The ALAC appreciates the opportunity to participate in this Public Comment proceeding and commends the work of the ccNSO Extended Process Similarity Review Panel (EPSRP) Working Group.
The ALAC strongly supports the Working Group’s specified observations on the process around confusing similarity of IDN ccTLDs. Specifically, the ALAC is in agreement with the Working Group’s ‘suggested way forward’, which are as follows:
A clear, consistent set of rules for ‘confusing similarity’ should be in place and applied to both ccTLDs and gTLDs.
In the immediate term, the IDN ccTLD Fast Track process should be amended to take into account the following guiding principles:
- ccTLD policy is a matter for the local internet communities to determine.
- A given IDN ccTLD application represents the free choice of a specific linguistic community that has every right to use its language and script in the DNS space. It is essential that the IDN ccTLD evaluation process should do everything possible to facilitate such requests from local communities.
- Where a finding of potential confusability has been made, rather than rejecting the application, the process should allow the applicant to propose mitigation measures.
- A pragmatic approach should be adopted to the issue of potential user confusion. It may not be possible to eliminate confusion entirely, and much user confusion takes place in context (phishing, URL clicking), rather than because of a TLD.
- Where there is a split recommendation (between upper case and lower case), the finding relating to the lower case shall prevail and the application shall go forward.
The ALAC congratulates the EPSRP Working Group for making significant, positive impact on the overall ICANN policy for the selection of IDN ccTLD strings. The ALAC believes that the proposed guidelines will help promote linguistic diversity, mitigate the risk of user confusion, and preserve and ensure the security, stability, and interoperability of the DNS.
The ALAC appreciates the opportunity to participate in this Public Comment proceeding and commends the work of the ccNSO Extended Process Similarity Review Panel (EPSRP) Working Group.
The ALAC strongly supports the Working Group’s specified observations on the process around confusing similarity of IDN ccTLDs. Specifically, the ALAC is in agreement with the Working Group’s ‘suggested way forward’, which are as follows:
A clear, consistent set of rules for ‘confusing similarity’ should be in place and applied to both ccTLDs and gTLDs.
In the immediate term, the IDN ccTLD Fast Track process should be amended to take into account the following guiding principles:
- ccTLD policy is a matter for the local internet communities to determine.
- A given IDN ccTLD application represents the free choice of a specific linguistic community that has every right to use its language and script in the DNS space. It is essential that the IDN ccTLD evaluation process should do everything possible to facilitate such requests from local communities.
- Where a finding of potential confusability has been made, rather than rejecting the application, the process should allow the applicant to propose mitigation measures.
- A pragmatic approach should be adopted to the issue of potential user confusion. It may not be possible to eliminate confusion entirely, and much user confusion takes place in context (phishing, URL clicking), rather than because of a TLD.
- Where there is a split recommendation (between upper case and lower case), the finding relating to the lower case shall prevail and the application shall go forward.
The ALAC congratulates the EPSRP Working Group for making significant, positive impact on the overall ICANN policy for the selection of IDN ccTLD strings. The ALAC believes that the proposed guidelines will help promote linguistic diversity, mitigate the risk of user confusion, and preserve and ensure the security, stability, and interoperability of the DNS.
1 Comment
Vanda Scartezini
indeed, mitigation measures is the best alrternjtine way to face confusingly similarities in string proposals and shall be consider as a best practices to be followed. applicant can think in an alternative that will be adequate to their previous intention for the use of such string.