Welcome to the Non-Contracted Parties House 2017 Intersessional Meeting Space
The 2017 Intersessional Meeting of the GNSO's Non Contracted community will be the fourth time that representatives from ALL the non-contracted communities of the Generic Names Supporting Organization have gathered as a group with ICANN Staff outside of a typical ICANN Public Meeting setting. In addition to the in-person attendees in Reykjavik, Iceland on Feb. 14-15, 2017, there will be a few others community members participating remotely by telephone and Adobe Connect.
One of the purposes of this Intersessional meeting of the GNSO Non Contract Party community is to create the opportunity, outside of the pressures and schedule strains of an ICANN Public Meeting to discuss longer-range substantial community issues and to collaborate with Senior ICANN Staff on strategic and operational issues that impact the community. The non-contract community leaders in attendance will be a healthy mix of ICANN veterans and several new participants who will be experiencing their first ICANN community meeting.
For this year, community leader meeting planners agreed to gather in a location to be determined, so that they could engage in a substantive dialogue about ICANN issues among themselves and with senior execs.
Whether you are attending the meeting in person or by remote means, within the pages of this Wiki space, you will find general information about the venue, agenda, and related topics. If you find that something important is missing, please alert one of our GNSO Staff personnel and we will work to locate and publish the information as quickly as possible.
For meeting transcripts, documents, presentations, etc., please consult:
- Intersessional 2017 - Documents
- Intersessional 2017 - Meeting Agenda
- Intersessional 2017 - Pre Meeting Briefing
- Intersessional 2017 - Transcripts & Recordings
- Planning - Intersessional 2017: Call details, recordings, transcripts
- Intersessional 2017 - Remote Participation
Welcome letter by David Olive, Senior VP, Policy Development Support
Welcome to Reykjavik and thank you for making the considerable time commitment to participate in the fourth Intersessional Meeting of the GNSO Non-Contracted Party House!
This two-day (plus) meeting is bringing together over 40 community leaders. It is a healthy mix of veterans and several new participants who will be enjoying their first ICANN meeting experience. I hope you will find it a productive couple of days.
One of the purposes of the meeting is to create the opportunity—outside of the pressures and schedule strains of an ICANN public meeting—to discuss longer-range substantial community issues, build relationships and collaborate with each other on strategic and operational issues that impact your collective communities. I look forward to your active dialogue and a productive exchange of information and ideas.
This “intersessional” meeting concept started as a byproduct of several different meeting requests made by various communities that could not be granted individually and has evolved over time. It builds on successful 2013, 2015 and 2016 efforts and continues to be a learning experience for us all.
With many different meeting expectations and viewpoints, creating a program agenda has been no small task and we appreciate the goodwill and creative contributions made by several planning volunteers (including Tony Holmes, Chris Wilson, Greg Shatan, Farzaneh Badii, Tapani Tarvainen, Klaus Stoll, Wolf-Ulrich Knoben, Lori Schulman, Vicky Sheckler, Kathy Kleiman, Barbara Wanner, Renata Aquino Ribeiro and Ed Morris) to make this gathering a productive experience for all.
I hope you will be able to join the group at one or both of our evening receptions on Monday and Tuesday evenings here at the Hilton Reykjavik Hotel for further conversation and networking with your fellow delegates and guests. We have included invitations for these two events in your welcome package.
I encourage you to take full advantage of the discussions, networking and learning while you are here. Please have a productive meeting and I look forward to seeing you on Monday evening!
David Olive
Senior Vice President,
Policy Development Support
Hilton Reykjavik Nordica
Sudurlandsbraut 2, Reykjavik, Iceland 108
TEL: +354 444-5000
Web: http://www.hiltonreykjavik.com/
For the latest version of the meeting agenda, please consult the meeting wiki space at - Intersessional 2017 - Meeting Agenda
All the joint meeting sessions (that is, all sessions except for individual Constituency meetings that may be scheduled during the agenda "break-out" windows by each group) will have remote participation capability tools (telephone line and Adobe Connect Room). Proceedings will be recorded and transcribed and will be published on this wiki site in the appropriate areas. Individual Constituency meetings will follow the process of their particular community, and meeting minutes, reports or transcripts will be published on their own web and wiki pages as they are typically done.
Remote participation details will be communicated directly to the relevant lists and are published for all sessions except for the break-out sessions for individual Constituencies/Stakeholder Groups.