00:26:15 David Mackey: yes
00:26:16 Maureen Hilyard: Yes
00:26:21 Edowaye Makanjuola: Yes..
00:26:22 Sergio Salinas Porto LACRALO: YES!!!!!
00:26:27 Gisella Gruber: Please note that chat sessions are being archived and follow the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior: http://www.icann.org/en/news/in-focus/accountability/expected-standards
00:26:49 Gisella Gruber: Interpretation Service
Languages Available: English, Français, Español

Participation How-To Guide: https://icann69.pathable.co/participation-tools

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Session Token: ICANN-ALAC
Browser Link: https://crn.interpret.world/loginlink?token=ICANN-ALAC&lang=SRC
00:26:50 Innocent Adriko: Hello everyone, Innocent Adriko from Uganda.
00:27:16 Adrian Schmidt - Lacombe, AB: Good morning again. Adrian Schmidt from Lacombe, AB
00:27:51 Alfredo Calderon: Saludos a todos y todas. / Helio to all!
00:28:00 Adrian Schmidt - Lacombe, AB: Gracias Alfredo!
00:28:16 Sergio Salinas Porto LACRALO: saludos a todos y todas queridos compañeros!
00:28:39 Gisella Gruber: Interpretation Service
Languages Available: English, Français, Español

Participation How-To Guide: https://icann69.pathable.co/participation-tools

Mobile App: https://urlgeni.us/ICANN-ALAC

Session Token: ICANN-ALAC
Browser Link: https://crn.interpret.world/loginlink?token=ICANN-ALAC&lang=SRC
00:31:11 Amrita Choudhury: Session Token: ICANN-ALAC Browser Link: https://crn.interpret.world/loginlink?token=ICANN-ALAC&lang=SRC
00:34:09 Silvia Vivanco- ICANN org: Warm welcome to all participants
00:34:48 Joanna Kulesza: +100 on more women in IG Oreoluwa!
00:35:40 Chokri Ben Romdhane: hi Amrita and all sorry for the delay
00:36:27 Maureen Hilyard: Aris brings a large group of students to the APRIGF each year who are great participants.
00:37:07 Natalia Filina: Bravo, our goal - youth people!
00:39:08 Innocent Adriko: Thank you so much Aris for your acknowledgement of Youth Impact in the community.
00:40:08 Priyatosh Jana: Thanks Aris......
00:40:44 Maureen Hilyard: There is a lot going on in the Pacific
00:41:06 Aris Ignacio: Thank you to all.. thanks also to At-Large for the opportunity
00:42:26 Oreoluwa Lesi: This is a wonderful opportunity to learn what other members of the community are doing!
00:42:33 Minata ZONG-NABA: Merci bien pour la bonne opportunité. Nous apprenons vraiment des un des autres.
00:42:55 Sarah Kiden: Good to hear all these initiatives from the community!
00:43:45 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: indeed!
00:44:02 Aris Ignacio: I agree that all these initiatives are great.. we need more involvement from all stakeholders and some who have not being reached within our communities
00:45:42 Shreedeep Rayamajhi: so true hanna you got the nerve marketing and communication is very important which is hugely lacking
00:45:42 Justine Chew: Yay APRALO! Applause to Aris Ignacio, Cherie Lagakali, Hanan Khatib, Nadira Al Araj and our moderator Amrita Choudhury.
00:46:28 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: :=)
00:46:42 Satish Babu (APRALO): :-) Yes, APRALO is well represented....
00:46:47 Maureen Hilyard: @ustine +1
00:46:52 Maureen Hilyard: Justine
00:47:20 Alfredo Calderon: +1 @Hannan, some ICANN Learn courses need to be more interactive to get inout from participants. In some instances, it seems to late to wait, to finish course to provide some feedback or even have some networking opportunities.
00:47:25 Cherie Lagakali - PICISOC: Thank you for allowing us this update :)
00:47:52 Joanna Kulesza: Great update Cherie, great job APRALO!
00:48:24 Shreedeep Rayamajhi: so true natalia, it matters for the collaborative work
00:48:45 Maureen Hilyard: Cherie is doing a great job in the Pacific as the Chair of the Pacific Islands Chapter of ISOC
00:48:59 Aziz Hilali: thanks Natalia
00:49:21 Aris Ignacio: Great job Cherie!
00:49:22 Natalia Filina: Thank you all! Our collaborative work!-)
00:49:28 Joanna Kulesza: Thanks for the update Natalia! Very helpful.
00:49:43 Raitme Citterio: Great Job @Natalia
00:50:20 Priyatosh Jana: Nice job @Natalia
00:50:40 Aris Ignacio: Great job @Natalia and your team..
00:50:50 Roberto: Well done, @Natalia
00:51:24 Cherie Lagakali - PICISOC: Thank you everyone, team effort ;)
00:51:25 Natalia Filina: Thank you all, my pleasure to work with you! To jump inti new environment for us but with the same level of quality of our interactions
00:51:45 David Mackey: YAY Adrian!
00:52:30 Maureen Hilyard: Great to have Adrian here in the early hours of the morning.
00:53:15 Priyatosh Jana: Hurrah @At-Large
00:53:55 KEOLEBOGILE Rantsetse: great work At-Large
00:54:48 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: wise words!
00:56:07 Adrian Schmidt - Lacombe, AB: Thank you so much for the opportunity to share :)
00:56:11 Dave Kissoondoyal: Bravo At-Large
00:56:45 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: @Adrian: Gracias por tu intervención
00:57:18 Adrian Schmidt - Lacombe, AB: De nada con todo gusto @Eduardo!
00:57:37 Roberto: FYI, Sylvia will bring this topic at the IGF next month
00:58:49 Maureen Hilyard: A lot of great capacity building work happening in LACRALO
00:58:59 Roberto: This is very important in order to foster local content and wider participation in the Internet
00:59:24 Alfredo Calderon: ISOC-PR (ALs - NARALO) does seasonal events like: 1) “Let’s Fall in Love of Internet, 2) Internet Day in Puerto Rico, 3) In 2020 we have offered webinars where Internet Governance from the Internet ecosystem perspective has been embedded. We havMOS’s with a consortia of over 500,000 students in Puerto Rico, continental U.S.A. (HETS - another NARALO ALS) to increase awareness. Our main focus is to increase awareness and knowledge among our civil society and academia of what ICANN, At-Large and other organization do.
00:59:29 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: gracias Silvia
00:59:36 Silvia Vivanco- ICANN org: Thank you for the great presentations and engagement to all the RALOs, great job!
01:00:19 Raitme Citterio: @Sylvia Gracias
01:00:30 Natalia Filina: Let’s Fall in Love of Internet!!! Nice @Alfredo. A lot done by our members... Great session!
01:00:40 Justine Chew: Excellent sharing from our RALO reps.
01:00:46 sylvia herlein: for UA - LACRALO information, PLEASE contact me sylvia@internautabrasil.org
01:01:53 sylvia herlein: @Roberto, that´s rigth :)
01:01:53 Nadira AL Araj: https://icannwiki.org/ICANN_ME_SPACE
01:02:44 Raitme Citterio: Thanks @Nadira for the sharing
01:03:12 Maureen Hilyard: It is timely that the wider community are getting to hear about what our At-Large members are doing out in their communities on behalf of ICANN. There is some brilliant outreach being done and I'm glad they are now sharing this great work
01:03:42 DANIEL NANGHAKA: that's right
01:03:46 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: very timely indeed!
01:03:59 DANIEL NANGHAKA: slot has been done in Outreach and Engagement
01:04:43 Natalia Filina: Really Daniel-)
01:06:18 Sarah Kiden: I miss the DNS Women breakfast and dinner sessions :-)
01:07:15 Jonathan Zuck: The EPDP was certainly trial by fire!
01:07:21 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: perhaps they will come again @Sarah
01:07:58 Sarah Kiden: Hopefully @Cheryl
01:08:09 Maureen Hilyard: I agree Sarah. and hope so Cheryl
01:08:19 Alfredo Calderon: This year, ISOC-PR in collaboration withe the State Department of Education, University of Puerto Rico, HETS, and other groups we are celebrating “Internet Day in Puerto Rico” around the theme “My Buddy the Internet” and inviting the community to reflect how during the Covid-19 pandemia the different offerings and special regulations in place have made their lives manageable. At https://internetdaypr.org you can have an idea of previous years accomplishments. <Sorry it is in Spanish>.
01:09:49 Alfredo Calderon: Webinars are being scheduled for the end of October and November to share those reflections with all parties interested.
01:10:41 Natalia Filina: good realistic input Lutz!
01:11:00 Lilian Ivette Deluque: great Alfredo
01:11:32 Shreedeep Rayamajhi: great work Alfredo
01:12:14 Maureen Hilyard: Hadia missed out on the fact that she leads the capacity building working group that organises some very interesting and informative webinars as training for our at-Large members
01:13:11 Joanna Kulesza: +1 Maureen! Thanks for all your work Hadia!
01:13:45 hadia Elminiawi: Thank you all - you are an extremely supporting community
01:14:08 Holly Raiche: @ Hadia- one of our policy stars
01:14:16 Natalia Filina: +1 Maureen. A lot of efforts, time and excellent work with team
01:15:15 hadia Elminiawi: Thank you
01:16:17 Lilian Ivette Deluque: Hadia is a genius
01:16:24 Natalia Filina: thank you Roberto! A lot of things doing
01:16:38 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: well said @Roberto
01:17:03 hadia Elminiawi: +1 Cheryl
01:17:07 Maureen Hilyard: Yes thank you Roberto..
01:18:03 Roberto: I am only facilitating, the Individual Users are doing the hard work :-)
01:18:42 Holly Raiche: I hope that ALAC can be that supporting organization for all individual members
01:18:56 Lutz Donnerhacke: Roberto: In all Groups the inviduals do the work
01:19:08 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: An excellent example of starting a successful Journey in At-Large, Thank you @David !
01:19:15 Alfredo Calderon: On another phase, Glenn McKnight and myself have started a project — Virtual School on Internet Governance (https://virtualsig.org). ICANN, PIR, Verisign, ARIN, CIRA, Afilias, and more in the future have sponsored this initiative. The incorporation of Live sessions (webinars) with speakers from ICANN Board, PIR, volunteers from different At-Large communities and civil society have contributed with their perspective. This project has given us the opportunity to have in one virtual space, participants from all over the world to learn of different perspectives on policy issues and how can we work together to reach certain goals to have a ‘secure, stable, and accessible’ Internet for all.
01:19:20 Holly Raiche: +1 Lutz -
01:19:21 Justine Chew: @David, that is the perfect strategy to getting involved in policy development.
01:19:23 Jonathan Zuck: The At-Large is the most heterogeneous part of the ICANN community
01:19:30 Maureen Hilyard: Thank you David.. you raise some good advice for anyone who wants to know how to get involved in At-Large
01:20:04 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Very True and not often enough recognised @Jonathan
01:20:10 Sergio Salinas Porto LACRALO: no se escucha
01:21:07 sylvia herlein: Adrian is doing a great work in LACRALO!!!
01:21:27 Sergio Salinas Porto LACRALO: Adrian the best! ja
01:21:42 Maureen Hilyard: +1 Sylvia and Sergio
01:22:54 Cherie Lagakali - PICISOC: Like David I was also an Atlas 3 rep
01:22:59 Adrian Schmidt: grande tocayo!!! un gustazo escucharte
01:23:16 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Graciás @Adrian
01:24:07 Natalia Filina: Thank you Adrian!
01:24:09 Alfredo Calderon: Thank you @David for pointing out what has been in some ways similar to my journey to get involved in ICANN, and in At-Large specifically. I had the benefit of having Eduardo Díaz (NARALO - Chair) as a great mentor, back in ICANN53, and since then I have found spaces where I feel I can contribute. I agree with you that Policy Development is a long, and in some cases a very technical area. However, it is sometimes, form my point of view, to provide some naive questions, opinions, just to give an Internet End-User perspective with less technical knowledge.
01:24:13 Lilian Ivette Deluque: Bien Adrian!!
01:24:22 Adrian Carballo - LACRALO: Email Adrian Carballlo - adrian@gobernanzainternet.org
01:25:09 Raitme Citterio: Gracias @adrian
01:25:25 David Mackey: +1 Alfredo … and a shout out to Eduardo’s help for me too as a newcomer
01:25:46 Adrian Carballo - LACRALO: Gracias Lilian
01:25:51 Adrian Carballo - LACRALO: Gracias Raitme
01:26:14 Alfredo Calderon: Excelente @AdrianCarballo.
01:27:16 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Mercié @Bakary
01:27:18 Lilian Ivette Deluque: Eduardo is a anfel for the newcomer
01:27:19 Seun Ojedeji: weldone on all your work @Bakrary
01:27:28 Sarah Kiden: Merci Bakary!
01:27:31 Natalia Filina: thank you Bakary!
01:28:14 hadia Elminiawi: Yes Seun
01:28:39 KEOLEBOGILE Rantsetse: Afralo representing :)
01:28:40 Judith Hellerstein: Both Eduardo and I worked closely withAdrian and David on outreach issues and on educating them on at large issues
01:29:07 Natalia Filina: Yes Judith, you are working a lot
01:29:13 Bakary KOUYATE: The link for our fisrt repport : https://www.isoc.ml/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Rapport_Etudes_ISOCML_2018.pdf
01:30:25 Judith Hellerstein: thank you @natalya. I got up early today to make this presentation even after going to bed very late last night because of work issues
01:31:15 Alfredo Calderon: @Seun, 1) Digital Inclusion (lack of proper connectivity), 2) Virtual meeting fatigue, 3) identifying areas of interest where I can better contribute are my three sonar permain concerns.
01:32:26 Bakary KOUYATE: Well done Seun
01:32:46 hadia Elminiawi: Thanks Seun
01:33:14 KEOLEBOGILE Rantsetse: Well done Seun
01:33:44 Alfredo Calderon: @Eduardo, has been key in focusing NARALO’s focused on better engaging our community. From my point of view, we are moving forward in better understanding Policy issues and connecting with the Consolidated Policy Working Group.
01:33:47 Judith Hellerstein: also inviting people to work in policy issues at the operations, planning and finance committee
01:33:48 Jonathan Zuck: Eduardo is like real estate agent for the CPWG house
01:34:05 Holly Raiche: Interesting - and helpful report - thanks Ed
01:34:21 hadia Elminiawi: Thanks Ed
01:34:22 Bakary KOUYATE: I found the newsletter very interesting. And each publication, we distribute it in all our communication channels and our members are obliged to read it because our article is there.
01:34:25 David Mackey: Agreed @Alfredo
01:34:27 Holly Raiche: (and JZ - have you hired him?
01:34:33 Natalia Filina: haha-)
01:34:35 Seun Ojedeji: good job @Bakary
01:34:36 Lilian Ivette Deluque: Thanks Eduardo for your support to the newcomer and you great job
01:34:58 Jonathan Zuck: @Holly, he works on commission, not salary
01:36:10 Holly Raiche: Is there something in the ICANN budget that would cover it
01:37:12 Hanan khatib: no voice
01:37:21 Jonathan Zuck: @Holly! How crass. Eduardo's commission is a percentage of the credit for superior policy work by the At-Large community.
01:37:24 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: The 'trick' is (IMO) to get these excellent local and Reional At-Large Policy initiatives producing **timely** input to the prime Policy Development activities going on in ICANN
01:37:33 Alfredo Calderon: @All, sorry for my grammatical and orthografic errors. Writing too fast to keep up.
01:38:35 Holly Raiche: @JZ- then he is way too expensive for us!
01:38:40 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: NP @Alfredo this is a downside of not being able to edit chat in this communication tool ….
01:39:19 Bakary KOUYATE: I share the experience of the proximity approach which consists of creating WhatsApp groups at each public event that we organize. It's an approach that has helped us a lot to mobilize our members and get our messages across.
01:39:21 hadia Elminiawi: + 1 Cheryl - benefiting from these initiatives is very important
01:39:29 Jonathan Zuck: @Cheryl, I continue to wonder if some percentage of local outreach and engagement should be standardized.
01:39:44 Holly Raiche: @ Satish - great report - and please, let me know what I can do to heop
01:39:48 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I hear you @JZ
01:39:56 Holly Raiche: (help)
01:40:10 hadia Elminiawi: @Jonathan yesterday was the Worlds Standards day - Happy Standards day
01:40:35 Satish Babu (APRALO): Thanks Heidi!
01:40:41 Adrian Carballo - LACRALO: The 12th consecutive edition of the South School on Internet Governance and the 4th edition of ARGENSIG the Argentine School of Internet Governance will be organized jointly and virtually on October 5 - 9, 2020. www.gobernanzainternet.org - 500 felows -34 countries- 130 faculties
01:40:45 Alfredo Calderon: +1 @Cheryl, that I believe is the greatest challenge. Identifying in advance those key policy issues where At-Large needs to focus on. That is what @NARALO tries to do, and have our RALO members reach out to the CPWG to contribute with comments.
01:40:46 Sébastien Bachollet: @JZ it will be discuss during the next session « regional leaders meeting »
01:40:57 Adrian Carballo - LACRALO: www.gobernanzainternet.org
01:41:18 Satish Babu (APRALO): Thanks Holly...you're an integral part of most of our efforts...
01:41:39 hadia Elminiawi: yes Sergio
01:42:03 Adrian Carballo - LACRALO: Sergio. te escuchamos bien
01:42:03 Holly Raiche: @ Satish - I certainly try to be as helpful as I can
01:42:18 Justine Chew: @Cheryl, I hear you on 'timeliness'. @Holly, let's round up more volunteers for the APRALO Policy Forum?
01:43:04 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: So many interesting and important updates to pack in to the time allocated (but a great 'tasting menu' of the work being so effectively undertaken yet all too often overlooked in our vibrant At-Large community... Great session @Amrita … Very thankful you have arranged it for us!!
01:43:05 Satish Babu (APRALO): Thanks Holly and Justine...looking forward to the Policy Forum taking off...
01:43:53 sylvia herlein: +1 Cheryl
01:43:56 Maureen Hilyard: +1 Cheryl..
01:44:14 hadia Elminiawi: +1 Cheryl
01:44:22 Harold Arcos: LACRALO Wiki- Confluence Main page:
01:44:46 sylvia herlein: tks Harold
01:44:57 sylvia herlein: great Sergio
01:44:58 Roberto: +1 CLO - also, what I miss is the opportunity to approach folks in the break to continue the discussion - but maybe I am saying an obvious thing
01:45:10 Harold Arcos: LACRALO Newsletter:
01:46:20 Natalia Filina: +Roberto. Lack of many important things to decide and tell. Zoom and time limitation...
01:46:53 Amrita Choudhury: A request to all .Those who are okay with it. At the end can you switch on your cameras so that we can take a picture?
01:46:53 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Simple but effective actions @Adam YES!!!
01:46:59 Nadira AL Araj: Sharing events GSE seems simple but is important to balance the intensity of the events.
01:47:11 Natalia Filina: yes Amrita!!!!
01:47:42 Judith Hellerstein: Adam peaks —great ideas, many ALSES often have trouble getting extra money to attend other events so kudos to you for letting ALS know in advance of events and also inviting and paying for them to attend these events
01:47:45 Nadira AL Araj: yes, it was a vibrant event
01:47:50 Maureen Hilyard: If GSE events are virtual, can they be more widely coordinated so that others may join in as well?
01:47:55 Adrian Carballo - LACRALO: Muy poco tiempo. Me quedaron varios temas por exponer.
01:49:11 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: SO many opportunities for partnership @Adam... moots well for the future IMO
01:49:16 Judith Hellerstein: @roberto i also miss the opportunity to meet people in the hallway
01:49:22 Alfredo Calderon: +1 @Adam, we are structuring a strong collaboration with ICANN in having experts in different Policy issues.
01:49:24 Bakary KOUYATE: ok
01:49:36 Harold Arcos: Thanks @Sebastian!
01:49:48 Sarah Kiden: Very good session…… good moderation, insightful presentations. Kudos!
01:50:00 Roberto: @SeB - Only 20 years?
01:50:10 Aris Ignacio: Congratulations.. indeed a very good session!
01:50:13 Priyatosh Jana: Very nice session
01:50:21 Harold Arcos: Merci @Sebs!
01:50:28 sylvia herlein: grande Sebastian! el primero que nos incentivó y siempre nos incentiva a hablar en nuestro propio idioma!!!
01:50:37 Amrita Choudhury: Don't leave pls wait for 2-3 mins we have a pic to take :)
01:50:44 Priyatosh Jana: Thanks to all ...bye bye
01:50:45 KEOLEBOGILE Rantsetse: great updates from different RALOs
01:51:03 Lilian Ivette Deluque: great sesion
01:51:31 Cherie Lagakali - PICISOC: Thank you Sébastien
01:51:33 Judith Hellerstein: please remember to face the camera when speaking so others can read your lips if they are not understanding or our hearing impaired
01:51:37 Mary Uduma: Great and productive session. Thanks all
01:51:43 Sergio Salinas Porto LACRALO: Graet sesion! congratulation Amrita!
01:52:10 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: thanks
01:52:14 Ali AlMeshal: well done all
01:52:16 Jahangir Hossain: great session... thanks to all
01:52:16 Silvia Vivanco- ICANN org: Thank you all for this excellent session! Great job !
01:52:21 Adrian Schmidt: thank you so much!!
01:52:24 Harold Arcos: great
01:52:24 Katambi Joan: Great job Team.
01:52:35 Satish Babu (APRALO): Thanks and bye!
01:52:38 Lilian Ivette Deluque: bye
01:52:42 Raitme Citterio: Thanks @Amrita @Natalia Great Job
01:52:42 David Mackey: Great session. Thank you Amrita!!
01:52:45 hadia Elminiawi: bye Thank you all
01:52:45 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Bye
01:52:50 Roberto: Bye
01:52:51 KEOLEBOGILE Rantsetse: thanx bye

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