
Review Team Members: Carlos Raul Gutierrez, Jordyn Buchanan, Laureen Kapin

Staff: Alice Jansen, Pamela Smith, Eleeza Agopian, Margie Milam

Agenda: Review global consumer survey

Discussion documents: ICANN Global Consumer Survey 


Chat Transcript: EN

Transcript: EN


Q620 (language) - Check spelling for Tagalog; Guadalajara needs a G
Gender -
P. 9, 10 Changes OK
P.11 - Deletions OK
P. 12 - Deletions OK
P. 13 - "trustworthy" -
Q725: Is there a downside to putting questions about trust behavior following this Q? Or possibly randomize between the two places.
Q1110. Add a question on willingness to disclose sensitive health information on 1110. Add PHARMACY to question. (Make it #6) Inputting a list of your drug prescriptions.
Q767: refer to Q865: keep both
P. 18 Q722 - typo "an" v. "and"
P. 19: Q800 - top 15 with most websites v. the top registrations + geographically relevant. Replace photography - loan with new list DD suggested.
P. 20: Q805 match 800 list
Q828 - accept change
P.22: Q827 - change language
P. 24: Q 865 - include "builder"
P. 25: Q910 - decisions was made during LA F2F to drop - "take precautions" v "screening" - add back in, simplify and put immed. after 865 - Scale or binary yes/no -
"How much do you trust that the restrictions on purchasing the new gtld's id'ed above in Q865 will be enforced?"
(track the languag of 865)
Delete Q910
P. 28: Q1050: Jordyn to suggest language.
P. 29: Q1035 Jordyn to suggest changes / Eleeza to solicit input from Nielsen (DD)
Q. 1040 - add question in

(Jordyn Buchanan left discussion at 10:00 a.m.)

P. 30 - Q. 1045 - add drug prescription info like 1110; ask earlier in the survey -
add introduction on trust issues / group for impact - or - randomize for broader impact(CRG)
Q. 1040 1045 - delete
P. 31 - move questions up; add drug prescriptions to 1110
P. 33 Q1111 - delete
P. 34 Q 1120 "Have you ever been affected...."
P. 35 - all good

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