News from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

Week ending 15 November 2013



This Week Experts Address the Global Expansion of the Internet<> Buenos Aires, Argentina… ICANN CEO Fadi Chehadé, Board Chair Dr. Stephen Crocker, President of Generic Domains Division Akram Atallah and Vice President Stakeholder Engagement for Latin America and the Caribbean Rodrigo de la Parra will address major issues shaping the Internet's future at a news conference on Wednesday, 20 November at 11:30 AM (ART).

15 November 2013

The Nominating Committee Announces Selection of a Member to the ICANN Board of Directors<> The 2013 Nominating Committee (NomCom) is pleased to announce the selection of Wolfgang Kleinwächter as a member to the ICANN Board of Directors.

15 November 2013

ICANN Selects Lead for Development of Name Collision Occurrence Management Framework<> ICANN signed an agreement with JAS Global Advisors LLC to lead the development of the Name Collision Occurrence Management Framework, in cooperation with the community.

11 November 2013

Status Update from the Expert Working Group on gTLD Directory Services<> The Expert Working Group on gTLD Directory Services (EWG) has been working to envision a clean-slate approach to better meet global Internet community needs for domain name registration data with greater privacy, accuracy, and accountability.

11 November 2013


Upcoming Events []<> 17-21 November 2013: 48th International Public ICANN Meeting - Buenos Aires<>

About ICANN ICANN Bylaws<> Our bylaws are very important to us. They capture our mission of security, stability and accessibility, and compel the organization to be open and transparent.

Learn more at<>.

Strategic Plan, 2012 - 2015<>

Adopted FY13 Operating Plan and Budget<>

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