IMPORTANT: The process for posting nominations is as follows: 1) Nominations, including self-nominations must be made directly to their RALO’s mailing list; followed by 2) Nominations must be posted to the 2019 ALAC and RALO Elections, Selections and Appointments Workspace or by sending a note to At-Large staff

Positions Open for selections in 2019

Position Role Previously Held ByNomineeNominated By Date AcceptedResults Term to Serve

ALAC Member


Maureen Hilyard

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Maureen HilyardHolly Raiche 


Maureen Hilyard by acclamation 

2019 AGM to 2021 AGM
ALAC Member (NomCom)

Kaili Kan

(Appointed by the NomCom

Eligible for re-selection)

2019 AGM to 2021 AGM
APRALO Vice-Chair

Lianna Galstyan

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Lianna GalstyanAmrita Choudhury


Lianna Galstyan2019 AGM to 2021 AGM
Aris IgnacioShreedeep Rayamajhi


APRALO Selection Timetable for 2019 ALAC Members: 

The following extract of APRALO Rules of Procedure are relevant to this process:

Section D: Selections, Elections and Appointments

28. General Provisions

28.1 According to the ICANN by-laws, the APRALO appointments, and selections should be made wherever possible by Consensus, but failing that, elections can always be used and the methodology for such is outlined in these RoP.

28.2 Elections and selections can take place by electronic mail, online ballot, written ballot, or any other convenient and accurate means that are deemed to provide appropriate degree of confidentiality.

29 Procedures for the Selection of Leaders and the APRALO Leadership Team

29.1 Ordinary Leadership selections

29.1.1 Ordinary selections of the APRALO Chair and Vice Chair(s) shall be held so as to have the new selections prior to the start of the end of June each year. The selection should preferably be completed at least three weeks prior to the start of the June/July ICANN Meeting to facilitate travel arrangements IF the selectee is expected to attend that ICANN Meeting. They are expected however to attend the ICANN Meeting were the ICANN AGM is held and where they will effectively 'take their seats' for the roles that are appointed to.

Participation in APRALO and ALAC meetings and activities.
Knowledge of ICANN's structure and functions, including knowledge of its SO/ACs.
Willingness to spend the time that is expected of NomCom members (noting that there are weekly calls of over 2 hours each week)
Ability to retain confidential information
Good analytical skills. Human resources background is considered useful.

Self-nominations are welcome. Self-nominations are deemed to also act as formal acceptance of 'nomination'.

ALAC Voting Delegates to the NomCom for 2019-2020

The ICANN Bylaws require that the ALAC, in consultation with the RALOs, appoints five voting members of the NomCom, one per ICANN region. Voting members of the NomCom are appointed for a one year term, starting at the close of the 2019 Annual General Meeting and ending at the 2020 Annual General Meeting, and may be re-appointed for a further term of one year subject to the requirement under the ICANN Bylaws

Voting delegate to the NomCom may not serve more than two consecutive terms.

Criteria for NomCom Delegates

The NomCom is responsible for selecting members of the ICANN Board, ALAC, ccNSO and GNSO. This is a very important function and all candidates should meet important criteria.

RALOs may recommend one or more candidates to the ALAC. The appointment if NomCom delegates is done by the ALAC and RALO recommendations are not binding.

Selection Schedule for 2019 ALAC Delegates to the NomCom (One year term: 2019 AGM - 2020 AGM*)

To be determined.


  1. All nominees are expected to submit a brief statement explaining why they believe they are a suitable candidate and must also complete or update their Statement of Interest (see: At-Large New SOIs Workspace).
  2. No one who is currently serving on the Nominating Committee may be nominated for the ALAC. See
Role Previously Held ByNominee

Nominated by /

Supported By

Date AcceptedNominee's Statement

Regional Candidate(s) Recommended to the ALAC

ALAC Appointed Delegates to the NomCom

Nadira Al-Araj
(NOT eligible for re-appointment)
Amrita Choudury

Kaili Kan/

Justine Chew


EOIAmrita Choudury to be recommended to the ALAC by acclamation.


2019 APRALO Individual Membership Representative Page