Ariel Liang 2: (10/17/2015 09:36) Hello, my name is Ariel Liang and I
will be monitoring this chat room. In this role, I am the voice for the
remote participants, ensuring that they are heard equally with those who
are ³in-room² participants. When submitting a question that you want me
to read out loud on the mic, please provide your name and affiliation if
you have one, start your sentence with <QUESTION> and end it with
<QUESTION>. When submitting a comment that you want me to read out loud
of the mic, once again provide your name and affiliation if you have one
then start your sentence with a <COMMENT> and end it with <COMMENT>.
Text outside these quotes will be considered as part of ³chat² and will
not be read out loud on the mic.Any questions or comments provided
outside of the session time will not be read aloud.Please note that audio
is may be available in French, Spanish, and Portuguese. All chat sessions
are being archived and follow the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior.
  Allan Skuce: (09:37) Audible barely
  Ariel Liang 2: (09:39) Allan, we haven't started yet. People are not
speaking via microphone right now, so you cannot hear much audio sound
  Allan Skuce: (09:43) Tks.
  Ariel Liang 2: (09:51) no problem
  Allan Skuce: (10:13) Lost audio
  Narine Khachatryan: (10:14) Hello everyone!
  Ozan Sahin: (10:14) Thank you Allan we are now checking the issue
  Ariel Liang 2: (10:15) Hello Narine and welcome all remote participants
  Narine Khachatryan: (10:16) Hello Ariel! I am folowing from Vienna, but
no audio still
  Narine Khachatryan: (10:18) de zhame 2-in entex em linelu
  Ariel Liang 2: (10:18) we are checking with tech re the audio issue
  ICANN RP27 2: (10:22) audio should be restored
  Allan Skuce: (10:22) I hear you now.
  Glenn McKnight: (10:23) Hi Allan
  Jahangir Hossain: (10:23) now audio ok
  Glenn McKnight: (10:23) Pictures from dublin
  Glenn McKnight: (10:23)
  Ariel Liang 2: (10:23) great re audio! thanks for letting us know
  Ariel Liang 2: (10:26) ICANN 54 Meeting Wiki workspace:
  Allan Skuce: (10:27) Audio down again.
  Ariel Liang 2: (10:27) This is the meeting schedule page:
  Ariel Liang 2: (10:28) we are checking the audio
  Allan Skuce: (10:32) Audio back on.
  ICANN RP27 2: (10:33) sorry for the audio issues
  ICANN RP27 2: (10:47) audio should be back and stable :)
  Sébastien: (10:56) Sorry not to be with you as ccwg-accountability is
runing in //
  Ozan Sahin: (10:56)
  Ozan Sahin: (10:58) Thanks Sebastien for following us remotely
  Ozan Sahin: (11:04) This is the information about Gala
  Ozan Sahin: (11:14) Here is EURALO General Assembly Agenda
  Ozan Sahin: (11:29) We are now having a coffee break for 10 minutes
  Glenn McKnight: (11:45) we are back
  Ozan Sahin: (11:45) We are now resuming the session with the topic IANA
Transition and ICANN Accountability
  Glenn McKnight: (11:45) Discussion on NTIA.   As  Olivier  stated  many
people are at another  meetng
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr - ALAC APRegional Member 2: (11:45) audio??
  ICANN RP27: (11:46) We are aware of the issue and working to fix it
  ICANN RP27 2: (11:59) audio should be stable now.
  @AlfredoVelazco: (12:00) thanks a lot, audio is perfect now, regrads
from Ecuador
  Ozan Sahin: (12:01) Thank you for letting us know Alfredo, regards
  Ariel Liang 2: (12:07) we are working on the camera issue
  Ariel Liang: (12:11) camera is back
  Heidi Ullrich: (12:18) RALO General Assemblies:
  ICANN RP27 2: (12:20) sorry for all the audio issues today - should be
back up now
  Glenn McKnight: (12:29) Rinalias  volume is low
  Ozan Sahin: (12:31) Thank you Glenn, we have asked Rinalia to speak
louder, if possible
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (12:40) ATLAS II Recommendation:
  Ozan Sahin: (12:44) This is the end of first part of ALAC Strategy and
Working Session. We are now having a lunch break. ALAC Strategy and
Working Session will resume at 13:30 local time

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