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Form ID#


Trip/Event Assessments should be completed within three (3) weeks of the traveler's return date.

Trip/Event Assessment Form

LINK: NARALO Trip Proposal 5

1) Describe how the original Proposed Goals
and Outcomes were accomplished:

  1. Outreach to Internet Governance  experts and organizations in the US, Canada and PR
    1. Spoke to Fredrick Vega-Lozada, L.L.M. (Inter American University of Puerto Rico) on how from the legal standpoint NARALO can design webinars on legal issues related to Privacy, Liberty of Expression, etc.
    2. Aided by Mr. Pablo Rodriguez we promoted ICANN 57 and how to develop some of the NARALO GA activities.
  2. Recruit new ALS's
    1. Met with Mr. Joshua Lynden Price (ISOC - North Carolina, Chair) on how to become an ALS. Aid will be provided as soon as the chapter forms its' working groups.
  3. Distributed NARALO literature especially to the fellows
    1. Of the over 200 participants, most from LAC, of those from United States and Caribbean, 12 demonstrated interest in the possibility of becoming members. An issue with the geographical distribution of the region's possible countries who may affiliate to NARALO. Some feel the should be affiliated to North America.
  4. Invite them to the ICANN PR  events especially  NARALO
    1. Special interest was demonstrated by audience about ICANN 57 in Puerto Rico. Great enthusiasm was evident and a large participation is expected. In the upcoming weeks various inquiries will be received.
    2. USUARIA (Asociacion Argentina de Usuarios de la informatica y Comunicaciones) showed interest in becoming a sponsor for NARALO's GA in Puerto Rico and a IGF in early 2017.
  5. Some ideas will be presented at ISOCPR Board Meeting to consider for future events as pertaining Girls in ICT Day (


2) Additional information pertaining
to this outreach event (optional):

Some literature in Spanish was distributed among audience interested in learning about ICANN with informal conversations held to cover the opportunities to participate in working groups and the Fellowship Program. It is my perception a great number of applications for NextGen for ICANN 57 can be expected. 

Used Tweeter (#SSIGOAS, SSIGLAC, ISOCPR) and Facebook to share main ideas and engage civil society participating virtually. A summary has been collected at -

Becoming an ALS is an interest but also a concern for many LAC and some North America institutions in cybersecurity as some may be of a somewhat hybrid nature.  Being financed by a bank but also a foundation was a concern in some individuals who approached us. Other participants were interested in how lawyers could get involved in ICANN and ALS work groups.

As a side note: In some instances aided Glenn McKnight with verbal communication with some individuals.

3) Date Completed:05-Apr-2016
Community Confirmation Section

Note: To be completed by a Pilot Program Coordinator (PPC) designated by this organization/structure.

The Trip/Event Assessment information has been gathered and properly entered into this form.YesGlenn McKnight05-Apr-2016Great event. Unfortunate we didn't have any NARALO brochures
The ICANN Organization / Structure's leadership has authorized the submission of this Trip/Event Assessment.YesJudith Hellerstein05-Apr-2016

CROPP Trip/Event Assessment Template v2 (Jun 2015)

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