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Greg Shatan to review the DRAFT Agenda NARALO Townhall meeting

Marita Moll and Judith Hellerstein to send the emails, bios and speaker's photos (ask speakers if they agree ) to Silvia

Glenn Mc Knight to prepare a draft Roundtable poster

Greg will write a set of questions for Roundtable speakers to prepare themselves.

Topic 2 "Challenges and Opportunities for the Internet 2023: The End User Perspective" was deleted and will be considered for a future webinar  .

SV to draft Roundtable invitation and send it to Greg to review 

SV to send invitations to all  Roundtable speakers. 

SV to schedule a prep session for the Roundtable speakers, once they are confirmed, for the week of May 29.

GG to share the list of attendees for lunch with Greg Shatan

GG to send courtesy invitations for Roundtable to NA Board members 

GG to ask NARALO members if they are planning to attend ICANN 77 in person 

GG to coordinate lunch venue and calendar invites to guests 

Denise to check with her front desk for the photo frame

OC Call  

Roundtable- Monday 12 June - 10:45- 12:15 (90 minutes) will have 2 topics. Each topic with 4 or 5 speakers.

Topic 1: "Government activity to expand Broadband (both in the US and Canada)".

Proposed Speakers

  1. Andre Arbour, Director General ISED – Canada (REMOTE) 
  2. Harold Feld – USA (confirmed) 
  3. Grace Abuhamad, NTIA- USA


Topic 2:  “Challenges and Opportunities for the Internet : the end user perspective”.

  1. Ben Tarnoff
  2. Cory Doctorow
  3. Michael Geist
  4. Mark Shurman (Mozilla CEO)
  5. Avri Doria (ICANN Board) 
  •  Gregory Shatan and OC members to define the Roundtable session title and blurb with brief description by May 18th.
  • Gregory Shatan Glenn McKnight  and OC members agreed to the following timeline: names of speakers to be confirmed by Friday May 19, staff will send the invitations to speakers during the week of May 22 - 26. 
  • Silvia Vivanco  to schedule a Prep session for the NARALO Roundtable speakers . 
  • Gisella Gruber to invite Board members from North America for Roundtable as courtesy invite.
  •  Silvia Vivanco and Gisella Gruber to invite Avri to the NARALO Roundtable; Courtesy invites to the other 4 Board members
  • Gregory Shatan confirm the approximate headcount from NARALO members for lunch. Preliminary list of invitees will be NARALO ALAC/Regional Leaders & NextGen/Fellows & GSE Staff & NA Board Members.
  • Gregory Shatan and Glenn McKnightto develop the NARALO monthly Agenda with topics /speakers to be included:
    • NARALO GA follow up on EEE - Greg
    • Mobilizing individual members – Alan Greenberg
    • O and E update and Social Media Update - Denise 
    • Policy issues - Jon, Bill and Eduardo
    • NomCom update – Judith

ACTION ITEMS related to Booth and social media

Siranush Vardanyan – shared the sign up sheet with all,

  •  Denise Hochbaum and Glenn to reach out to Social media WG members to sign up for booth
  •  Denise Hochbaum in collaboration with OC members to develop a process to follow up with those who sign up at the booth and also identify a person or team to contact them
  • Michelle Desmyterto schedule the next meeting for Wednesday 24 th same time, add Deborah Escalera to these OC call

NARALO monthly meeting Tuesday 13 June, 9:00 – 10:15 (75 mins)  Townhall format

  • Gregory Shatan to develop a blurb description for the NARALO monthly meeting and send it to Silvia, draft: The NARALO monthly meeting will be an interactive session in town hall format and will include institutional items, Policy issues of relevance for the region. 
  • Gregory Shatan and Glenn McKnightto develop the NARALO monthly Agenda with topics to be included:
  • NARALO GA follow up on EEE
  • Mobilizing individual members – Alan Greenberg
  • O and E update and Social Media Update
  • Policy issues - Jon, Bill and Ed
  • NomCom update – Judith

OC Call - 10- 05- 2023 

Topic 1:  Government activity to expand Broadband (both in the US and Canada) was confirmed. 

Topic 2 : Change the title  "what's wrong with internet"

Suggestions for topic 2 : 

"Challenges and Opportunities for the Internet," "Navigating the Complexities of the Internet," "Shaping the Internet for Tomorrow: Building a Better Web for All, "Navigating the complexities of Internet"

  • Gisella Gruberto schedule the Networking lunch for  Wednesday  June 14th. Ideal a “Buffet” style outdoors. .
  • Gregory Shatan to come up with suggestions for Topics, Agenda and speakers for the NARALO Town Hall meeting.
  • Gregory Shatan and OC members to define the Roundtable session title and blurb with brief description by May 18th.
  • Glenn McKnight to contact people from the NTIA point of view for the topic Government activity to expand Broadband.
  • Gregory Shatan confirm the approximate headcount from NARALO members. Preliminary list of invitees will be NARALO ALAC/Regional Leaders & NextGen/Fellows & GSE Staff & NA Board Members.
  • Gisella Gruber to include in lunch headcount 9 next gen and 3 fellows.
  • Glenn McKnight to contact people from the NTIA point of view for the topic Government activity to expand Broadband.

OC Call 05- 03-2023 

Several topics for the Roundtable were discussed : DNS, IDNs , UA, developments from the USA and Canadian perspectives?, IDNs for franco-phone, Spanish and Indigenous perspectives

Privacy vs security, Artificial intelligence, DNS Abuse, Government activity to expand Broadband (both in the US and Canada)

The following 2 main topics were tentatively decided: 

Topic 1:  Government activity to expand Broadband (both in the US and Canada)

Topic 2:  What's wrong with the internet 

and fallback topic : IDNs for franco-phone, Spanish and Indigenous perspectives (back up topic)AI: Judith to contact speakers for the topic Government activity to expand Broadband (both in the US and Canada)

  • Gregory Shatan and OC members to define the Roundtable session title and blurb with brief description by May 18th
  • Gregory Shatan and OC members to further develop the Agenda for the NARALO monthly meeting/Townhall meeting.
  • Glenn McKnight to contact people from the NTIA point of view for the topic Government activity to expand Broadband.
  •  Judith Hellerstein volunteered to get Harold Feld and another counterpart to him to talk on Broadband. 

  • Naela Sarras and Giose Mc Ginty to confirm the time and date for the NA Space 
  • Gisella Gruber to coordinate the lunch Networking event venue (with Denise list)
  • Gregory Shatan confirm the approximate headcount from NARALO members. Preliminary list of invitees will be NARALO ALAC/Regional Leaders & NextGen/Fellows & GSE Staff & NA Board Members.
  • Gisella Gruber to include in lunch headcount 9 next gen and 3 fellows.
  • Michelle Desmyter to schedule next call for next Wed 10 May same time. 


Summary of today’s discussion

Roundtable Topics

Glenn's suggestions:

  • Reflect on differences between Canada and USA
  • Update on IDN and UA

Topics for discussion

- IDN in North American

- Indigenous Americans

- Hispanic Americans etc

-French - Louis Houle

A Canadian theme is Bill C-11: An Act to amend the Broadcasting

Greg's suggestions:

Comparing and contrasting activities in Canada and USA

Are indigenous activities inspiring among indigenous Americans?

Other populations in the US interested in IDNs?- Ex: Spanish speaking communities, empowerment of end users

DNS Abuse

Section 230 of X Communications decency Act

Naela's suggestions:

Updated on NA space session will be focused on UA, shifting a bit, UA as a form of accessibility and inclusion

Staff Logistics update:

  • Lunch will be offsite, 90 minutes Gisella Gruber will connect with Denise to find some options.
  • 90 min Roundtable followed by 90 min lunch event
  • Preference is private room/garden patio. Walking distance. A few opening remarks followed by tabletop topic(s).
  • Staff to put together a first draft of list of attendees for lunch
  •  NARALO to invite the Next Gens and Fellows to the NARALO monthly, Roundtable and lunch.

NARALO Monthly meeting: - Naralo will have a public, external facing meeting. Title - NARALO monthly meeting and Townhall

Agenda will include :

1. Follow-up on GA

2. Update by Denise on O and E

3. Update on Social media campaign

4. Update on membership

5. Leon

6. Looking toward FY24

Outreach activities

  • Booth
  • Staff will bring the rest of the NARALO GA material - vintage t-shirts, power packs, a few tabletop banners, etc.
  • Pop up banners
  • Photo frame

  • No labels