruber: (20:16) Sincere apologies for that!
  Tijani BEN JEMAA: (20:20) Sorry, I didn't understand what Cheryl proposed (audio quality)
  Tijani BEN JEMAA: (20:20) Alan if u can summarise?
  Ariel Liang: (20:21) Preliminary Issue Report on New gTLD Sebsequent Procedures:
  Ariel Liang: (20:21) Auction Proceeds:
  Gisella Gruber: (20:22) Roosevelt King has joined the Adobe Connect
  Jimmy Schulz: (20:25) Thats me
  Heidi Ullrich: (20:26) :)
  Heidi Ullrich: (20:26) the ALS would be based in EURALO
  Beran Gillen: (20:26) i want to say something
  Beran Gillen: (20:26) but i cant talk
  Beran Gillen: (20:26) baby noises so i will just say something in the chat
  Beran Gillen: (20:27) the new meeting strategy working party was working to get their final  proposal to the ALAC in time for today's meeting but due to a clash in meeting times we could not meet on time
  Leon Sanchez: (20:27) @Beran let the new generation be heard :P
  Glenn McKnight: (20:27) yes
  Murray McKercher NARALO: (20:27)
  Beran Gillen: (20:27) I wanted the ALAC to know that we will be meeting by the end of next week and submit a final proposal to the ALAC before Dublin fo Review
  Beran Gillen: (20:28) I just want to know whether the ALAC will review on the list or ???
  Beran Gillen: (20:28) or is it to be tabled in Dublin
  Beran Gillen: (20:29) @Leon.... laughs.... trust me we wont be able to meet if she is heard
  Gisella Gruber: (20:30) Amal Al-Saqqaf has joined the Adobe Connect
  Beran Gillen: (20:30) Welcome Amal
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (20:30) Updates were posted for the work done by the Outreach and Engagement SC : ; regional Outreach strategies from AFRALO ; EURALO ; LACRALO have been sent to the relevant regional GSE for their review and approval before Sept 30
  Murray McKercher NARALO: (20:31) Anyone interested in the history of .mobi  please feel free to check out
  judith hellerstein: (20:32) Welcome Amal!! So good to see  you here
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (20:32) Also Technology Taskforce WG report at points to the work being done on LACRALO mailing list issues and the call with LACNIC to discsus their PDP process
  Beran Gillen: (20:32) will do our best something out to you before Dublin
  Beran Gillen: (20:32) will do our best TO
  Amal Al-saqqaf: (20:32) Thanks! making it with difficulty through my phone
  Beran Gillen: (20:33) get something out to you before Dublin
  Heidi Ullrich: (20:33) There will be a public meeting on  the New Meeting Strategies on Thursday, 22 October. It is hoped that the plans for Meeting B for all AC/SOs will be completed/approved by then - or shortly thereafter.
  Beran Gillen: (20:33) @Heidi that sounds great
  Heidi Ullrich: (20:33) There will be a webinar on the new meeting strategy on 23rd September...tomorrow...
  Ariel Liang: (20:35) webinar on auction proceeds:
  Ariel Liang: (20:37) upcoming capacity building webinars:
  Ariel Liang: (20:37) no.8 - no.12
  Glenn McKnight: (20:39) The  event with Joe will lbe at CIRA  on Oct 5th
  Glenn McKnight: (20:40) @murray  please call me about the Toronto event with Joe
  Glenn McKnight: (20:40) @Murray you should  review the events  for GSE and Civil society
  Gisella Gruber: (20:41) Aziz Hilali has joined the Adobe COnnect
  Murray McKercher NARALO: (20:41) @Glenn Still in the planning process but dates are early November of Early December will connect later with detail
  Leon Sanchez: (20:42) My call dropped
  judith hellerstein: (20:43) @amal. Stay safe in Yemen.  If you need some one to call you, staff can do that
  vanda: (20:44) problem is with the new person vote, normally will not be aware about the performance of the actual canddate. at same time we can define each liaison each two years may be open to competition without
  Julie Hammer: (20:44) Please note that Tijani's suggestion is not feasible in the case of SSAC Liaison due to SSAC Rules of Procedure and Confidentiality.
  vanda: (20:44) prohibite the current person to participating on the sleection process.
  vanda: (20:45) the above is just continuation of previous comment, just the connection fails
  judith hellerstein: (20:45) @vanda seems like a good idea
  Glenn McKnight: (20:46) hard to hear
  vanda: (20:46) I have no chance to talk , lots of noise in the airport , if you agree Julie, just opent floor with this point.
  Beran Gillen: (20:46) i like the shadow concept but must have missed how it works? Tijani or Cheryl please clarify? thanks
  vanda: (20:51) @alan I agree totally with this approach. my suggestion was to open one vacancy each two year, rotating the position.
  Glenn McKnight: (20:52) Selection process should  heavily  favour the quallified vs the popular
  vanda: (20:52) agree Glenn. person will be respond for ALAC
  Glenn McKnight: (20:53) yes,  accountiability to ALAC  is  a requirement
  Holly Raiche: (20:54) The best way to have new faces for liasons is the 'shadow' process so that the individual knows the area - and is known and trusted by the area concerned
  Fatima Cambronero: (20:55) does the shadows have support to participate in the meetings?
  Beran Gillen: (20:56) I do understand where Garth is coming from.... the need for fresh blood
  Fatima Cambronero: (20:56) *do
  judith hellerstein: (20:56) Hi Sebasteinm I do not think you are wrong
  Beran Gillen: (20:57) so perhaps we could follow through with the shadow process for the positions other than SSAC
  Beran Gillen: (20:57) thats of course if there are volunteers
  judith hellerstein: (20:57) He was questioning the process and the lack of it.  It is a trnasparency issue. At least that is what I thought
  judith hellerstein: (20:58) I did not suggest it as an entry level position
  Julie Hammer: (20:58) I am quite comfortable with the process being opened up as Sebastien suggests.
  judith hellerstein: (20:59) I was just saying we could use somethng like a shadow position that was suggested
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (21:00) If someone is really willing to be a liasion to a AC/SO, perhaps they will need to shadow the discusssions well beforehand, reading/listening to the public archives of such AC/SO calls, ask questions/submit comments on the AC/SO policies being discussed , that way, build the knowledge and capacity needed to perform the liasion function  in the future
  Holly Raiche: (21:01) The process did involve Alan asking us all about the liaisons - so there was transparency.  In the end, though, we do want people with experience who accept and are accepted by the relevant  area - which is why shadows are a good idea
  Glenn McKnight: (21:01) I support
  Fatima Cambronero: (21:01) what was the question?
  Beran Gillen: (21:01) so can we further discuss shadows?
  Fatima Cambronero: (21:01) no because I didn't receive the question
  Fatima Cambronero: (21:01) I am in favor
  Beran Gillen: (21:02) can we look at the possibilities or perhaps whoever is interested in being a shadow to contact you Alan?
  Beran Gillen: (21:02) excluding SSAC of course
  vanda: (21:02) confirming. I vote in favor
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (21:04) please say the names to the record .
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (21:04) usually it i better to list the  names
  Gisella Gruber: (21:05) Nkem Nweke has joined the call
  Heidi Ullrich: (21:07) Leon "Magic" Sanchez ;)
  Alan Greenberg: (21:08) Olivier, I have to step away for a few minutes. Can you please take over the Chair?
  vanda: (21:09) @leon  we all hope for this...
  Leah Symekher: (21:10) Excusing myself from the meeting now due to time conflict
  Leon Sanchez: (21:12) Agree Tijani
  Heidi Ullrich: (21:12) Hi All, A follow up on the New Meeting Strategy Webinar noted earlier. It will be announced this next Monday.
  Heidi Ullrich: (21:13) There will be no webinar on the New Meeting Strategy by Meeting Staff tomorrow.
  Alan Greenberg: (21:13) Back
  Beran Gillen: (21:14) @heidi so its moved to next monday?
  Beran Gillen: (21:15) @heidi ignore my question just seeing your second post
  Beran Gillen: (21:17) Leon MAGIC Sanchez will make it happen
  Beran Gillen: (21:17) :-)
  Leon Sanchez: (21:19) Abracadabra!
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (21:20) paralysing the organisation
  Heidi Ullrich: (21:22) Saturday session:
  vanda: (21:26) ok I will arrive on Friday
  Heidi Ullrich: (21:26) plus Liaisons for the Saturday Strategy and Working Sessions
  Heidi Ullrich: (21:26) and for teh Development session on Friday, 23rd.
  Heidi Ullrich: (21:27) PLEASE let staff know immediately if your Welcome Email or approved itinerary is not for the correct arrival and departure dates
  Fatima Cambronero: (21:27) @Heidi, should I participate in that meeting on Friday or not?
  Glenn McKnight: (21:28) Also  we are getting invites to meetings on Friday by Suzie for  incoming  Chairs
  vanda: (21:28) I will be whole 23th , my flight will depart only at night
  Glenn McKnight: (21:30) Do we have  a hotel  yet?
  Alberto Soto: (21:30) The RALOS Chairs Have Meeting with the CEO of ICANN On Friday, with arrival on Thursday
  Leon Sanchez: (21:31) I don't think so Glenn, Haven't received Hotel confirmation still
  judith hellerstein: (21:31) I have not booked travel since still waiting to hear if I will be going to the leadership training
  judith hellerstein: (21:32) Heidi is cutting out or is that just me
  vanda: (21:32) just you Judith
  Beran Gillen: (21:32) @judith i can hear heidi fine
  Leon Sanchez: (21:32) I listen to Heidi all right
  Beran Gillen: (21:32) and am usually the one with internet
  judith hellerstein: (21:33) She is fine for 95% of the time but then cuts out for 5%
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (21:34) hearing Heidi ok
  Eduardo Diaz: (21:34) Is teher a Gala event this time?
  Glenn McKnight: (21:34) @Judith  and  we finalize the  NARALO  meeting agenda  for Dublin
  judith hellerstein: (21:35) Yes. there is a gala
  Heidi Ullrich: (21:40) The Gala is on Monday. The EURALO Networking Event will be on  Wednesday evening.
  vanda: (21:41) looks a great agenda...
  Heidi Ullrich: (21:42) Thanks. We have more time this time. However, very long days!
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (21:42) Perhaps some of the ATLAS II recommendations can be reported to the Board
  Glenn McKnight: (21:42) good idea  Dev
  Fatima Cambronero: (21:43) agree @Dev
  Heidi Ullrich: (21:43) Welcome to Laura Bengford from ICANN's Community Engagement Team.
  Heidi Ullrich: (21:45) We will arranging formal photos for all incoming and continuing ALAC, Liaisons and RALO Leaders in Dublin so that we can use them on the new website. Gisella will be arranging this.
  Alberto Soto: (21:46) @Alan, when there will be defined on item 7 of the agenda?
  Heidi Ullrich: (21:46) Welcome Jeff Salem from the Community Engagement Team.
  Glenn McKnight: (21:46) Is the  new  website  tested on Mobile  ie. HTML 5
  Heidi Ullrich: (21:46) Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the new website!
  Jeff Salem: (21:46) Glenn - we're still in development, but yes, we are designing for both tablet and mobile
  Beran Gillen: (21:48) echoes
  Maureen Hilyard: (21:49) Looking great Ariel
  vanda: (21:49) much better !! great work....
  Laura Bengford: (21:49) The page is designed with future possibilities in mind.
  Amal Al-saqqaf: (21:50) looks great and well-organized
  Glenn McKnight: (21:50) We can test it with ACHECKER  after its launched
  Leon Sanchez: (21:51) Looks awesome!
  Laura Bengford: (21:52) Accessibility will be in mind and Glenn we are waiting for IT to provide the public facing environment to check our Achecker grade!
  judith hellerstein: (21:52) Good to hear
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (21:52) Site looks very good ; the challenge is where the boundary of where the website updating versus the wiki updating begins
  Laura Bengford: (21:53) We will have issues and work with Simply Accessible but keeping it in mind from the beginning is good.
  Julie Hammer: (21:53) Thanks so much, Ariel!
  vanda: (21:53) anyway greta job Ariel!!!! and laura, Glenn atc...
  judith hellerstein: (21:53) See you all in Dublin
  Allan Skuce: (21:53) Bye.
  Jeff Salem: (21:53) Thanks everyone!
  Laura Bengford: (21:54) Thank you everyone to the time on the agenda.  dropping now..
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (21:54) bye all
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (21:54) bye all
  Siranush Vardanyan: (21:54) bye all
  Jimmy Schulz: (21:54) bye
  Fatima Cambronero: (21:54) thanks @Alan and interpreters!
  Ariel Liang: (22:23) Thank you all!
  Maureen Hilyard: (22:23) Thanks all
  Gisella Gruber: (22:23) Thank you all
  Julie Hammer: (22:23) Bye!
  Beran Gillen: (22:23) thank you all bye
  Fatima Cambronero: (22:23) thanks eveyone
  Fatima Cambronero: (22:23) bye
  Jimmy Schulz: (22:23) thx and bye
  Heidi Ullrich: (22:23) Bye!

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