Members:    Kenny Huang, Ai Chin Lu, Peter Koch, Anil Kumar Jain, Mirjana Tasac, 

Participants:   Hadia Elminiawi, 

Observers and experts:    Jaap Akkerhuis, 

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Kimberly Carlson, Sarmad Hussain, Pitinan Kooarmornpatana, 


Draft agenda:

ccPDP4 IDN Deselection Subgroup Teleconference #6
1. Welcome
2. Administrative matters
    a. Action items, if any
    b. Reminder – call for volunteers launch 13 January (confusing similarities)
3. 2nd reading 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 (association IDNccTLD string with name of a territory)
4. First reading section 3: IDNccTLD String MUST be in Designated Language
5. First reading section 4: Impact change of the script or scripts in which the Designated Language is expressed
6. Next meeting
    18 January 13:00 UTC
    01 February 13:00 UTC (final?)
7. AOB
8. Closure

Documents: Overview Deselection sub-group findings v6 17 DECEMBER 2021[1].pdf

Recording:  Zoom Playback

Chat Transcript:  Chat PDP4 DES 21 Dec.txt

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