Dear All,

On behalf of Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Chair of the ALAC, the 2013 call for nomination of ALAC Leadership Team (ALT) members and ALAC Liaisons is now open.


The available positions are for the following ALT Members: ·

Vice-President (2 positions) ·

Rapporteur (1 position) ·

Regional Representative (1 position)

Proposed ALT Schedule: ·

Call for Nominees: 11 November - 18 November ·

Nominees acceptance period: 18 November - 20 November ·

ALAC votes by consensus: 21 November

All terms run from the end of the 2013 AGM to the end of the 2014 AGM.

Please see the 2013 ALAC Leadership Team and Liaison Selection Workspace<> for important information on the ALT requirements and responsibility

Nominations, including self-nominations may be made directly on the 2013 ALAC Leadership Team and Liaison Selection Workspace<> or by sending a note to At-Large staff<mailto:staff at>.

Only members of the ALAC after the close of the 2013 AGM are eligible for these positions.

Only sitting ALAC Members are eligible and entitled to vote.

Terms run from the end of the 2013 AGM to the end of the 2014 AGM.

Please see the 2013 ALAC Leadership Team and Liaison Selection Workspace<> for important information on the ALT requirements and responsibilities.

Nominations, including self-nominations may be made directly on the 2013 ALAC Leadership Team and Liaison Selection Workspace<> or by sending a note to At-Large staff<mailto:staff at>.


The available positions are for the following liaisons:

* ALAC Liaison to the GNSO * ALAC Liaison to the ccNSO * ALAC Liaison to .MOBI * ALAC Liaison to the SSAC

Proposed Liaison Schedule:

Call for Nominees: 11 November - 18 November

ALAC votes by consensus: 21 November

All terms run from the end of the 2013 AGM to the end of the 2014 AGM.

Please see the 2013 ALAC Leadership Team and Liaison Selection Workspace<> for important information on the ALAC Liaisons requirements and responsibilities.

ominations, including self-nominations may be made directly on the 2013 ALAC Leadership Team and Liaison Selection Workspace<> or by sending a note to At-Large staff<mailto:staff at>.


Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Julia Charvolen

ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC

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