Members: Nick Wenban-Smith, Chris Disspain, Federica Tortorella, Fernando Espana, Olga Cavalli, 

Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Joke Braeken, Claudia Ruiz

Apologies: David McAuley, Diego Ernest Luna, 

Draft agenda: 


2. Administrative matters

a. SOI updates

b. Action items from previous meeting

Action item #1, meeting 31 July (completed)
Staff to schedule meetings with the DASC survey subgroup, both while the survey is ongoing, for monitoring purposes, and after closure of the survey, for evaluation purposes.

Action item #2, meeting 31 July (completed)
Staff to share the recording of the LACTLD webinar with DASC, if possible.


3. DASC subgroup work items going forward

a. Update by Library/email list subgroup

b. Survey subgroup

      1. Now that the survey is out there, how can DASC encourage further responses? []
      2. Reminder timeline

31 July: full DASC meets and signs off on the survey (completed)

Mid August: survey launches (announcements on website, mailing list, newsletter) (completed)

DASC leaders invite RO’s to spread the word about the survey. Promote it during RO events.

Friday, 13 September: survey closes (if needed, we can extend it by 1 week)

October: survey SG evaluates results

ICANN81: first set of results shared with the community

4. Preparing for ICANN81

a. DASC working session

b. Interactions with other SO/ACs

5. AOB

6. Closure and next meeting

For decision

Thursday, 19 September 2024 | 13:00 UTC (TBC)

Recording: Zoom Playback


Chat transcript: 20240822 - DASC Chat.txt

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