News Alert

Call for Expressions of Interest to Host ICANN Meetings in Latin America and North America in 2016
23 March 2015
ICANN is actively seeking hosts for its public meetings to be held 27-30 June 2016 in Latin America/Caribbean Islands and 29 Oct - 4 Nov 2016 in North America. Those in the geographic regions are invited to submit expressions of interest for specific locations to hold the events. These recommended venues, along with others in the region that meet the selection criteria, will be considered. The final location for the ICANN Meetings will then be selected through the evaluation of both community-recommended and ICANN-identified locations.

2016 will mark the first year of implementation for the new ICANN Meeting Strategy approved by the Board last November. The new strategy includes a unique format for each meeting throughout the year defined as Meeting A, Meeting B, and Meeting C.

Interested parties are encouraged to review the Meeting Selection Criteria and space requirements for Meeting B [PDF, 124 KB] and Meeting C [PDF, 204 KB], which will be used to guide the evaluation of both community-recommended and ICANN-identified meeting locations. Elements such as cost of the meeting for ICANN and the community, convenience to international airports, availability of sufficient hotel guest rooms in or near the venue, meeting facilities, network infrastructure, personal safety of meeting participants, and total level of financial support will be considered by ICANN in making its final selection of a meeting site.

Those interested in hosting an ICANN Meeting in 2016 are encouraged to submit proposals by 1 May 2015 via the online form, Expression of Interest to Host an ICANN Meeting.

Hosting Opportunities 2016

Event    Dates    Geographic Region    Submission Deadline
ICANN56    27-30 June 2016 (Meeting B [PDF, 124 KB])    Latin America/Caribbean    1 May 2015
ICANN57    29 Oct - 4 Nov 2016 (Meeting C [PDF, 204 KB])    North America

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