The call will take place on Wednesday, 03 July 2024 at 13:00 UTC for 60 minutes.

For other places see:


  1. Welcome and SOI Updates (5 mins)
  2. CCOICI Charter Update (45 mins)
    1. Reminders & Work plan
    2. View of redline charter
    3. Scope of Work - Stress Tests
  3. Next Steps (5 mins)
  4. AOB (5 mins)



Apologies: none



Audio Recording

Zoom Recording 

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar

Notes/ Action Items


[Action Items]

  1. CCOICI Team members to complete the doodle poll to set the meeting date/time during the week of 15th July 2024.
  2. CCOICI Team members to read and understand the scope of work through the sources within the Scope of Work - Stress Tests [], as well as additional sources shared within the ppt slide deck and via email. 


1.Welcome and SOI Updates

2.CCOICI Charter Update

     a.Reminders & Work plan see updated ppt slides:

  • The project timeline as well as the work plan were presented to the Team again, highlighting the updates and the key issues that need to be discussed prior to the drafting of a charter (pp.17-18).
  • The Staff emphasized again, through the work plan, on why the plan needs to be aggressive – to be completed by the end of year so that the Standing Committee (SC) is ready and fit for purpose for when CIP Framework (and larger forces) starts to complete.
  • With Meeting #45 date/time yet to be confirmed in July, the Support Staff requested the Team to complete the doodle poll which has been sent out with reminders. (current winning date is Thursday, 18 July, either at 11:00 or 11:30 UTC)
  • CCOICI Team members were requested to read all the scope of work materials to understand the history and prepare for future work.
  • Leadership suggested that the Team is presented with some principles (3 core groups: 1) Composition Principles; 2) Decision-making Principles; 3) Scope Principles) to help create some guardrails around what the new charter would look like.
  • For today’s meeting, the Team is to keep in mind that improvements will first need to be approved by the GNSO Council; Also, any SC or Task Force (TF) work will be a project, and if longer than 4 months, they will need a charter/schedule; Moreover, when creating the permanent charter, it cannot be overly prescriptive but will need a backlog separate from the charter on the remaining projects.

[Action Items]

  • CCOICI Team members to complete the doodle poll to set the meeting date/time during the week of 15th July 2024.
  • CCOICI Team members to read and understand the scope of work through the sources within the Scope of Work - Stress Tests []


     b.View of redline charter []

     c.Scope of Work - Stress Tests []

  • This spreadsheet is for the CCOICI Team to consider how to update the charter when looking into the past and when considering work for the future.
  • It includes the continuous type of things that have gone through over time and what may beneeded for decision-making process and structure, based on the survey results:
    • Columns
      • Column A: Efforts worked on
      • Column B: Decision-making body that initiated the project (Sponsor)
      • Column C: Group that did the work and deliverables
      • Column D: End date of the efforts (in some kind of historical order)
      • Column E: Decision Method
      • Column F: Notable Outcomes
      • Column G: links to all the websites/decisions to refer to and understand the historical work
  • Determining the history is key to understanding and enhancing the future.
    • Rows
      • Until Row 15: What has been done so far?
      • Rows 16~17 (with icon): Including the modification of charter to permanent committee
      • After Row 18: What work could possibly come in the SC’s way?
      • Tows 22~29 (The peach rows): CCOICI has not worked on yet, but to analyze if still fit for purpose (Row 28 – highlighted in red – is what this Team is currently working on, as part of the pilot charter conversion into permanent charter)
  • Observations: 1) Though tasked by different decision-making bodies through different methods, continuous improvements have always been going on - Common theme from the beginning until now is that PDPs are slow and take too much time and not fully representative/inclusive and need a better way for PDP to function – Is it either a) ICANN is continuously improving even though we don’t think we are, or b) ICANN is not doing a good enough job improving the problems?; 2) Most efforts were policy to the improvement process.
  • Other highlights:
    • GNSO1 Review – Board Governance Committee Working Group (BGC WG) conducted a review (with consultants) through the Bylaws on GNSO and its policy development process & structure, where the Board adopted the recommendations and instructed GNSO to implement them, which led to the Bi-cameral structure of the GNSO that we see today. With this, the remit of the GNSO Council was modified to be managers of the PDP as opposed to just creating and adopting policy at the Council level. At the time, this was very transformative.
    • GNSO2 Review – A new Organizational Effectiveness Committee of the Board (OEC) was created as the sponsor of the work, which brought about notable outcomes: Recommendations on Improvements on Participation & Representation, Continuous Development, Transparency, Alignment with ICANN's future. This initiated the Standing Committee on Improvements (SCI), which operated on Full Consensus only.
    • Policy and Implementation WG: Initiated by the GNSO Council to form a WG, which used a standard methodology and led to the EPDP, GGP, GIP, IRT P & Gs, CPIF – this work made meaningful recommendations by which the GNSO operates today.
    • PSR – Policy & Implementation WG: Public Comment is now open, and their draft report will modify their PSR docs that will be sent to the GNSO Council. Assuming that the Council will consider and adopt the recommendations, this will be tasked to the CCOICI/TF to implement.
  • To think about for the future:
    • There needs a standardized vehicle by which to enter the assessments; and as a background related to the continuous improvement assessment periods, there may be principles, criteria, and indicators (3-tier framework) as a standard template that can be used across all the Supporting Organizations (SOs) and Advisory Committees (Acs), where each group is empowered to build upon that framework. It will be this SC’s role to consider these things as part of the assessment periods and need to account for.
    • What happens if the Holistic Reviews create recommendations, adopted by the Board, for the GNSO Council and this SC to implement? (To account for that work in Row19)
    • GNSO3 Review (Row 20): Will it really be initiated?
    • PDP4.0 (Row 21): Referring to PDP3.0, it was the GNSO Council small team that developed the recommendations, resulting from an action item to improve the PDPs, which is now the basis for all project management/PDPs/clarity around participation, and representation models – So, what would a PDP 4.0 look like?
    • SOI TF work, by which is still an outstanding issue, to take into account.

3.Next Steps

  • Leadership/Staff request that the Team looks into the original reports and sources within the links within the spreadsheet, and additional sources that were shared with the Team within the ppt slides and via email.
  • To find agreement in the upcoming meetings on key issues for the staff to start drafting in the future: 1) Composition Principles; 2) Decision-making Principles; 3) Scope Principles.

[Action Items]

  • CCOICI Team members to read and understand the scope of work through the sources within the Scope of Work - Stress Tests [] as well as additional sources shared within the ppt slide deck and via email.


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