October 2010

EURALO's monthly conference call agenda was set-up to follow-up on the main items decided at the General Assembly in September, namely:

But a more pressing subject was first Review mechanism for ALS involvement in the upcoming At-Large Board Director selection.

This subject ended up taking all of the time of the entire conference call since it became immediately apparent that it was the most important issue to be addressed immediately. With the meeting seriously over-running its allocated time, it was decided that a letter be written to Cheryl Langdon-Orr, the ALAC Chair, to summarize the concerns which EURALO has with the current election schedule.

Our concerns were namely that since EURALO wished to poll its members during the election process of an At Large Elected Board Director, the proposed timing was likely to be rushed and might not allow such a EURALO process (possible candidate petition, poll, and then possibly several rounds of election polling) to take place satisfactorily. EURALO recognises that ALSes, our volunteers, need time to make decisions if they need to consult their membership, and the current election process was seen to be slightly short to allow for the leeway required in such processes. Only if enough time is given to EURALO members can EURALO's Chair vote in the election process with full conviction that he has the support of ALSes - as a matter of credibility to our members.

The letter was written and sent to the EURALO discussion list for collecting feedback. It was then amended according to the feedback received, and sent by email to Cheryl Langdon-Orr, ALAC and a copy to the At-Large Board Selection design team (ABSdt). A response was awaited at the time of writing this monthly report.

EURALO Position on Community WG Report on Implementation of GNSO New gTLD Rec6

Whilst there was no time in the monthly EURALO conference call to treat this subject, several EURALO volunteers took part in an At Large conference call, where their input was taken into account. As a reminder, the At Large position was to support the GNSO New gTLD Rec6 report.

September 2010

 A EURALO General Assembly took place at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Vilnius, Lithuania, on Wednesday 15 September 2010 from 18:00 - 20:00 local time. It was attended in person by representatives from 10 ALSes, and remotely by representative from two ALSes.
 ICANN Staff attended the meeting remotely.

 The GA took place immediately after a EURODIG meeting and therefore had the pleasure of the presence of several guests, including some from potential EURALO ALS applicants: Yuliya Morenets (Together Against Cybercrime, France), Oksana Prykhodko (European Media Platform, Ukraine) and Tetiana Popova (Ukrainian Internet Association). Many other guests were present too.

 Remote participation was possible by using the Webex System used throughout the IGF. Whilst it is acknowledged that technical intricacies made remote participation challenging (the interfacing of a face to face meeting with public address microphone system, with Webex, as well as an Adigo line is technically challenging), especially due to the fact that the room's acoustics were far from adequate, eventually most technical problems were overcome.

 The following action items stemmed out of the meeting:

   - ICANN Budget

 EURALO will submit a proposal to the ICANN budget process to ask for travel funding for the next EURALO meeting which will be held in conjunction with the ICANN European meeting.

A note will be added to the EURALO budget, that printing material costs should be covered by ICANN.

  - Review of EURALO By-laws and needs for revision

There have recently been many enquires to members of the EURALO Board about individuals being able to join EURALO. So far, individual members do not hold voting rights, but have taken part in working groups and on the Board, on a case by case basis. A solution is sought so as to be able to grow the EURALO region membership.
 Evan Leibovitch very kindly gave a short remote presentation explaining the NARALO rules pertaining to unaffiliated members. We have named this "Option A".
 Another option is option B:

 OPTION A: Formally create a new membership category for unaffiliated members
 OPTION B: Create a new ALS within the current structure that serves as the home to unaffiliated members

The EURALO leadership will submit a proposal in writing for possible Bylaw changes to the regional members. In addition, The proposed changes will include provisions to include unaffiliated members and also review the term limits for Board members. They will also look into a possible alignment of all EURALO elections. These discussions will soon be opened within EURALO, with an outcome and decisions due to take place at the ICANN Cartagena Meeting in December 2010.

  - EURALO ALAC Election

 Sandra Hoferichter was unanimously endorsed by the EURALO members present in the meeting. Congratulations to Sandra!

 - EURALO Board Elections

 Yjrö Länsipuro was unanimously elected to the EURALO Board by the members of EURALO. Congratulations to Yjrö!

  - At Large elected Board Director Process

 In accordance with Article VI, Section 4 of the ICANN Bylaws http://www.icann.org/en/general/bylaws.htm#VI , Sébastien Bachollet asked to be replaced in all the discussion and actions taking place in the ALAC in relation to the At-Large Board Director election. Olivier Crépin-Leblond volunteered to replace Sébastien in all the discussion and actions taking place in the ALAC in relation to the At-Large Board Director election.

August 2010


Outreach Activities

July 2010

-The transition caused no monthly report to be filed in that period and the current report also catches up on news for June 2010.

March 2010

Discussed ALAC issues:

Outreach activities:

March 2010

EURALO Report Nairobi

Since the ICANN meeting in Seoul EURALO conducted its regular monthly phone conferences (November 09 – February 10) with participation of its ALAC and some Board members. At the end of January EURALO participated at the ICANN Studienkreis meeting in Barcelona. Our ALAC members were actively involved in the development of the ALAC Board member selection process.
At the beginning of the year, EURALO defined priorities for its 2010 planning and outreach activities such as: Participation at the 3rd EuroDIG in Madrid (April), regional consultation for the ALAC Board member selection process, preparation of our next GA at ICANN’s next meeting in Brussels (June), participation at the next IGF in Latvia (September). We hope that these priorities will be supported and necessary budget allocations provided by ICANN.

February 2010

Discussed ALAC issues:

Outreach activities:

December 2009

Discussed ALAC issues:

EURALO issues:

Outreach activities:

November 2009