
Team:  Calvin Browne, Fabro Stiebel, Jonathan Zuck, Drew Bagley, Laureen Kapin, Gaongalelwe Mosweu

Guests: /

Observers:  /

Apologies:  Carlton Samuels, Jamie Hedlund, David Taylor

ICANN Org:   Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Pamela Smith, Brian Aitchison, Antonietta Mangiacotti, Eleeza Agopian



1. Welcome
2. Discussion on updated version of DNS Abuse paper
3. Discussion on proposed recommendations revision and consolidations:
     Rec. 36: Carlos
     Recs 31, 32: Fabro
     Recs: Recs 25,26,27,28,29,30: Laureen:
     Recs 19, 34, 37, 38, 39: Drew
4. A.O.B.

Discussion documents: 


Chat Transcript:  EN

Transcript:  EN

Decisions Reached: 

Action Items:

DNS Abuse Study Paper: 

    •  All to send comments to Drew by Friday this week.
    •  Drew to schedule a call with Jamie to discuss implementability of the second recommendation.
    •  All, when sharing updates to their recs, to only include the concerned recommendation text, not the full draft report. Include to, rationale, details, success 
      measures when revising the recommendations.
  •  Rec 25: All to share comments/edits by Friday this week.
  •  Rec. 31, 32: Fabro to include summary of public comments received on these recommendations, and add a revised version of the rationale.

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