4. Broad performance metrics and reporting are currently required under the contract. Are the current metrics and reporting requirements sufficient?Please provide specific information as to why or why not. If not, what specific changes should be made?

Proposed Reply

The current metrics provide a good starting point. Improved, more detailed and easily comprehensible reporting would assist in facilitating stakeholder awareness and understanding of the performance of the IANA function, leading to greater stakeholder confidence, as well as improved mechanisms to perform comparative evaluation.

Our suggestion would include:

  1. The development of a set of further performance metrics aspired from the Affirmation of Commitment, with a periodic review process of the IANA function. The audit mechanism should be made as public as possible.
  2. The development of a set of automatic performance tools under the banner “e-IANA” which will collect and collate regular performance reports and statistics from the Root Zone. This is related to our response to Question 5.
  3. The development of an up to date database containing all information regarding disaster management

The resulting performance metrics should include detailed documentation explaining the root zone management function in the Official UN languages, and be widely publicised.

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  1. We have two proposals under this question:

    1. Develop a set of further performance metrics aspired from the Affirmation of Commitment, with a periodic review process of the IANA function. The audit mechanism should be made as public as possible.
    2. Develop a set of automatic performance tools under the banner “e-IANA” which will collect and collate regular performance reports and statistics from the Root Zone. This is related to our response to question 5.
  2. Via several Caribbean ALSes in LACRALO:

    Improved, more detailed and easily comprehensible reporting would assist in facilitating stakeholder awareness and understanding of the performance of the IANA function, leading to greater stakeholder confidence, as well as improved mechanisms to perform comparative evaluation.

  3. Yes, I think they are sufficient. Nevertheless, a detailed documentation explaining the root zone management function in multiple languages will be a good improvement.

  4. Performance metrics and reporting are OK but they should be widely publicised.