Dear All,


Please note that the second round of voting for the BCEC has now opened.


Voting will take place on the BCEC EOI Evaluation Survey - Second Vote Workspace.  


The BCEC 2014 Candidate Evaluation Workspace is broken down into two sub-spaces: 

As a reminder, the Candidate EOI Applications and BCEC Member Comments page will contain a list of all posted EOIs that can currently be viewed. Each candidate's EOI has been broken down by section for ease of reading and analysis.  Comments and discussion are welcome on these pages. The BCEC EOI Evaluation Survey - Second Vote Workspace contains an online poll of the candidates and their EOIs by section. To vote on a candidate's EOI, you simply need to click on the "your vote" button. The options for voting are:

  • 5-Outstanding
  • 4-More Than Satisfactory
  • 3-Satisfactory
  • 2-Less Than Satisfactory
  • 1-Unsatisfactory

The second round of voting will be weighted. The voting weight will be assigned as follows:

  • Section B – 30% - In this section please evaluate how the professional and educational background of the candidate make him/her fit for the task
  • Section C – 50% - In this section please evaluate the contribution that the candidate wants to bring to the Board and to ALAC, as well as her/his experience with Internet operations and/or policy development
  • Section D – 20% - In this section please evaluate the references provided and the extent to which they provide confidence that the candidate will be able to fulfill her/his role if elected to Board Seat #15

The vote is currently open and will be open until Monday, 20 January 2014, 12:00 UTC. 


If you have any questions, please feel free to email ICANN At-Large Staff <>. 




Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Julia Charvolen

ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC


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