
Team: Calvin Browne, Laureen Kapin, Fabro Steibel, Jamie Hedlund, Drew Bagley, David Taylor

Observers: /

Guests: /

Staff: Alice Jansen, Brenda Brewer, Margie Milam, Pamela Smith, Karen Lentz, Eleeza Agopian, Karen Mulberry, Antonietta Mangiacotti, Brian Aitchison

Apologies: Gao Mosweu, Carlton Samuels



     1. Complete Presentations

- Jonathan, Carlton, Gao, Laureen, to present on findings. Further: David had two outstanding articles to complete (pending), Fabro one (done), Carlos and Carlton the SSAC related papers

     2. Final Run Through Findings

 -  agree on a list of useful articles and map out to buckets/topic. 

     3.  Check in re: Impact Safeguards PICs

     4. AOB (including summer schedules)


Discussion documents: 


Chat Transcript:  EN

Transcript:  EN


  • ACTION ITEM - Set up a meeting with ICANN compliance to determine whether we can use data they have already collected to do a comparison
  • ACTION ITEM - Complete your findings on your respective safeguards for Impact of commitments and PICs
  • ACTION ITEM - Staff to send Helsinki sessions of interest
  • ACTION ITEM - Complete findings charts ASAP
  • No labels