Participants: Darlene Thompson, Alan Greenberg, Joly MacFie, Allan Skuce, Evan Leibovitch, Gareth Shearman, Gordon Chillcott, Eric Brunner-Williams, Annalisa Roger, Eduardo Diaz

Apologies: Chris Grundemann, Beau Brendler, Monique Chartrand

Staff: Matthias Langenegger

AI: Staff will send a reminder to those who have open action items from the last meeting.

Open public consultation

Evan: I would like to look at the public consultation on ATRT recommendations. There are some concerns that the report does not mention the ALAC and focuses mostly on the GAC.

Alan: People should read the report more carefully. We need to understand what happens if those recommendations are implemented and if they really improve ICANN and make it more accountable. Are they possible and practicable? Do the recommendations address the things it wants to improve or does is simply make everybody look very busy?

AI: Alan will prepare a document summarizing his thoughts on the document and send it to the mailing list.

NARALO Updates

Unaffiliated Member Representative:

Evan: Eric Brunner-Williams is the only nominee who accepted his nomination. I would like to acclaim Eric during this call.

Gareth: have the eligibility concerns been addressed?

Evan: Yes, he is no longer working for a registered party.

Congratulations to Eric and welcome aboard!

AI: Evan and Staff will work on a note on Eric's acclamation to be sent to the ALAC.

AI: Staff to send an invitation to the NARALO list to confirm the exact timing for the next call, which will be held in Cartagena.

Discuss Candidates for At-Large Board Director Position

Evan: The petition deadline ended yesterday and since three regions decided not to support any petitions, the final candidate slate will not be extended. I put forward a call last week to get written questions for the final candidates. Please send them to me. I will wait until after the community call to contact the ALS reps. The ALS preferences will remain private.

AI: NARALO members will send their questions for the Board Director candidates to the NARALO list.

AI: Evan will be surveying the ALS representatives on their preferred Board candidate to guide his vote.

Alan: I believe as a candidate, I am disqualified from voting and as a NomCom-selected candidate, I cannot be replaced.

Update from the At-Large Improvements WTs

Evan: In WG A, things moved slowly. We are currently identifying modification to the ICANN Bylaws to solidify ALAC's standing in the Bylaws. It should be similar to that of the GAC. Some say that ALAC needs to prove its significance before being able to claim that status.

Eric: That was an accurate representation of the situation in WG A.

Darlene: In WG B, we are proceeding slowly but we are making progress.

Annalisa: We will also have a joint meeting for all the WTs in Cartagena. If you have suggestions on the work of WT B, please send them to me.

Gareth: In WG C, we decided to do a SWOT analysis.

Evan: no one from WT D is currently on the call.

Update on JAS WG

Evan: this WG has participants form both the GNSO and the ALAC. This WG tries to lower the barriers for new gTLD operators.

Updates from the ALAC:

Gareth: I will be on the ICANN strategic planning call tomorrow.

Recent and Upcoming NARALO Events:

Annalisa:  ISOC SF Bay will organize the .next conference about new gTLDs. It will be held in San Francisco. This conference mostly focuses on new gTLD applicants and will give an opportunity to talk to industry leaders and ICANN Staff.

Annalisa: I believe our ALS will have a role at the ICANN SF meeting but I will get some further information from Barbara from ICANN.

Joly: we are working on the project which  will allow NYC neighborhoods to request a sub domain under .nyc.


Evan: Confluence wiki. We decided that all ALS representatives will have editing rights on the NARALO wiki.

AI: Staff will provide full editing credentials for the NARALO workspace to all NARALO ALS representatives.

The call was then adjourned.

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