News Alert

Request for Proposal for LGR Tool Set
19 March 2015
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN") is seeking a provider to design and develop software for creating, using and managing Label Generation Rulesets (LGRs) based on a new machine readable format based on the formal representation available at

ICANN anticipates a contract to be signed and work to begin no later than May 5th 2015.

ICANN hosts a repository of language and script specific data through its IANA department which is used by registries to generate labels, generally known as IDN tables and now being referred to as Label Generation Rulesets (LGRs). A new machine readable XML-based format is currently being designed to organize and represent the LGR data. This format will also be used for the LGR for the Root Zone, for validating prospective top-level domain (TLD) labels and determining the variants of existing and prospective labels. The Root Zone LGR is currently being developed with the collaboration of various script communities (organized as script based Generation Panels).

ICANN intends to release this software with open source license for community use and also utilize it for internal operations.

For additional information and instructions for submitting responses please click here [ZIP, 994 KB].

Proposals should be submitted to by 23:59 UTC on 5 April 2015.

RFP timeline at a glance:

Activity    Dates
RFP released to participants on    19 March 2015
Participants provide their intent to bid    25 March 2015 by 23:59 UTC
Participants submit any questions to ICANN    25 March 2015 by 23:59 UTC
ICANN responds to participant questions by    31 March 2015
Participant RFP proposals due    5 April 2015 by 23:59 UTC
Preliminary evaluation of responses    Week of April 6th
Target for participant presentations (finalists)    Week of April 13th
Target for Final evaluations and selection of Provider (includes contracting and award to participant)    Weeks of April 20th & 27th
Estimated start of implementation    5 May 2015

  • No labels