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Fellowship Program Brings Global Voices Together at ICANN | Fellows Announced for ICANN 53 in Buenos Aires
6 March 2015
50 fellows from 35 countries have been selected to participate in ICANN's Fellowship program at the 53rd Public Meeting in Buenos Aires, 21-25 June 2015. 22 of the fellows are alumni from at least one of the past 23 programs, 23 are first-time attendees to an ICANN meeting, and 5 have attended meetings in past but are fellows for the first time. The fellows represent all sectors of society including civil, government, academia, business, not-for-profit and user groups. The country code supporting groups are also represented.

Here is the list of selected fellows:

Alagie Ceesay – Gambia – Gov't
Aleksandar Ichokjaev – Macedonia – Academic
Alyne Bezerra – Brazil – End User / At Large
Antonio Alberti – Brazil – Academic
Arsene Tungali Baguma – Democratic Republic of the Congo – Civil Society / At Large
Aubry Pennyman – Bahamas – ccTLD Operations / GAC
Bionda Fonseca-Hoeve – Aruba – Business
Chaitanya Ramachandran – India – End User
Christelle Vaval – Haiti – Civil Society
Coppens Pasteur Ndayirague – Burundi – Gov't
Elsa Saade – Lebanon – Civil Society
Emir Sosa – Belize – Gov't
Etuate Cocker – Tonga – Academic
Fabricio Valmorbida Marçal Pessôa – Brazil – Security
Farzaneh Badiei – Islamic Republic of Iran – Academic
Gabriel Ramokotjo – South Africa – ccTLD Operations / At Large
Hamza Ben Mehrez – Tunisia – Civil Society / GAC
Ian Mitchell – Saint Lucia – Technical
Igor Mkrtumyan – Armenia – Security / ccNSO
Isreal Rosas –Mexico – Gov't
Isaias Mercado – Dominican Republic - Security
Ivy Contreras Avila –Guatemala – ccTLD Operations
Jesus Rivera – Venezuela – Gov't / ccNSO and GAC
Jia He – China – Academic
Joao Carlos Rebello Caribe – Brazil – Civil Society / GNSO
John Forman –Brazil – Business
Jose Eduardo Rojas –Bolivia – Civil Society
Joseph Marc Antoine Ridore – Haiti – Technical
Julian Esteban Lescano Cameriere – Argentina – Business / GNSO
Kirshna Kumar Rajamannar – India – Civil Society
Lacier Dias – Brazil – Technical
Lia Marcia Solis Montano – Bolivia – Technical
Mamadou Lo – Senegal – Business / GNSO
Mauricio Oviedo Calderon – Costa Rica – Technical / GNSO
Miguel Ignacio Estrada – Argentina – Gov't
Nadira Alaraj – State of Palestine – End User
Osama Tamimi – State of Palestine – Technical
Raitme Osvaldo Citterio Alvarado – Venezuela – Civil Society / At Large and GNSO
Rao Naveed Bin Rais – Pakistan – Academic / GNSO
Renata Aquino Ribeiro – Brazil – Academic
Rim Hayat Chaif – Algeria – Civil Society
Shabnam Shafiel – Islamic Republic of Iran – End User
Shakeel Ahmed – Pakistan – ccTLD Operations
Shavkat Sabirov – Kazakhstan – Civil Society
Sorina Teleanu – Romania – Gov't / GAC
Tarik Merghani – Sudan – ccTLD Operations / ccNSO
Tattugul Mambetalieva – Tuvalu – Civil Society
Tenanoia Veronica Simona – Gov't
Victor Fernandes – Brazil – Academic
Walid Al-Saqaf – Yemen – Academic / GNSO
The 344 fellowship applications received for this meeting were assessed by an independent selection committee. Priority is given to applicants who meet minimum program requirements, are current residents of developing and least developed nations in the five ICANN regions, and who are interested in participating in ICANN and its supporting organizations, advisory committees or stakeholder groups.

Click here to find out more about the fellowship program and how to apply:

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