ICANN Weekly Newsletter

News from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

http://www.icann.org/Week ending 1 August 2014


Announcements This Week

Board Extends Term of ICANN President
The ICANN Board has extended by two years the contract of President and Chief Executive Officer Fadi Chehadé. It will now run until 30 June 2017.
1 August 2014

Join Us for a Webinar on the Name Collision Occurrence Management Framework
ICANN will be holding a webinar to provide information regarding the Name Collision Occurrence Management Framework. There will be two sessions to accommodate different time zones.
1 August 2014

ICANN Approves Name Collision Occurrence Management Framework | Special IP Address ( Alerts System Administrators of Potential Issue
ICANN today announced the approval of the Name Collision Occurrence Management Framework by the ICANN Board New gTLD Program Committee (NGPC). The framework implementation requirements were developed with input from many sources including the ICANN community, a report published by JAS Global Advisors LLC, and advice from the Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC).
1 August 2014

ICANN Tells U.S. Court That ccTLDs Are Not "Property" | Files Motion to Quash in U.S. Legal Action Aimed at Seizing Top-Level Domains
Washington, DC… The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has told a U.S. federal court in the District of Columbia, that a country code Top-Level Domain (ccTLD) cannot be considered "property," and thus cannot be attached by plaintiffs in a lawsuit, who are trying to obtain the assets of countries that they argued have supported terrorism.
30 July 2014

ICANN Approves Investment Policy Statement Update for 2014
As part of ICANN's responsibility to perform periodic reviews of the ICANN Investment Policy Statement, a revised policy has been approved by ICANN's Board of Directors implementing a number of minor changes.
30 July 2014

Registry Services Technical Evaluation Panel (RSTEP) Report on Public Interest Registry's Request to Implement Technical Bundling in .NGO and .ONG
To obtain community input on the Registry Services Technical Evaluation Panel (RSTEP) report regarding Public Interest Registry's (PIR) request to implement technical bundling of second level domains for .NGO and .ONG. PIR defines technical bundling as a set of two different gTLDs, with identical second level labels for which certain parameters are shared.
29 July 2014

Upcoming Events

12-16 October 2014: 51st International Public ICANN Meeting – Los Angeles



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