*Please reply no later than Friday 9th September 2022*
After a first successful hybrid meeting in The Hague last June, the Board and I are looking forward to meeting you again soon, in Kuala Lumpur, for our 24th AGM. While COVID is not a thing of the past, the Board and the organization are working together to ensure that the strongest safety & security measures will be put in place to provide the best possible meeting environment to keep us as safe as possible. We will keep informing you about the status of those plans based on health and safety developments as we get closer to the meeting.
Before taking a well-deserved break this summer, we are actively preparation our meetings during ICANN75 (17-22 September). The Board and I would like to propose the following topics for discussion during our time together:
“What collaborative actions should the Community, Board and Org be undertaking to further progress achieving our strategic priorities?”
We are proposing to keep the suggestion to dedicate half of our time together to discuss this topic and half the time to discuss the topic of your choice or answer the questions you might have.
We would therefore like to invite you to submit your topic of interest and/or questions (please consider the limited time) to our Board Operations team (board-ops-team@icann.org) no later than Friday 9 September 2022.
Proposed ALAC Topics:
Topic 1 - Subsequent Procedures (SubPro) - ALAC Speaker: Justine Chew
At-Large Advice on SubPro
On 20 October 2021, the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC), together with At-Large topic leads, held a call with the ICANN Board to address its questions related to the ALAC Advice on Subsequent Procedures of 16 April 2021 ("ALAC Advice"). In February 2022, the ALAC submitted its responses. Since, we have not had any further discussion or correspondence from the ICANN Board and wish to ask:
does the ICANN Board require any further clarification on the ALAC Advice and/or the responses to its clarifying questions?
when could the ALAC expect a formal response from the ICANN Board on its advice for consideration and/or further action?
The ALAC would be open to refining its advice if that potentially allows for greater alignment with other SOACs' recommendations/advice towards a stronger community consensus for SubPro. Given this and while noting that the ICANN org SubPro ODP team is expecting to deliver the Operational Design Phase Assessment (ODA) to the ICANN Board on 12 December 2022, we also wish to ask if the ICANN Board will seek:
community input prior to receiving the ODA?
further community input after receiving the ODA?
Operational Design Phase (ODP)
With two ODPs initiated, will the ICANN Board be asking for a review of the concept of the ODP after the SubPro ODP concludes?
Will the ICANN Board be actively involved in such a review and will the ICANN community be invited to participate in such a review?
Topic 2 - Advisory Role of the ALAC and Advice Process Updates - ALAC Speaker: Jonathan Zuck
- Explanation of how the advice process works
- What improvements and changes are being made
- Check-in on the status of ALAC advice
Chokri Ben Romdhane
Another topic that may be discussed with Board is the risks and opportunities of distributed DNS
Gopal Tadepalli
Suggestion: "No Single Point of Failure" OR Resilient DNS
A single point of failure (SPOF) is a potential risk posed by a flaw in the design, implementation or configuration of a circuit or system. SPOF refers to one fault or malfunction that can cause an entire system to stop operating.
A SPOF in a data centre / repository (such as DAAR) or other IT environment can compromise the availability of workloads or the entire data centre, depending on the location and interdependencies involved in the failure.
Redundancy though expensive is the most common method to address SPOF.
Suggestion: We need to build resilient systems
A resilient system protects its critical capabilities (and associated assets) from harm by using protective resilience techniques to passively resist adverse events and conditions or actively detect these adversities, respond to them, and recover from the harm they cause.
ICANN OCTO, "Challenges with Alternative Name Systems", https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/octo-034-27apr22-en.pdf
(In my humble opinion, the Introduction titled "Not All Names Are Created Equal" says it all}
Donald Firesmith, (2019), "System Resilience: What Exactly is it?", SEI Blog, Carnegie Mellon University https://insights.sei.cmu.edu/blog/system-resilience-what-exactly-is-it/
John Downer, "When Failure is an Option: Redundancy, reliability and regulation in complex technical systems", DISCUSSION PAPER NO: 53, London School of Economics and Political Science, May 2009.
Sergio De Simone, "Leslie Lamport on Distributed Systems and Precise Thinking", InfoQ, October 16, 2014
Yu Zhang et al, (2021) "Blockchain-Based DNS Root Zone Management Decentralization for Internet of Things", Hindawi Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Volume 2021, https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/6620236
Note: This is across two CPWG Meetings dated 10 & 17 August 2022.