News Alert

Maximal Starting Repertoire Version 1 (MSR-1)? for the Development of Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone

20 June 2014

To support IDN labels in the root zone, the ICANN community, at the direction of the Board, undertook several projects to study and make recommendations on their viability and delegation. One of these projects is the implementation of the Procedure to Develop and Maintain the Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone in Respect of IDNA Labels [PDF, 1.39 MB] (the Procedure) allowing for the development of Label Generation Rules (LGR) for the Root Zone. The LGR for the Root Zone is a mechanism for creating and maintaining rules with respect to IDN labels for the root.

In the context of the implementation of the Procedure, ICANN is pleased to announce that the Integration Panel has released the first version of the Maximal Starting Repertoire (MSR-1). The MSR-1 is the first deliverable from the Integration Panel under the Procedure and will serve as a fixed collection of code points from which Generation Panels may make a selection in constructing the repertoire for their respective LGR proposals.

The MSR-1 covers the following 22 scripts: Arabic, Bengali, Cyrillic, Devanagari, Georgian, Greek, Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Han, Hangul, Hebrew, Hiragana, Kannada, Katakana, Lao, Latin, Malayalam, Oriya, Sinhala, Tamil, Telugu, and Thai. MSR-1 contains 32,790 code points short-listed from 97,973 PVALID/CONTEXT code points of Unicode version 6.3.

This release of MSR-1 sets the stage for the work by Generation Panels. In addition to selecting their repertoire from within the MSR for developing LGR proposals, Generation Panels will also evaluate whether any such code points are variants and if any rules are needed to further constrain the labels generated using these code points. The resulting LGR proposals by the Generation Panels will be released for public comment before they are reviewed by the Integration Panel for integration into the Root Zone LGR. If it becomes necessary to stage the release of the LGR, for example because not all Generation Panels are able to submit proposals at the same time, subsequent versions of the LGR may be released.

MSR-1 defers some of the eligible scripts, so as to balance timeliness with comprehensiveness. At a later stage, another version of the MSR will be developed to include repertoires from the deferred scripts and make other additions to the repertoire as warranted. It would be the foundation for any subsequent LGR versions. All future versions of the MSR and all versions of the LGR must retain full backwards compatibility.

MSR-1 release consists of the following documents:

  • No labels