01:01:59 David Mackey: Hi Gisella! Hello from Canada :-)
01:02:00 Chris Mondini: Hi Gisella!
01:02:29 Alberto Soto: Hi all, from Buenos Aires!
01:03:01 Silvia Vivanco: Hello all welcome
01:03:11 Maureen Hilyard - ALAC: Hi everyone from the Cook Islands in the early morning,
01:03:57 Ellen Strickland: Hello from also v early morning in New Zealand *yawns*
01:04:03 Yesim Nazlar - ICANN Org: Hello, my name is Yeşim Nazlar and I will be monitoring this chat room. In this role, I am the voice for the remote participants. Please note that I will only be able to read your comment/question within the time set by the Chair of this session. When submitting a question or comment that you want me to read out loud on the mic, please type your question or comment in English and start with a <QUESTION> and end with a “</QUESTION>” or <COMMENT> </COMMENT>. Text outside these quotes will be considered as part of “chat” and will not be read out loud on the microphone. Please note that chat sessions are being archived and follow the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior: http://www.icann.org/en/news/in-focus/accountability/expected-standards
01:04:04 Bruna Santos: Hello everyone !
01:04:11 Yesim Nazlar - ICANN Org: This session also includes interpretation.
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01:04:25 Veni Markovski: Hi from New York. We are in a virtual meeting, and we are virtually around the world :)
01:05:07 Suzanne Taylor (RIPE NCC): Hello, all! Feeling very lucky to be in CEST here :)
01:05:27 Danko Jevtović: @Veni hi from Balkans
01:05:43 Roberto: unfortunately, there is an interesting IGF session at the same time
01:05:46 Roberto: Perspectives on IGF outcomes and outputs: Representation, legitimacy and follow-up in multistakeholder policy processes
01:07:39 Glenn McKnight, Virtual School of Internet Governance: Sharing information on the Virtual School of Internet Governance, online course for 400 students , details at
01:07:48 Glenn McKnight, Virtual School of Internet Governance: www.virtualsig.org
01:11:41 Glenn McKnight, Virtual School of Internet Governance: The North American School of Internet Governance face to face session is not proceeding but 2021 for Seattle is still scheduled
01:20:30 David Mackey: <QUESTION>Can you please summarize the pros and cons of talking about platforms within the context of ICANN. Thank you.</QUESTION>
01:22:35 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: @David: Platforms are currently being targeted by many governments. They could provide a good example on how they are coming with regulation
01:22:59 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: # Even in referring to issues in the IG fora, we could use terminology such as "platform governance" (as Holly mentioned) and "platform self-governance", "platform good practices / exemplary practices", completely avoiding "regulated" and "under-regulated", because it is a fit frightening to see the word being used with increasing frequency, inevitably read in a conventional context, with a hint of permanent changes to the way the Internet is governed.
01:24:12 Andrew.Campling@419.Consulting: COMMENT: I think that the emergence of digital sovereignty and the gradual introduction of national / regional legislation and regulation that applies to the Internet and services using it is a good thing. The digital economy in all its guises is too significant to ignore and the norms that may work in, for example, the US will not work everywhere – different expectations relating to privacy being a case in point. I suspect that this will presage a gradual divergence of the Internet into at least three separate but interconnected blocks centred around the US, the EU and China. As with other aspects of our lives, the “rules” in each block that apply to the Internet are likely to be very different, this is not a bad thing. /COMMENT
01:25:01 Peter Koch: @OCL: well, only to the extent that ‘good example’ is read as ‘authentic’, not to assess the applicability of platform regulation mechanisms to the Internet’s identifier system
01:25:24 Glenn McKnight: The media concentration is chasing their customer base
01:28:15 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: @Peter: when I say "good example" I do not make any judgement as to whether the discussions came to a good or bad outcome… What we are seeing are processes that have been used to roll out regulation. I guess one question that could be asked is - why is the Internet Identifier system different?
01:28:42 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: <question> Would notification of algorithm changes suffice? Algorithms being intricate as they are, how would the Australian news Business satisfy itself that there is no discrimination? And how would one measure fairness?
01:29:13 David Mackey: @OCL Thank you. Platforms are definitely part of the Internet and may compete with independent sources of information found on websites using domain names. ICANN’s remit focuses on domain names, of course. Is it fair to say the value of this conversation is discussion of the Internet ecosystem that’s beyond ICANN’s remit? This is still a valid conversation. I’m just checking my understanding.
01:29:42 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: @Andrew: you are encouraged to share this in the discussion later.
01:30:10 hadia Elminiawi: yes
01:30:12 Edmon Chung: seems so
01:30:14 Vittorio Bertola: In the end, domain names are already regulated, both globally (though it’s not binding regulation) and nationally - differently from platforms and many of their services, which are entirely or mostly unregulated
01:30:17 Zakir: apparsntly.
01:32:23 David Mackey: Intellectual property should not be allowed to harm End Users
01:33:54 Greg Shatan: @David, how would that happen? What’s your main concern?
01:33:57 Lori Schulman: @David MacKay - IP helps consumers by indicating quality and promoting choice and competition. Not clear on how it harms end users.
01:34:41 Lori Schulman: The issues of regulation being discussed today has IP as an aspect but it is not a driver.
01:34:54 Roberto: @Greg and @Lori - remember the bodacioustata.com case?
01:34:55 Gisella Gruber- ICANN Org: Reminder to kindly say your full name when speaking
01:34:58 Lori Schulman: *have
01:36:02 Lori Schulman: @Roberto - I do not.
01:36:09 Roberto: There has been, for instance, excessive prevailing presumptive IP rights in domain names disputes
01:36:38 Lori Schulman: IP rights need to be proven before they can be enforced.
01:36:46 Lori Schulman: That is basic.
01:36:50 Amrita Choudhury: Yes regulations will come in, given the current challenges, issues and geo-politics. However will the regulations be nuanced or heavy handed and whether it will achieve the objectives being envisaged is the main concern for all of us.
01:37:03 David Mackey: @Greg Shatan - Obviously a complex discussion, but in general, it’s probably good for all of us to get past the expectation that everything about the Internet is good. If we consider the world before the Internet, it can be seen that private property and a market system may bring much value to many, but there are also harms that acknowledged and limited with legislation and regulations.
01:37:03 Lori Schulman: This discussion is less about IP and more about regulation generally.
01:37:12 Roberto: The example was the one of a guy who had “bodacioustata.com” taken away by IP complaint by Tata Corp
01:37:34 Lori Schulman: @Roberto = thank you for the reminder.
01:38:09 Mark Svancarek: Could someone paste name of the Bill Bruna is discussing into the chat? Thanks!
01:38:41 Mark Svancarek: thx
01:38:41 Bruna Santos: Brazilian Act on Freedom, Responsibility and Transparency on the Internet,
01:38:42 Lori Schulman: @Roberto - there are always 2 sides. Without seeing the record about why Tata prevailed, I can't comment.
01:38:44 Roberto: In the early days, the relationship btw IP and NCUC has not been good - now it is much better
01:38:46 Bruna Santos: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://legis.senado.leg.br/sdleg-getter/documento?dm=8127630&ts=1593611715126&disposition=inline
01:39:14 Lori Schulman: I can only say that there are well documented fair use defenses among other defenses. Don't know if those were applied in that case.
01:39:40 Roberto: @Lori - I was only mentioning the case, as you may imagine it became famous - that was something like 1999 or 2000
01:40:11 Lori Schulman: @Roberto - the thinking around those early cases has evolved. Some of the winners in the early days may not prevail now.
01:40:27 Roberto: Of course, Tata might have been right - although the topic on the web site was different
01:40:51 Roberto: @Lori - agree, things change
01:41:13 Lori Schulman: It's important to remember that interpretation of the UDRP is iterative and evolutionary. WIPO has done a Herculean job to make sure that cases are fairly considered and well documented.
01:41:23 Roberto: the good thing is that the importance of IP for consumer protection is recognised - earlier it was not
01:42:30 Lori Schulman: And the panelists have educational opportunities and guidance through WIPO publications
01:43:27 Marie Pattullo: Great point, Roberto. TMs are a badge of origin for consumers - they must be able to trust that if it says TM on the tin, there is TM in the tin.
01:44:22 Lori Schulman: +1 Marie - TM's = trust and choice
01:44:40 Becky Burr: I am moving from video to phone
01:46:25 Holly Raiche: Sorry folks - my connection stopped -
01:47:56 Bruna Santos: The brazilian bill is a legislation that was passed at our Senate in july and should be voted at the House of representatives in december.
01:48:38 Andrew.Campling@419.Consulting: The localisation of terms of service seems entirely reasonable in my view, is to be encouraged given the very different legal frameworks, regulations etc that will apply.
01:49:49 Edmon Chung: audio is problematic
01:49:54 Lori Schulman: Sound is going in and out.
01:49:57 Glenn McKnight: lost audio
01:50:05 Yrjo Lansipuro: Losing audio periodically
01:53:27 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: @Andrew: localisation of Terms of Service actually includes the responsibility of each region being run by a different entity - which is seen in the TikTok Terms on https://www.tiktok.com/legal/terms-of-use?lang=en
01:55:34 Andrew.Campling@419.Consulting: @Olivier: that makes sense, especially when considering the potential conflicts between, for example, the requirements of the EU's GDPR and the Cloud Act in the US.
01:57:09 Yesim Nazlar - ICANN Org: IMPORTANT REMINDER - Please remember to speak at a reasonable pace as we have interpretation.
01:58:07 Elena Plexida: The paper with more comprehensive analysis of the DSA initiative is available here: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/ge-004-15jul20-en.pdf and the full set of ICANN org replies to the DSA consultation is available here: https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2020-09-10-en
01:58:47 Holly Raiche: Thanks Elena
01:58:58 Veni Markovski: +1 to Holly :)
01:59:21 Veni Markovski: Also, all GE publications are here: https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/government-engagement-publications-2020-03-02-en
02:02:36 David Mackey: +1 Suzzane
02:03:10 Suzanne Taylor (RIPE NCC): RIPE NCC position paper on the DSA (final text at bottom):
02:03:48 Suzanne Taylor (RIPE NCC): And for those interested, here’s a recap of the RIPE NCC community discussion on the DSA:
02:05:17 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: All of the sessions which Pierre has quoted already have their recordings available. I highly recommend watching them
02:06:40 Kathryn Kleiman: Fascinating sessions! Holly earlier mentioned a recent US Congress report on antitrust online issues. Here’s a blog post by Electronic Frontier Foundation with link to full report -- https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/10/house-antitrust-report-bold-prescription-curing-big-techs-ills
02:07:09 Manju Chen: @Oliver sorry if i missed it, where can we find the recordings?
02:07:35 Holly Raiche: Thanks Kathy
02:08:05 Andrew.Campling@419.Consulting: NIS Directive: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/network-and-information-security-nis-directive
02:08:06 Natalia Filina: @Manju https://69.schedule.icann.org/meetings/cmQzSeZttmiK8hCPt#/?limit=10&sortByFields[0]=isPinned&sortByFields[1]=lastActivityAt&sortByOrders[0]=-1&sortByOrders[1]=-1&uid=a6ijir8iemBHYWRru
02:08:14 Elena Plexida: As another example of how we engage with govs and IGO’s this is ICANN org’s contribution to the EDPB consultation on its guidelines for controllers processors: https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2-2020-10-19-en
02:08:35 Natalia Filina: and https://69.schedule.icann.org/meetings/B7yrSrgK43PCkp6n9#/?limit=10&sortByFields[0]=isPinned&sortByFields[1]=lastActivityAt&sortByOrders[0]=-1&sortByOrders[1]=-1&uid=a6ijir8iemBHYWRru
02:09:03 Manju Chen: Thanks! @Natalia
02:09:13 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: Thanks @Natalia
02:09:23 Bruna Santos: The digital sovereignity idea is very present on the brazilian bill as well, especially after our congressional ad-hoc committee on Disiformation had requests for access to content denied by platforms and then approached Cloudflare as the Bulkservice related content host. Here the data localization is taken as the main approach, almost a guarantee, that companies should not deny access to data related to investigations.
02:09:27 Natalia Filina: you are welcome @Manju @Olivier
02:13:30 DE - Sven: Asking registries to delete domains without judicial process seems like a step backwards to me, not forward..
02:13:50 Peter Koch: important to note that CPC regulation only applies intra-EU, but cross-border
02:14:19 Andrew.Campling@419.Consulting: @Pierre Bonis: In my view, the tech sector cannot operate as though it is above the law in the markets in which it operates (this may not be a universally popular view!).
02:17:05 Lori Schulman: <Comment> I want to applaud ICANN, AFNIC and RIPE for recognizing that it is far better to engage and educate than assume that regulations will not touch the DNS or the core generally.
02:17:26 Suzanne Taylor (RIPE NCC): I think that’s becoming a very popular view, @Andrew Campling - at least among EU policymakers
02:19:02 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: My worry is that often Governments confuse all the issues - content with infrastructure with technical. It is good to explain the difference.
02:19:04 Pierre Bonis. Afnic: @Andrew.Campling, totally agree. The idea I wanted to share, is that we could maybe better help to shape the law for it to be trully implementable technically, and try to make sure that the law is not missing its point. The is different from the self-regulation approach. This is accepting regulation, but, as it was said during the IGF in Paris 2 years ago, accept and participate to the elaboration of SMART regulation, instead of rejecting any kind of regulation
02:20:48 Holly Raiche: I particularly liked Suzanne’s very clear delineation between ICANN’s remit and regulation on top
02:20:56 Andrew.Campling@419.Consulting: @Pierre - I agree that accepting the inevitability of digital sovereignty, regulation etc and working to ensure that it is SMART, effective, minimises unintended consequences etc is the right approach.
02:21:41 Alberto Soto: Question: Problems of incorrect legislation were cited because legislators do not have technical knowledge about the legislation, for example about the domains to transfer. I believe that this situation is common in many countries, unfortunately. Issues like this are dealt with in the GAC, to see if the necessary orientation can be carried out in each country, through coordination between the executive branch and the judiciary? Question
02:22:46 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: # Digital Sovereignty can also be more appropriately viewed and defined as Sovereignty (independence) of the Digital Internet Space as a Cloud of Sovereign space benevolent to all sovereign nations, benevolently hovering over, providing a space for sovereign nations to come together and enact minimal code for intervention at times, in absolutely minimal measure, with due recognition for the core philosophies of the Internet Governance model, a minimal code that would expand upon (and minimise) legislation such as Europe's GDPR, DSA etc..
02:23:52 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: (to be better articulated by those with higher insights)
02:24:13 Suzanne Taylor (RIPE NCC): Thanks @Lori Schulman
02:24:21 Suzanne Taylor (RIPE NCC): More regulation is coming, and we certainly believe it’s better to work with policymakers to help them understand the impact of potential regulatory solutions on different Internet layers and operations. Rather than saying, “there’s nothing here that needs regulation,” we’re asking that the technical community have a voice in the process. But that means we all need to be willing to cooperate in the process.
02:24:36 Pierre Bonis. Afnic: For those asking about CPC, here it is
02:24:37 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: # Such a form of Digital Sovereignty would also resolve the cross jurisdiction problems.
02:25:05 Pierre Bonis. Afnic: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/reg/2017/2394/oj "where appropriate, the power to order domain registries or registrars to delete a fully qualified domain name and to allow the competent authority concerned to register it;"
02:25:25 Bruna Santos: +1 Suzanne. Here we have seen that the “Please do not regulate this” approach no longer works. Neither reinforcing the importance of regulations such as Marco civil
02:25:49 Andrew.Campling@419.Consulting: <QUESTION>: ICANN is unusual when it come to governance. It is my view that there is remarkably little governance when considering the Internet ecosystem as a whole, with largely semi-autonomous and arguably unaccountable bodies making decisions that can have far-reaching impacts. The IGF convenes to have discussions about governance issues but doesn’t, as far as I know, have any governance power. The IAB has recently introduced RFC8890 (“The Internet is for End-Users”) but to date there is no requirement formal for the IETF to undertake multi-stakeholder views into account. Do you agree that there is a real need for a multi-stakeholder governance body that is able to drive the agenda for the development and governance of the Internet as a whole? </QUESTION>
02:26:05 Vittorio Bertola: The basic problem is that if the Internet is not regulated by governments, it ends up being de-facto regulated by private companies outside of any real multistakeholder process, which is even worse. This idea of a benign global space where everyone is friends and all decide together has been shattered by the reality of unchecked business interests and geopolitical trade wars.
02:26:23 Lori Schulman: <Comment> We can't back away from the challenges that expansive use of Internet brings. That said, regulation is not always the answer. And it is far better to organize around best practices and self regulation. We see this happening in the DNS. The cc's are a great example of innovating to protect registrants and consumers. The Voluntary Framework on DNS Abuse is another examples where a community can take steps to do the right thing without specific regulation.
02:27:42 hadia Elminiawi: Thank you Tripti
02:27:51 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: Thanks everyone!
02:27:53 Natalia Filina: +1 @Vittorio
02:27:54 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: Have to leave now
02:28:03 hadia Elminiawi: Thanks Leon bye
02:28:14 Matthew Shears: Sorry to leave early
02:28:42 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: @ Vittorio Within the multistakeholder process, there is room for excesses by one stakeholder group to be balanced by two or more of the more benevolent stakeholders coming together, albeit temporarily
02:28:45 Lito Ibarra: Thanks everyone, for keeping this work within ICANN. Apologies for having to leave
02:28:51 Andrew.Campling@419.Consulting: @Lori Schulman - Just considering the DNS and TIG, ICANN may well focus on its use however I note that changes to the underlying are being made in the IETF without any formal multi-stakeholder engagement.
02:29:03 Pierre Bonis. Afnic: And I'm very sorry but I have to leave you now, but i'll definitely see to catch up this very interesting talks. Tanks a lot Olivier !
02:29:22 hadia Elminiawi: Thanks Pierre
02:30:09 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: @Vittoria So, the idea of benign global space is not "shattered", Internet Governance is still in its earliest years of evolution
02:30:13 Lori Schulman: @Suzanne Taylor - agree. More regulation is coming and we need to be ready to address it.
02:30:18 Maureen Hilyard - ALAC: Many thanks to the Board members for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend this session. Special thanks to Tripti for being one of the session speakers.
02:30:21 Mark Carvell - Adviser to ISOC: UN HLP on Digital Cooperation outcomes are underpinned by prevailing view that i. era of laissez-faire, hands off national Internet governance policies is over. ii) global policy responses should be multistakeholder. ICANN should demonstrate to UN member states how it provides a strong governance model with a proven track record that has attracted support from over 170 governments as GAC members - in a collaborative approach to governance where it is necessary for securing public interest goals.
02:31:12 Tripti Sinha: Thank you!
02:31:21 Lori Schulman: @Mark Carvell - Hear! Hear!
02:31:56 Vittorio Bertola: There is also a trend to make regulation less global and more national and local, in the spirit of the devolution principle which is, for example, at the roots of the EU. How to make that work on a global network is one of the challenges.
02:32:28 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: That is an excellent evolutionary development @MarkCarvell
02:32:50 Lori Schulman: @Andrew Campling - noted. thank you.
02:33:11 Andrew.Campling@419.Consulting: @Mark Carvell - the issue that I see with the ICANN model is that it only relates to a small part of the Internet and is impacted by developments elsewhere that do not benefit from the same type of governance.
02:33:15 Marita Moll (ALAC): Great discussion. So much to absorb. Things are clearly changing quickly and evolving to be more reflective of local and regional contexts
02:34:03 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: @Andrew Not a small part, but the "core" of the Internet
02:36:08 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: @Alberto Soto: some of the issues are addressed in the GAC but these are generally policy issues relating to ICANN's processes. Often, individual negotiations/discussion about policy legislation in a State are done elsewhere, and this is where there is engagement by Staff and ICANN Community Stakeholders
02:37:35 Andrew.Campling@419.Consulting: @Sivasubramanian I agree ICANN's remit is important, however there are many other components parts of the Internet and these operate outside of ICANN's remit.
02:39:34 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: @Andrew Little by little all these components need to be set in harmonious motion
02:42:51 hadia Elminiawi: I think what is required is an organized collaborative work
02:43:35 Veni Markovski: https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/government-engagement-publications-2020-03-02-en
02:44:18 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: @hadia collaboration of minds, not organizations in their structural, bureaucratic form
02:44:54 Vittorio Bertola: Collaborative work has the problem that we have seen sometimes at ICANN as well: when there is one stakeholder that benefits disproportionately from the status quo, they can just not cooperate and prevent any useful consensus from being reached.
02:44:54 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: Minds of leaders of the Nations, minds of great thinkers...
02:44:59 Veni Markovski: I hope I wasn’t too fast for the interpreters… ?
02:45:22 hadia Elminiawi: @ Sivasubramanian both is required to achieve results
02:46:13 Lori Schulman: <comment> I also think ICANN could use the community to support its engagement efforts by announcing in advance where there are opportunities for comment. While many in the community watch these spaces ourselves, we can't catch it all. The recent submission to EPDB is a good example where if some had known earlier, we could have provided input to support ICANN's position.
02:48:22 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: @Vittoria Some benefits can be a little more than equal, but if excesses are overwhelming, then the actions in status quo are in disagreement of more than one of the rest of the stakeholders...
02:50:33 Vera Major: The schedule of the IGF can be found at the following link https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/igf-2020-schedule-0
02:50:44 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: @ hadia Yes, but both components in a manner that act complementarily.
02:51:05 Vera Major: And registration for the IGF can be done at the following link https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/igf-2020-registration
02:51:12 hadia Elminiawi: @Sivasubramanian +1
02:51:49 Judith Hellerstein: you have to register on the IGF site in order to see the agenda for the IGF
02:51:58 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: Originates in minds, then the processes are contemplated.
02:52:16 David Mackey: @Judith That’s unfortunate
02:52:37 Veni Markovski: @all - please, register for the IGF (speaking here as a member of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group to the IGF); although it’s a virtual event, hosted by the UN, the IGF Secretariat needs to know roughly number of participants, so it can prepare better. And, last, but not least, that’s the way to look into the full agenda.
02:56:43 Mark Carvell - Adviser to ISOC: IGF: look out also for IGF MAG open discussions on how to evolve IGF into "IGF plus" as Olivier said, with more strategic focus on outcomes etc (was a discussion about this at same time as this EG-IG session); and how IGF should engage more national govt administrations and regulators; and inform Member States at UN with help of new UN Tech Envoy (to be appointed by UN Sec Gen next year sometime).
02:57:19 Bruna Santos: And the MAG WG on Strengthening the IGF paper: https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/filedepot_download/10447/2267
02:58:02 Mark Carvell - Adviser to ISOC: Yes indeed - thank you Bruna!
02:58:17 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: UN Tech Envoy is another great step forward
02:58:42 Bruna Santos: This is a paper/discussion that could profit from a broader engagement from the IG community. Beyond the roundtables participants and champions
03:02:19 Andrew.Campling@419.Consulting: An interesting session, thank you. A lot of ground covered, a pity there wasn't time to talk at the end.
03:02:23 David Mackey: Thank you Olivier, all the presenters, the Interpreters and everyone else behind the scenes for another great session at ICANN69!!
03:02:25 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: very informative and fully packed session... thank you everyone!!!
03:02:44 Bob Ochieng: Fully packed indeed!
03:02:44 hadia Elminiawi: Thank you for a great session
03:02:50 Natalia Filina: Olivier and all, thank you a lot!
03:02:51 Joan Katambi: Thanks everyone.
03:02:52 Judith Hellerstein: yes. excellent session
03:02:53 Marita Moll (ALAC): whewww!!! around the internet world in 2 hours. Thanks
03:03:00 hadia Elminiawi: bye
03:03:01 Suzanne Taylor (RIPE NCC): Thanks to everyone for the great session!
03:03:01 Bruna Santos: Congrats on the session and thanks everyone!
03:03:03 Veni Markovski: Thanks, all, and have a great day / good night / etc.
03:03:04 Lori Schulman: ocl@gih.com
03:03:06 David Mackey: LOL Marita
03:03:08 Heiki Sibul: Thanks
03:03:08 Mark Carvell - Adviser to ISOC: Great session Olivier and thanks to all presenters and tech support staff.
03:03:10 Yesim Nazlar - ICANN Org: Thank you all for joining, this session is now adjourned.

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