
TEAM: Laureen Kapin, Carlos Raul Gutierrez, Drew Bagley, Jonathan Zuck,

Calvin Browne, David Taylor, Jamie Hedlund, Fabro Stiebel, Gao Mosweu

OBSERVERS:  Alexander Chilikov (Valideus)


STAFF: Margie Milam, Alice Jansen, Eleeza Agopian, Brian Aitchison,

Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Pamela Smith, Antonietta Mangiacotti



  • Discussion papers on Consumer Trust and Implementation of Safeguards.   
  • Individual reports on the status of discussion papers 
  • Further breakdown of discussion paper topics to individual assignments.    
  • Work to prepare for Hyderabad and end of year Preliminary Draft.
  • AOB

Discussion documents: 


*Please note that the Adobe Connect recording is incomplete due to a software malfunction.

Chat Transcript: EN

Transcript: EN


  • Action Item: All to carefully review E Agopian email of 19 Sept 2016 on Nielsen paper
  • Action Item: Jonathan Zuck to speak with Nielsen and analyze results; will present to team at next meeting
  • Action Item: Look for email update from Laureen, continue working on papers and getting team feedback
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