The call will take place on Thursday, 18 July 2024 at 11:00 UTC for 60 minutes.

For other places see:


  1. Welcome and SOI Updates (2 mins)
  2. CCOICI Charter Update (50 mins)
    1. Reminders & Work plan
    2. Review comparison table [] of pilot charter against principles/questions to consider
  3. Next Steps (3 mins)
  4. AOB (5 mins)



Apologies: Prudence Malinki, Thomas Rickert



Audio Recording

Zoom Recording (including audio, visual, rough transcript and chat)

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar

Notes/ Action Items


Notes and Action Items from CCOICI meeting on Thursday, 18 July 2024, at 11:00 UTC


[Action Items]

  1. The GNSO Support Staff to discuss with leadership on August meetings.
  2. The GNSO Secretariat to send out August meeting invites to the Team accordingly.
  3. The Team to review the related documents in preparation for the next meeting discussions.


  1. Welcome and SOI Updates
    • N/A
  2. CCOICI Charter Update
    1. Reminders & Work plan see updated ppt slides (p.18 ):
    • The work for the Team remains at charter update to make this Standing Committee (SC) a Permanent SC.
    • Target is still end of year to submit the updated charter to the GNSO Council.

                  b. Review comparison table [] of pilot charter against principles/questions to consider

    • Overarching principle is that this framework is fit for purpose (3rd tab: the_pic)
    • Second tab is the main focus of today’s meeting (2nd tab: the_charter_log) and expecting active discussions within the group from next meeting:
      • Column A – Each row/cells are categorized into charter sections (already within the pilot and those that may be needed for the future charter based on other charters):
        • Row 2: Mission and Objective
        • Row 3: Scope of Work
        • Rows 4-9: CCOICI SC
        • Rows 10-15: Task Force (TF)
        • Rows 16-19: Not within the pilot charter but included in other charters that need to be considered.

 Row 16: Review of SC and TF if this is fit for purpose and any data/metrics to assess the framework may need to be considered. SOIs, Escalation and/or Complaint Process are also sections that may be needed when we draft the new charter.

      • Column B: Contents from the Pilot Charter itself that is dropped into the appropriate sections.
      • Column C: First attempt at taking the principles that were discussed before and inputting within the cells – these are the principles that will guide the Team to determine the future charter.
    • The google spreadsheet (comparison table) [] can be utilized to add in discussion notes, Team members’ suggestions.
    • The future charter cannot be too prescriptive as it will be a permanent charter for continuous work.
    • One of the problems within the current pilot charter that can be pointed out at this moment is that contents related to mission and scope of work was blended; Another question could be - is the CCOICI SC and/or TF sufficient to implement the tasks?
    • Some highlights on the current pilot charter of the CCOICI SC (B 4-9): 1) Membership model and criteria may stay the same? (i.e., C5 principle) However, not as prescriptive and may need further discussions (e.g., term limits and overlap, CIP-CCG, etc.); 2) Should there be a succession plan for decision-making to allow for continuity, which the pilot charter did not prescribe at all; 3) How to deal with and draft the section for Statement of Interests (SOI)?
    • Need to think about the use cases: 1) SOI – This is an issue of interest for the GAC and the Board and something to consider at the GNSO Council level for the future, which may impact the CCOICI’s charter; 2) CIP – A lot of work lies ahead and when CIP framework is adopted by the board, the assessment period will kick-off, which may impact the CCOICI’s charter.
      • Discussion points:
        • A question was asked by a Team member (IPC) about the decision-making methodology for SSC and how it could be compared to CCOICI?

 SSC works on a full consensus.

“The Chair will be responsible for designating the position as having the following designation:

Full consensus - when no one in the group speaks against the recommendation in its last readings. This is also sometimes referred to as Unanimous Consensus.

In case no full consensus is achieved, the SSC will inform the GNSO Council accordingly, providing the details as necessary and agreed by the SSC as to why it was not possible to achieve full consensus.”

  The recent selection process that the SSC held on the Pilot Holistic Review (PHR) Team nominees for GNSO was introduced by the GNSO Support Staff.

       3. Next Steps

    • No Meeting on 25 July - Next meeting on 31 July (13:00 UTC).
    • At the next meeting, the CIP progress will be shared to spark the discussions.
    • The leadership requests the Team to review the related documents.
    • August meeting dates will be discussed between leadership and staff and the invites will be sent out accordingly.

                Action Items:

                1) The GNSO Support Staff to discuss with leadership on August meetings.

                2) The GNSO Secretariat to send out August meeting invites to the Team accordingly.

                3) The Team to review the related documents in preparation for the next meeting discussions.


       4. AOB

    • N/A
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