
Team:  David Taylor, Jonathan Zuck, Laureen Kapin, Drew Bagley, Calvin Browne, Gao Mosweu, Carlton Samuels

Observers:  /

Apologies:  Jamie Hedlund

ICANN Org:   Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Antonietta Mangiacotti, Eleeza Agopian, Brian Aitchison, Brenda Brewer



  • Welcome
  • Discussion on INTA Survey paper: David
  • Final review of DNS Abuse Study paper: Drew
  • Discussion on proposed recommendations revision and consolidations:

- Rec. 12, 15, 33: Gao

  • A.O.B.

Discussion documents: 


Chat Transcript:  EN

Transcript:  EN

Decisions Reached: 

- Subteam has reached provisional consensus.

Action Items:

  • David to provide the newest version including suggested edits discussed on today's call.
  • Jean-Baptiste to share David's latest version paper to the subteam indicating that there was provisional consensus on the call, and invite them for comments by today COB.

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