01:10:58 Tatiana Tropina: Hi all
01:11:51 Tatiana Tropina: Can the speakers turn on the video? Or is it audio only meeting? Thanks
01:12:08 Michele Neylon (Blacknight): You don’t want to see me at this time of the morning
01:12:12 Tatiana Tropina: (I mean speakers other than Sebastien :))
01:12:23 Tatiana Tropina: Michele, I actually want to :)
01:12:40 Tatiana Tropina: Already thinking how am going to be on the council without you :D
01:12:41 Gisella Gruber: Welcome to Everyone!
01:12:42 Natalia Filina: we want to see you Tatiana!
01:13:09 Tatiana Tropina: Natalia :)
01:13:18 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: looking forward to hearing this session
01:13:58 Alberto Soto: Thanks Gisella!
01:14:09 Jorge Cancio: will also non-Europeans be allowed to vote in the poll? ;P
01:14:27 Natalia Filina: Yes Jorge!-)
01:14:51 Jorge Cancio: we are too democratic ;D
01:15:18 Natalia Filina: always-)))
01:15:48 Tatiana Tropina: No we are leaving the option to say that voting was rigged by non-europeans :)
01:16:09 Marita Moll: Good morning from Canada. Too early to think straight but here anyhow
01:16:11 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: From a UK perspective, what is a "European" in this context?
01:16:30 Michele Neylon (Blacknight): Olivier - you’re French
01:16:30 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: :-)
01:16:49 Tatiana Tropina: Everything from Lisbon to Vladivostok, Olivier :-)
01:17:01 Herb Waye Ombuds: Greetings from the Office of the Ombudsman. The Ombuds team is hosting a virtual office during ICANN69, details to drop in can be found on the meeting home page in the conversation forum.
01:17:20 Lutz Donnerhacke: Tatiana … to the Ural
01:17:35 Jorge Cancio: let's not exclude Tatiana
01:17:47 Jorge Cancio: ;P
01:17:48 Gisella Gruber: Welcome Herb
01:17:52 Michele Neylon (Blacknight): She’s German these days
01:17:59 Julf Helsingius: Indeed
01:18:01 Tatiana Tropina: Lutz, geographically yes but country-wise, would you include Russia only to Ural? Ha
01:18:32 Sébastien Bachollet: https://www.icann.org/news/blog/enhancing-the-effectiveness-of-icann-s-multistakeholder-model-moves-into-implementation
01:18:39 Matthias M. Hudobnik: already good discussions ;-)
01:18:39 Tatiana Tropina: Today it’s two years since I am German citizen. Anniversary! But am from Vladivostok, so tell me am not European :P
01:18:47 Lutz Donnerhacke: Tatiana, "Europe" as geographical Entity, yes. "Europe" as a political Entity, oops.
01:19:00 Julf Helsingius: Remember that The Netherlands stretches all the way to the Caribbean
01:19:08 Tatiana Tropina: Yeah that’s what I meant, Lutz :-) goops
01:19:12 Tatiana Tropina: Oops
01:19:37 Jorge Cancio: better take the train ;)
01:19:42 Martin Sutton: Frohes Jubiläum Tatiana
01:19:45 Tatiana Tropina: Julf yes and I think France stretches quite to some far away points too. Olivier should tell us
01:19:45 Lutz Donnerhacke: Politically, Europe lost a whole Island this year.
01:19:49 Claudia Ruiz ICANN ORG: When submitting a question or comment that you want me to read out loud on the mic, please start with a <QUESTION> and end with a “</QUESTION>” or <COMMENT> </COMMENT>. Text outside these quotes will be considered as part of “chat” and will not be read out loud on the microphone.
01:19:59 Tatiana Tropina: Danker, Martin!
01:20:10 Julf Helsingius: Lutz: Not sure about "whole"
01:20:36 Lutz Donnerhacke: An Island and the top of an other one.
01:20:52 Tatiana Tropina: (Haha, my autocorrect changes Danke to danker. Sorry germans)
01:21:14 Bruce Tonkin: Hi Sébastien
01:21:54 Sébastien Bachollet: Hello Bruce, nice to see you in this virtual world
01:22:24 Ole Jacobsen: Can someone ask her to move the mic away from her mouth, it is totally distorting and overloading.
01:22:32 Marita Moll: Good to hear that all 6 issues left in the MSM project will be dealt with -- not just the "low hanging fruit".
01:23:02 Marita Moll: over the course of the strat plan
01:24:17 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: thanks for the ATRT3 mention!
01:24:46 Katrina Sataki (ccNSO Council): @Ole - sorry! Moved the mic!
01:31:23 Matthias M. Hudobnik: interesting input andrey!
01:33:38 Natalia Filina: congrats Tatiana!-)
01:33:57 Katrina Sataki (ccNSO Council): Congratulation! :)
01:37:12 Jorge Cancio: herzlichen Glückwunsch!
01:38:36 DANIEL NANGHAKA: I agree, it's challenging times that have reinvented engagement
01:39:08 Chris Mondini: Heres the recording of the PDP role play if you want to recruit any talent! recording: https://participate.icann.org/712C05DE-E902-4B64-B30E-5E12B9657674.mp4
01:39:14 Jonathan Zuck: It's taken a toll on relationships across stakeholder boundaries
01:39:42 Tatiana Tropina: Not like you would have a chance to get tan in Hamburg, Michele :)
01:41:17 Chris Mondini: The questionnaire on the Future of Virtual Meetings is being distributed via the head of each SO and AC, so please be sure to contact these leaders - they will be convening discussions and distributing the questions.
01:42:06 Sébastien Bachollet: Thanks Chris, will do
01:42:54 DANIEL NANGHAKA: in At-Large we received the questionnaire
01:43:13 Sébastien Bachollet: @Daniel but the link not working
01:44:58 Ricardo Holmquist: @Seb, mine worked fine, already filled.
01:45:17 Sébastien Bachollet: Yes you where the ONA @Ricardo
01:45:22 Sébastien Bachollet: ONE
01:45:30 Michele Neylon (Blacknight): @Tatiana - our govt is restricting meetings at home so we’re all meant to meet outside - which is bloody cold
01:48:29 Tatiana Tropina: Freezing here, too :( at least for me.
01:48:46 Chris Mondini: I vote for Jorge’s topic!
01:48:57 Tatiana Tropina: Dutch people will probably tell me it’s warm here
01:49:17 Julf Helsingius: Tatiana: it is :)
01:49:35 Marita Moll: Excellent analysis of some of our participation problems @Jorge
01:50:07 Tatiana Tropina: Julf, you are Finnish :-) everything above -40C must be warm
01:51:23 Sébastien Bachollet: Next part of the call will be Questions. Please be ready ;)
01:51:30 Jorge Cancio: thanks, Marita :-)
01:52:05 Julf Helsingius: Tatiana: I am just wearing a thick sweater :)
01:52:57 Tatiana Tropina: Am wearing a thick jumper too, but I am considering wearing 2-3 jumpers.
01:56:38 Jeffrey Neuman: If we are not European, should we still respond to this poll?
01:56:49 Michele Neylon (Blacknight): Jeff - tut tut
01:56:54 Lutz Donnerhacke: Jeffrey. yes please
01:57:00 Natalia Filina: yes, Jeffrey
01:57:02 Chris Mondini: @Jeff only if you speak with a European accent during the session
01:57:07 Tatiana Tropina: On this call everybody is European :)
01:57:08 Jeffrey Neuman: I mean we are all European at heart, right :)
01:57:16 Adela Danciu: Is the poll on already? I cannot see it
01:57:26 Jorge Cancio: me neither
01:57:29 Roberto: @Jeff on the net nobody knows if you are European
01:57:36 Tatiana Tropina: In “heute bin ich Berliner” sort of way
01:57:40 Lutz Donnerhacke: We are all together in Europe these days … virtual Hamburg!
01:57:41 Adela Danciu: European is a state of mind ;)
01:57:46 Julf Helsingius: Jeff: Consider yourself a honorary european for ICANN purposes :)
01:58:03 Marita Moll: I don't see the icon to raise our hand
01:58:07 Jordan Carter: The time zone is no fun from here ;’’(
01:58:36 Ole Jacobsen: Best thing said all day: “ICANN is not really that important!”
01:58:46 Jorge Cancio: ;)
01:58:51 Jonathan Zuck: They care about whether they get to the site they're trying to visit. They don't know whose responsible but they care.
01:58:52 Chris Mondini: @Marita: do you have a hand at the bottom of your list of participants?
01:58:54 Danko Jevtović (ICANN Board): People also care about cat photos
01:58:54 Roberto: @Marita you have to click on participants first
01:58:58 Lutz Donnerhacke: Martina you may try "<RAISE>Hand</RAISE>"
01:59:33 Marita Moll: Yes, there it is -- thanks @Chris -- too early
01:59:35 Jeffrey Neuman: Well, all 4 of my grandparents were European, so in theory, I am European......
01:59:56 Tatiana Tropina: I suggest a t-shirt for the next meeting “ICANN is not really that important”
02:00:13 Maarten Botterman: My deepest wish is that ICANN doesn't become seen to be very important, in the eyes of the wider public - as long as the unique identifier system functions ICANN will not become "main news" - let's keep it like that ;-)
02:00:20 Jonathan Zuck: 1am here in LA
02:00:20 Danko Jevtović (ICANN Board): @Jeffrey we do accept you
02:00:20 Jordan Carter: The good thing with ICANN is that it moves the time zones of the meets, unlike some of the other internet organisations.. :)
02:00:26 Natalia Filina: Noted @Jeffrey-) European family!
02:00:34 Natalia Filina: Tatiana +1!
02:00:36 Lutz Donnerhacke: Tatiana: The temperature will not much better to weat shirts
02:01:05 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: sounds broken up
02:01:12 Chris Mondini: Better!
02:01:12 Tatiana Tropina: Wearing t-shirts over a jumper might be a solution, Lutz
02:01:15 Jorge Cancio: much better
02:01:17 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: fixed!
02:01:46 Lutz Donnerhacke: Tatiana: You will need a differnent size ...
02:02:10 Tatiana Tropina: :-) not a problem. I will get M instead of S!
02:02:43 Natalia Filina: +1 Marita
02:04:02 Jeffrey Neuman: I have written a number of articles that the real problem with the multistakeholder model is that participants have little or no incentive to compromise, nor do they necessarily have the authority or willingness to compromise. We can try to address the procedural issues, the structural issues, etc., but none of that will matter if we cannot ensure that participants actually have the incentive, willingness and authority to compromise on positions.
02:04:29 Michele Neylon (Blacknight): Jeff - yeah that’s why the ePDP is such a mess
02:04:48 Tatiana Tropina: Michele +1
02:04:54 Michael Palage: I agree with many of the comments about rethinking the mutli-stakeholder engagement model. More specifically to Chris’ comments about increasing volunteerism in ICANN. While aspiration, it is not ground in logic. It is simply a Return of Investment analysis. Name three GNSO policies over the last decade that have been completed and successfully implemented. As one commentor in the EPDP IRT session noted yesterday, the EPDP took one year to complete but full implementation is not anticipated until 2022. Then go to SubPro that has been working on their journey – that is going to be a decades long journey. When you have processes that last so long the only people that can meaningful engage are the paid professional – this is a systemic threat to the multi-stakeholder model.
02:04:57 Jeffrey Neuman: This has been my argument for about a decade now.....and neither PDP 3.0, nor most of the current efforts underway, will really fix the problems we have
02:05:06 James Galvin (Afilias): can we see the poll results again?
02:05:08 Lutz Donnerhacke: ePDP has the Problem of ignoring the Problem space in the first step
02:05:24 Peter Van Roste - CENTR: How many participated in the poll?
02:05:41 Anupam Agrawal: I will agree to the point. We have ignored the problem
02:06:15 Jorge Cancio: what are the poll results?
02:06:21 Jorge Cancio: I don't see them...
02:06:44 Tatiana Tropina: They are on the screen :)
02:07:10 Jonathan Zuck: Park of the problem @Jeff is that everyone THINKS they ARE compromising
02:07:13 Jorge Cancio: not in my browser
02:07:15 Martin Sutton: could be in a window behind the main screen Jorge?
02:07:21 Michele Neylon (Blacknight): if anyone needs the poll results I took a screen shot
02:07:58 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: Q. to @Michele: do you think that with ICANN meetings moving to virtual, there is less individual appetite for compromise than when meeting F2F?
02:08:15 Michele Neylon (Blacknight): Olivier - definitely
02:08:27 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: @Michele --- how can this be remedied?
02:08:30 Tatiana Tropina: Olivier much of the compromise actually happens virtually anyway during in between ICANN meeting work
02:08:33 Michele Neylon (Blacknight): ALCOHOL
02:08:35 Michele Neylon (Blacknight): :)
02:08:35 Tatiana Tropina: LOL
02:08:35 Dawn Shackleton: I only got access to the poll through the Zoom app not via the browser version
02:08:37 Jorge Cancio: would be great if someone could post the poll results in the chat :)
02:08:45 Michele Neylon (Blacknight): Olivier - jokes aside - I’m not really sure
02:09:19 Martin Sutton: I have to drop - thank you Sébastien, speakers and organisers, well thought out session
02:09:52 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: This is something I have been thinking of since the start of COVID19 --- how can we keep that will to compromise given the new constraints?
02:10:17 Vittorio Bertola: “Consensus is not a stick you beat other parties with” is a good quote for the future, thanks :)
02:10:20 Julf Helsingius: I miss those times
02:11:12 Greg Shatan (ISOC-NY): We need a virtual bar
02:11:33 Natalia Filina: -)))))
02:11:39 Greg Shatan (ISOC-NY): and virtual corridors
02:11:43 Lutz Donnerhacke: Internet is run by technicans. which ignore the burocrats
02:11:46 Julf Helsingius: Still working on the Beverages over IP protocol
02:12:04 Tatiana Tropina: Can one bring bear to Fika?
02:12:12 Andrey Kolesnikov (real): I see msthlds kinda missed physical presence yeah
02:12:17 Tatiana Tropina: (Makes no sense in my time zone but maybe for other)
02:12:20 Greg Shatan (ISOC-NY): Russian bear?
02:12:26 Tatiana Tropina: LOL beer
02:12:39 Matthias M. Hudobnik: May I make a last comment Seb?
02:12:42 Andrey Kolesnikov (real): we do have bears just about 200km from capital
02:12:44 Natalia Filina: bear beer-)
02:12:45 Tatiana Tropina: Greg you made my day (or I made it by my own typo)
02:12:53 Jeffrey Neuman: willingness, incentive and authority of participants to compromise are the essential items
02:12:59 Greg Shatan (ISOC-NY): :-)
02:13:32 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thanks to everyone who shared their perspectives with us today... quite informative.. food for thought!!!
02:13:34 Greg Shatan (ISOC-NY): empathy and good listening....
02:13:52 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: bye for now
02:13:55 Chris Mondini: Thanks SeB and team! See you again in a bit.
02:13:55 Adam Peake: Thank you everyone.
02:14:00 Marita Moll: great session. thank you
02:14:00 Danko Jevtović (ICANN Board): thanks!
02:14:00 Natalia Filina: thank you Sebastien and all!
02:14:01 Maarten Botterman: Thanks, all
02:14:03 Tatiana Tropina: Thanks :-) might bring a bear to the next session
02:14:03 Katrina Sataki (ccNSO Council): thank you!
02:14:03 Jorge Cancio: thanks all and bye!

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