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Maureen Hilyard is the ccNSO Liaison for 2013-2014.


ccNSO Liaison Report  for ALAC - May 27 2014

ccNSO meeting in London - 23 - 24 June 2014

Pre-registrations have been done, but their programme is still being coordinated by their Meeting Programme Committee

PROMOTION: Commonwealth DNS Forum 2014: Promoting DNS Investment, Innovation and the Development of Multistakeholder Partnership

19 - 20 June 2014 - coordinated by NOMINET


  •  Domain name industry: Hidden wealth
  •  Governance of cyberspace
  •  Local content and local relevance
  •  Promoting investment and innovation
  •  The social impact of gTLDs
  •  Multi-stakeholder partnerships to develop public policy and deliver economic and social goals

ccNSO meeting 22 May 2014

  • Marshall Islands (.mh) now registered member of ccNSO
  • Current working groups
    • Internet governance - currently working on its Charter
    • IANA Stewardship Transition Process -  ccNSO Council Interim Comments on the IANA Transition 29 Apr 2014
    • ICANN Process to Enhance ICANN's accountability; Brief statement to the Board to be made by deadline date - Council statement will follow
    • ccNSO Strategic and Operational Planning - is drafting its submission on its 5-year strategic plan 
    • FOIWG - in final stages of review of the Revocation report and the FOIWG recommendations 
    • Use of Names of Countries and Territories 

Freedom of interpretation WG mtg - 22 May 2014 

 *  It was thought that this might be the WG's final meeting, but additional discussion about the proposed recommendations that will accompany the Revocation report required more meetings to further review the recommendations. This will take place next week (two meetings if required) so that they can get this document completed before May 31, so that it can be ready in time for the FOIWG meeting with the GAC in London.

Summaries of April ccNSO activities 


ccNSO Liaison Report to the ALAC - April 28 2014

  • ccNSO Council meeting (17 April) - no resolutions passed due to lack of quorum

 Framework of Interpretation Working Group Progress Report Singapore (25 March)

Calls for ccNSO Council input into :

  • (ccNSO) New cross-community Working Group on the Use of Country/Territory Names as TLDs. (Cheryl and Maureen to participate in this group)
  • (ccNSO) WG for the Development of a Framework of Principles for Cross-Community WGs
  • (ccNSO)Transition of NTIA's Stewardship of the IANA Functions
  • ICANN Draft Strategic Plan FY 2016-2020
  • (ccNSO) Submissions for NETmundial conference
  • (ICANN) Internationalised Registration Data Expert Working Group Interim Report
  • (gNSO)Proposed Changes to the Inter-Registrar Policy - video
  • (ICANN) Strategy Panel Report (Internet Governance Ecosystem)
  • IRD WG Interim Report
  • (ccNSO) Quorum Interpretation Committee
  • (ccNSO) Presentations ccTLD News Session for London meeting

Drafts prepared

  • Draft ccNSO Council Statement on ICANN's draft proposal for process to transition key Internet domain name functions
  • Draft Statement IANA oversight Transition Process
  • Input to Strategy Panel Report on ICANN Multistakeholder Innovations

 Resolutions from the ccNSO meeting - Singapore 26 March 2014

 Resolution 93-01: ccNSO Membership

THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to approve .id (Indonesia) as members of the ccNSO.

 The resolution was approved unanimously.

 Resolution 93-02: IANA Transition Process

THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to appoint Byron Holland, Keith Davidson and Becky Burr as ccNSO Process Coordination Committee with respect to IANA Functions Transition Process. The purpose of this committee is to coordinate the ccNSO efforts to participate in the IANA Functions Transition Process, and coordinate the ccNSO with other efforts aimed at including the broad ccTLD community in the process. The committee may invite other members of the ccTLD community to participate in the work of the committee, if deemed necessary and appropriate.

 The resolution was approved unanimously.

 Resolution 93-03: Closure of the Joint IDN Working Group and Next Steps for Certain IDN-related Issues

THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt following points regarding the JIG Working Group:

 1. The ccNSO Council believes that in view of the ongoing community work at ICANN on these issues the JIG may now be closed, and will terminate the extension of the JIG as outlined in the charter.

 2. The ccNSO Council will continue to monitor the progress of the various community-based efforts to resolve the issues raised by the JIG, and will evaluate the need for any further policy or policy related work on a periodic basis; and

 3. The ccNSO Council thanks the JIG for all its hard work in ensuring that solutions to these important issues are developed through community-based efforts.

 The resolution was approved unanimously.

 Resolution 93-04: Adoption of Charter for a Cross-Community Working Group to Develop a Framework of Operating Principles for Future Cross Community Working Groups


 1. Adopt the Charter and appoint Becky Burr as the ccNSO Council liaison to the CWG that will develop the Final Framework;

 2. Coordinate next steps with the GNSO Council to jointly issue a call for volunteers for the CWG; and

 3. Until such time as the CWG select its co-chairs for the Working Group and those co-chairs are confirmed by the ccNSO and GNSO Councils, the ccNSO Council liaison to the CWG shall serve as the interim co-chair from the ccNSO.  

 The resolution was approved unanimously.

 Action 93-01: 

The Secretariat to call for volunteers for the Cross-Community Working Group to Develop a Framework of Operating Principles for Future Cross Community Working Groups (CWG-WG).

 Resolution 93-05: Adoption of Charter for Cross-Community Working Group to Develop a Framework for the use of Country and Territory Names as TLDs (UCTN WG)


 1. Adopt the Charter and appoint Paul Szyndler as the Interim ccNSO Co-Chair to the Cross-Community Working Group to advice on the feasibility of a framework for the use of Country and Territory names as TLDs, and develop such a framework if deemed feasible. 

 2. Collaborate with the other SOs and ACs to issue a call for volunteers for this CWG, each in accordance with its own rules. The secretariat is requested to coordinate the call for volunteers.

 The resolution was approved unanimously.

 Action 93-02:

The Secretariat to call for volunteers to the Cross-Community Working Group to Develop a Framework for the use of Country and Territory Names as TLDs (UCTN WG).

 Resolution 93-06: Election Review Committee Final Report

THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the recommendations of its Election Review Committee:

 1. The ccNSO Secretariat is requested to look into possibilities of developing a new voting system, which allows each member to handle and update their own data and which is linked to a voting tool making it the voting much easier to handle.

 2. The ccNSO Secretariat is requested to update the ccNSO Election Guidelines with the additional wording: “ Only ccNSO Primary or Secondary Contacts, as listed in the ccNSO Database, are eligible to nominate or second a candidate” in the appropriate section.

 3. The ccNSO Secretariat is requested to update the ccNSO Election Guidelines with the additional wording: Self-Nominations or Secondments are not allowed” in the appropriate section.

 4. The ccNSO Secretariat is requested to continue its activities on awareness raising campaigns, when necessary. 

 The Council wholeheartedly thanked all members of the committee and in particular its chair Katrina Sataki, for its hard work in this area and closes the Election review Committee.

The resolution was approved unanimously.

 Chair and Vice Chair Elections

Roelof Meijer nominated Byron Holland as chair of the ccNSO.Dotty Sparks de Blanc seconded the nomination.The resolution was approved by acclamation.

 Hiro Hotta nominated Katrina Sataki as first vice-chair of the ccNSO.Lesley Cowley seconded the nomination. The resolution was approved with one abstention (Katrina Sataki).

 Young-Eum Lee nominated Keith Davidson as second vice-chair of the ccNSO. Becky Burr seconded the nomination. The resolution was approved unanimously

 Resolution 93-07: Roles and Responsibilities of Councillors

THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the assignment of tasks as proposed in the assignment of roles and responsibilities March 2014.

 The resolution was approved unanimously.

 Date of next meetings

17 April 12.00 UTC

 22 May 12.00 UTC

 25 June 16.00 local London time


Action 93-03: 

The IANA Transfer Coordination Committee to draft a statement on behalf of the ccNSO regarding the current events around Internet Governance and circulate it to the Council prior to the next Council meeting.

 Meeting Closed

ccNSO Report to the ALAC - 27 March 2014, Singapore

1. The joint meeting of the ALAC and ccNSO Council was held on Monday March 24. Olivier and Byron were delayed at an ICANN meeting regarding IANA, Katrina and I began the meeting, and then provided the participants with the overviews of our respective organisations. There were seen to be some commonalities that we can work on for the future, and these will be raised in future meetings of the coordinating committee (Katrina, myself, Cheryl and Ron). The time factor involving unforeseen circumstances did not allow for our planned discussion about internet governance but as the ICANN meeting has been overrun with this as a topic, it did not seem necessary by either group.

2. Unfortunately the Tuesday March 25 ALAC schedule was quite busy with important topics which kept me from the ccNSO programme, which included:Working Group updates:  FOIWG; ICANN Meeting Strategy ; Name collisions; Internet Governance Sessions:  NTIA Updates; Developments in Asia (with presentations from China, Korea and Singapore; and an interesting  multistakeholder panel on perspectives related to the globalisation  of IANA which I did attend); Meetings with external groups : ICANN Board, GAC, IANA and NomCom. 

3. On Weds March 26, I was able to attend a programme that was packed and interesting.. and included:

a) SecurityPatrick's presentation was as per the ALAC version; An update on the survey related to a Contact Repository - which would deal with major DNS incidents relating to ccTLDs - would be quite expensive to run; Ryan Tan presented on how .sg is dealing with identity theft; The NZ internet Task force (NZITF) - Barry Brailey - a not-for -profit working on improving cybersecurity  - $50 membership fee - they organise workshops as well as draft guidelines and  support research - and participate in NetHui (invite to PacINET?); Result of malware mining in national domains  (a survey in Russia). Interesting bit-  Whowas? which gives information about identified malware domains.

b) ccTLD News fromFinland esp the government's proposal to develop a Information Society Code; which tracks  calendar information about any TLD applications from the time they are registered with ICANN;where are they sitting in the registration process?; CNNIC has become national hub of TLDs in China in the new gTLD era (Sun Xiantang). interesting bits - 18.44 million domain names in Chinese market; 10.83 million are registered with .cn; 74.17million on IPv4; CNNIC is involved in outreach - growing information about ICANN, also in internet governance research and keen to collaborate and share research findings;Growth through building a brand (.co - Crystal Peterson) 28k registrations in 2010, now 1.6m registrations; Business strategy based on creating awareness; building relationships with customers; .co membership (engaging with partners and business customers - with access to webinars, events, etc);.nz Marketing (Jay Daley):explained the strategy used to promote the .nz brand

c) Regional Organisations Updates: AFTLD - Africa internet Summit in May; planning to build an observatory for ccTLDs; and to hold a Domain Name Summit; APTLD - focus is on education, information and advocacy; also including DNSSEC deployment, justice sector engagement, security; IDNs, market development, registrar relationships; internet coordinator and training coordination. Mtg schedule; Malaysia last month; Oman - May 11-14; India - August; Pacific - Brisbane, September; Unfortunately I missed the other updates due to a meeting with my mentee, Gunela Astbrink. 

 4. ccNSO COUNCIL MEETING - 4-5pm March 26  (summary)

  1. New ccTLD member introduced to ccNSO - Indonesia (.id) 
  2. IANA Functions Transition Process - a draft statement will be circulated to the Council  prior to the public Forum meeting; it was moved that a Process Coordination Committee be formed consisting of Byron Holland, Keith Davidson and Becky Burr to coordinate the ccNSO efforts to participate in the IANA Functions Transition process and to coordinate the ccNSO with other efforts  aimed at including the broad ccTLD community in the process. Other members of the ccTLD community may be invited to participate in the work of the committee. (voted on and passed)
  3. Closure of the Joint IDN Working Group (JIG) and Next Steps for Certain IDN-related issues. This group was chartered by the ccNSO and the GNSO Councils in 2009 to discuss issues of common interest to the two supporting organisations in relation to Internationalised Domain Names (IDNs), in particular, IDN top-level domains (TLDs). The charter was extended in 2010 after the adoption of the IDN ccTLD Fast Track Implementation Plan. The JIG found three issues of common interest - single character IDN TLDS, IDN Variant TLDs and Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs. The JIG was tasked to deliver suggestions on how to deal with these issues for the Singapore meeting. The ccNSO Council decided that due to the ongoing community work at ICANN on these issues, the JIG may now be closed, but that the ccNSO Council will continue to monitor the various community-based efforts to resolve the issues raised by the JIG and evaluate the need for further policy or policy related work on a periodic basis. (voted on and passed)
  4. Adoption of a charter for a Cross Community Working Group - to develop a  framework of Operating Principles for future Cross-Community Working Groups. Becky Burr was appointed as the ccNSO liaison to the CWG that will develop the final framework. Next steps may include a call for volunteers for the CWG. (voted on and passed)
  5. Adoption of a charter for a Cross Community Working Group - to develop a framework for the Use of Country and Territory Names as TLDs (UCTNWG).  Following on from the ccNSO Study group on the Use of Names for Country and Territories published in Sept 2013,  a recommendation of the study group was to further review the current status of representations of coutnry and territory names, as they exist under current ICANN policies, guidelines and procedures. The ccNSO Council proposed that the WG include participants from other SOs and ACs. Paul Szyndler was appointed as Interim ccNSO co-Chair to the CWG to advise on the feasibility of a framework  and to develop such a framework if deemed feasible (voted on and passed)
  6. Election Review Committee Final Report - The Secretariat is requested to look into the possibilities of developing a new voting system; to update ccNSO election guidelines relating to the nomination process;  and to continue its activities on awareness raising campaigns (voted on and passed)
  7. Council Updates (Keith): Members should read through the script on NCUC's Friday meeting for some good background on the IANA topic; Meeting Strategy working group completed work; FOIWG winding up; NETMundial - ccNSO  should continue with its membership; ICANN Learn update (Hong); Regional updates (were part of today's programme); Liaison updates (none available as yet)

8.  Election of ccNSO Council Officers: Byron Holland was  re-elected as the Chair of the ccNSO Council; Vice Chairs - Katrina Sataki and Keith Davidson; Roles and Responsibilities of Councillors - the assignment of tasks were adopted; Roelof Meijer was thanked for his work on the Council. Nigel Roberts is the new Council member

9. Date of next meetings: 7 April 1200 UTC, 22 May 1200 UTC and 25 June 1600 local London time

5. Cross-Community Working Group to develop a framework for the use of Country and Territory names as TLDs. An impromptu introductory meeting was held on Thursday 8am. The purpose was to provide some background for those who may not have been involved in the original study, and to set a timeframe for the appointment of cross-community representatives to the working group, ALAC has already appointed their reps (liaisons to the ccNSO who were part of the original study group) and the gNSO say that they can get their representatives selected soon. ccNSO will have to wait until the next Council meeting to confirm its reps, so that it is assumed that the next meeting of the group will probably not take place until just before London.

ccNSO Report to the ALAC - 25 February 2014 1500UTC

1. As you can see below, the ALAC-ccNSO Coordination Team has met and established a schedule of events for our joint meeting, which will held on Monday, March 24, This will be a lunch time meeting and the main focus will be on creating some understanding about each other's organisational structures, roles and responsibilities. Also to look at whether there is any overlap within our communities. 

2. There were two FOIWG meetings but I was only able to make one of them. The focus of the first meeting (on Feb 6, below) was the discussion of ALAC's feedback to their Revocation Report.  Very briefly, they believed that most of  ALAC's queries were outside of the brief of the working group because we tended to ask about issues relating to the way that  IANA operates which is not this WG's function .. 



Report on ALAC-ccNSO Coordination Meeting Feb 20

Final organisation of the meeting programme on Monday 24 March 12.30-1400, in Singapore

12.30 - 13.00 Lunch - informal networking

13.00 - 13.05 Introduction by the Chairs of ALAC and ccNSO

(no formal introductions from others, but request to state name for transcription purposes)

13.05 - 13.30 Introduction to the role of ccTLDs and of ALSes

(presentation on diversity of ccTLDs, role of the LIC - local internet community, and policy remits ccTLDs and ccNSO/ICANN; Role of ALSes, RALOs, At Large, potential overlap with LIC)

Combined presentation by Katrina Sataki (ccNSO) and Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) (20 mins)

Q&A, discussion and further conversation, in particular local<>global (5-10 mins)

13.30 -  13.45  HOT TOPIC

Internet Governance Fora: commonalities and shared interest, focusing on local versus global

If time, ccEG IG discussion; Byron to include reference to Ad-hoc group and background for creation

13.45 - 13.55  Wrap-up and Closure (in time to attend 2pm sessions)

ccNSO Liaison Report to ALAC - FOIWG Meeting Feb 6

Of particular interest to the ALAC was the discussion about the ALAC statement on the Revocation report

The WG acknowledged the ALAC's positive response to  the report. There were four areas that were highlighted for discussion by the WG.

  1. ALAC's suggestion for the FOIWG to  clarify  the type of "independent body" (in that would qualify for the appeals  process in the case of revocation 
    1. The WG understands this to be an implementation-operational detail that should be dealt with in accordance with national laws, involving local stakeholders and the rights expressed within the existing ccTLD Registry (refer 2.2.1), and therefore beyond the scope of the WG.
  2. ALAC's request that IANA maintain reports on cases of re-delegation etc .
    1. Any IANA functions  contract implementation  issues or procedures relating to  this  contract, are also outside of the scope of the WG (refer Section A. Introduction and Objective)
  3. The reference in the ALAC Statement recommending factoring the GAC Principles  into guidelines relating to situations relating to revocation where the IANA operator is required to work with local governments to ensure that the ccTLD continues to operate efficiently,  until a replacement manager takes over. 
    1. Although GAC principles are not binding on managers, the FOIWG executive is looking into further clarification of this area.
  4. ALAC noted concern about whether the IANA operator is empowered to act where there is a case for revocation from a local government, backed by local law, but where there are no operational or behavioural issues on the part of the incumbent ccTLD operator. 
    1. This scenario is beyond the scope of the WG. This is an internal issue and there is no policy statement in RFC1591 relating to this situation, RFC 1591 states " the IANA tries to have any contending parties reach agreement among themselves, and generally takes no action to change things unless all the contending parties agree; only in cases where the designated manager has substantially misbehave would the IANA step in." (refer to 2.1.1) 

ccNSO Report to the ALAC - 29 January 2014 1500UTC

 1) Meeting of the ALAC-ccNSO Coordination WG meeting on 13 January 2014

 Attended by: Maureen H, Cheryl L-O (ALAC), Katrina, Bart, Margarita (ccNSO) Kristina (Staff)

 Decisions: . 

 *Meeting time: ALAC-ccNSO Council meeting in Singapore to take place on Monday lunchtime (12.30-2pm) - lunch will be provided

 *Agenda(these topics will be padded out before the Singapore meeting)

  • Updates on any current cross-community working groups (10 mins)
  • The role of ccTLDs (ccNSO) and of ALSes (ALAC) - any potential overlap and where they might be able to reinforce each other? (10 mins)
  • Internet Governance issues (40 mins)

*Next meeting - few weeks before Singapore (TBC

2) Attended meeting of the FOIWG 23 January

There was a lack of a quorum to be able to discuss important agenda items including:

  • a review of responses to public consultation on Revocation from the ALAC and Andrew Eggleton of the University of New Hampshire School of Law, and
  • A GAC Update

We reviewed a FOIWG Terminology document

Other agenda items will be dealt with at our next meeting along with other responses that may come from the public consultation process. 

Our meeting schedule: Feb 6  03:00 UTC,   Feb 20 11:00 UTC;    Mar 6  19:00 UTC;   Mar 27 F2F at ICANN Singapore


ccNSO Report to the ALAC  - 17 December 2013 1500UTC

  •  Communicated a brief report to ccNSO following ALT meeting
  • Received response from ccNSO rep- Katrina Sataki.  An ALAC-ccNSO organising committee meeting is planned forJanuary to organise joint March meeting and some ideas for collaboration (Other ccNSO members are: Margarita Valdes and Bart Boswinkel)
  • ACTION for ALAC: One or two other volunteers from ALAC are required to join this ALAC-ccNSO organising committee 
  • Cheryl will maintain contact with ccNSO activities - I would gratefully appreciate her support and guidance as I establish myself within this role
  • .ck (Cook Islands) has recently applied for ccNSO membership (smile)
  • I have not attended/been invited (yet) to any other ccNSO  meetings since BA 
  • Apologies for the long notes below, but I have kept a comprehensive initial record of contexts and points of focus for ccNSO until I become better acquainted with their processes. 


NEW Maureen Hilyard appointed as the ALAC's Liaison to the ccNSO for 2013-2014 at ICANN 48 Buenos Aires!

November 20, 2013. ccNSO Council Meeting

 1) Apologies  (MH was introduced to the Council members) 

2) Minutes and Actions

Action 88-01: Gabriella Schittek to send a note to the Council with the link to the Council meeting preparation material on the ccNSO website. Completed 

Action 88-02: The Secretariat to arrange for the Study Group on Use of Names for Countries and Territories resolutions to be adopted on the Council email list.  Completed 

Action 88-03: The Secretariat to arrange for the resolution on appointing the volunteers for the joint ALAC/ccNSO meeting to be adopted on the Council email list. Completed

Action 88-04: Hong Xue to send the Chair a copy of the ICANN Academy curriculum for the leadership training in Buenos Aires. Completed

 Action 88-05: Bart Boswinkel to follow up on the progress of the ccNSO statements on IANA delegation and redelegation of ccTLDs and on the Geographic Regions Working Group report. Overtaken by time

 3) Updates

 3.1    Chair Update - Byron attended the Bali IGF - mentioned the Montevideo statement and the SO/AC mtg

 3.2    Vice-chair Update - Keith attended the Australian IGF, then Bali - same involvement as Byron. ISOC Board activities includes a meeting with ICANN Board re harmonisation of activities.

 3.3    Councilors Update  ( for councilor names)

 3.4    Regional Organizations Update (LACTLD, AFTLD, APTLD - Don Hollander - new manager)

 3.5    Staff Update

 4) Membership applications


 The ccNSO received an application for ccNSO membership from .vn, the ccTLD of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The application has been filed by Hoang Minh Cuong, representing the cc's manager, the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. There are no outstanding issues with .vn.

 The ccNSO received an application for ccNSO membership from .ee, the ccTLD of Estonia. The application has been filed by Heiki Sibul, representing the cc's manager, Eesti Interneti SA EIS. There are no outstanding issues with .ee.

 Draft resolution

 The ccNSO Council approves the application of both .vn and .ee and welcomes both .vn and .ee as members 143 and 144 respectively. (passed)

 5) Final Report joint ccNSO-GNSO IDN Working group

 Background (presented by Young Eum)

 The JIG (Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN Working Group) was formed by mutual charters between the ccNSO and GNSO councils, and extended (ccNSO: | GNSO: to complete its work on the 3 identified issues of common interest between the ccNSO and GNSO.

 One of those issues concerns Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs. The JIG published its Draft Final Report on Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs for public comment which closed on 16 August 2013, The JIG reviewed the comments received and finalized its report accordingly. The JIG submitted its Final Report to the GNSO Council on 17 November,

 Draft resolution: (passed)

 The ccNSO Council adopts the JIG Final Report on Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs and its recommendations and will submit it to the ICANN Board for its consideration.

 The ccNSO Council thanks the JIG for its work, with special thanks to Jothan Frakes for his contributions in proactively reaching beyond the ICANN community to address issues identified in the report.

 The ccNSO Council recognizes that further work needs to be done in relation to IDNs, in particular IDN variants and universal acceptance of IDNs and asks the JIG to put forward suggestions on how to deal with these issues and deliver these suggestions to the ccNSO Council by the ICANN Singapore Meetings in March 2014.

 The ccNSO Council requests its chair to inform the chair of the GNSO of the decision of the ccNSO, and the co-chairs of the JIG accordingly, and submit the report to the Board of Directors of ICANN together with the chair of the GNSO, when the report of the JIG is adopted by the GNSO.

 6) Final Report joint DNS stability and security analysis working group

 Background (presented by Byron)

 The joint DNS Security and Stability Analysis working group was established by the participating Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees ALAC, ccNSO, GNSO and NRO to better understand the security and stability of the global domain name system (DNS) in 2011.

 In October 2011 the ICANN Board of Directors established the Board DNS Risk Management Framework Working Group (DNS RMF WG), with the objective to oversee the development of a risk management framework and system for the DNS as it pertains to ICANN's role as defined in the ICANN Bylaws.

 At the time the DSSA published its draft Report Phase 1 (August 2012), the DSSA went into hibernation to avoid overlap with the work of the Board DNS RMF and noted and informed the participating SO’s and AC’s that in order to reflect the changed environment and working method, the charter of the DSSA would need to be updated to reflect these changes.

 The co-chairs of the DSSA WG have send a letter to the chairs of each of the participating stakeholder organizations to submit the Final Report and the work products contained in it (available at: .  The DSSA recommends the acceptance of the Final Report and further recommends that the Final Report be disseminated to the ccTLD’s for their consideration. 

 Upon adoption of the Final report of the DSSA, and notification of adoption to the co-chairs of the DSSA, the working group will be closed.

 Draft resolution (passed)

 The ccNSO Council adopts the Report submitted by the co-chairs of the DSSA WG, as the Final Report of the DSSA WG in accordance with section 2.4 of its charter.

 The chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform the co-chairs of the DSSA WG of adoption of the Report by the ccNSO Council.

 The chair of ccNSO is also requested to inform the chairs of the other participating SO’s and Ac’s (ALAC, GNSO and NRO).

 Finally, the ccNSO Council thanks and congratulates all, and in particular the co-chairs of the WG: Olivier Crepin-LeBlond ( ALAC), Joerg Schweiger (.DE, ccNSO), Mikey O’ Connor (GNSO), James Galvin ( SSAC) and Mark Koster (NRO) and all volunteers and staff who helped with this effort.

 7) Final Report Finance working group

 Background (Byron heads this group - they've held  13 working meetings plus ICANNmeetings - robust discussion right to the end to achieve best available solution. The have posted the final report with a resolution. Byron acknowledged the work of the WG)

 The ccNSO Finance WG was established in October 2010 with a mandate that included:

 “a. to discuss with ICANN (i.) the amounts attributed to ccTLDs and (ii) the underlying attribution method(s) to attempt to establish which of those amounts and method(s) are reasonable and may be acceptable to the ccTLD community

 b. to discuss with ICANN a methodology for individual ccTLDs to use to calculate a fair and equitable voluntary financial contribution to ICANN and propose such a methodology to the ccTLD community 

 After a long and intense consultation process of the community the WG and others the WG, finalized its report during the ccNSO meeting in Buenos Aires meeting (November 2013).

 The chair of the Finance WG submitted the Final Report of the WG to the Council recommending that the ccNSO Council adopts the proposed Guideline to replace the March 2007 Guideline on Financial contributions. (

 The chair of the ccNSO received a letter from ICANN’s CEO and President expressing his support for the emerging outcome of the discussion on the financial contribution from the ccTLD community to ICANN, and his acceptance of the “ value exchange model” and the associated overall level of the financial contribution and the voluntary nature of the contributions( ).

 Draft Resolution

  The ccNSO Council notes and welcomes the exemplary, long and intensive consultation efforts and process the Finance WG went through, to gather input and feed-back from the community.

  The ccNSO Council notes and welcomes the letter from ICANN’s CEO and President on the overall level of the financial contribution and the voluntary nature of the contributions.

  The ccNSO Council adopts the proposed November 2013 Guideline for Voluntary Contributions of ccTLDs to ICANN, and request the chair of the ccNSO to inform the CEO and President of ICANN accordingly, once the Guideline becomes effective.

  The ccNSO Council requests staff to publish this resolution as soon as possible after closure this ccNSO Council meeting.

In accordance to the rules of the ccNSO ( , the November 2013 Guideline will become effective seven days after publication of the decision by the Council.

 Finally, the ccNSO Council wholeheartedly thanks and congratulates all who participated in the process and in particular the chair of the Finance WG (Byron Holland, .CA) and the members of the Finance WG, and Xavier Calvez (CFO ICANN) and other staff, and all members of the community who were involved in this long and sometimes challenging effort.

 9) Next steps to identify potential issues and propose next steps pertaining to cross-community capacity building

For discussion: Follow-up action needed? (This flows out of conversations in Durban and relates to any potential interest to share information about capacity building. The ICANN Academy Group is already cross-community / cross-regional?)

10) ccTLD representation on the 3 IG Tracks:

  • 1Net
  • Brazil Conference
  • Panel on Internet Governance

 11) Working Group and Other Updates

 11.1    Meetings Program WG (Katrina) - a positive change has already been made by this group to put the names and pictures of the people on the panels during this meeting - very helpful for newbies (smile). Katrina has tried advertising to invite people to come to meetings. An invitation is being sent out re a post meeting survey. Google calendar has been developed. 

 11.2    Incident Response Repository WG (Bart) a survey has gone out about the topics, for guidance re IRR

 11.3    Election review Council committee (Katrina)

 11.4    Quorum Study Group (Katrina)

 Other updates:

 ICANN Outreach Program (Sokol)

 ICANN Academy (Hong Xue)

 Progress ccNSO Statements

 Progress other WG’s has extensively been discussed during the meeting

 12) Council Election update


 Victor Abboud, .ec (LAC region)

 Hiro Hotta, .jp (AP region)

 Dotty Sparks de Blanc, .vi (NA region)

 Election needed in:

 African & European region

  Appointment will be formalized once the election in the African and European region have been completed and the Election Manager has submitted the Election report for adoption by the Council

  13) Board selection Seat 11 update

 Chris Disspain, CEO of AUDA has been nominated and seconded. There are no other nominees. The Election Manager will provide a report of the nomination process prior to the next meeting. The Council will be requested to select the Board member at that time.

  14) Update Work Plan

 An updated workplan, based on the outcome of the Buenos Aires meeting will be send to the Council 29 November 2013

 15) Liaison Updates

 15.1    GNSO Liaison (Patrick Myers)

 15.2    ALAC Liaison (Ron Sherwood)

  16) Date of Next Meetings

 10 December 2013, 12.00 UTC

 The schedule for the meetings in 2014, will be proposed before the next meeting


 Working group reports

a) FOIWG - Keith DavidsonFollowup will be the glossary 

 Topics for interpretation

  •  Consent - for delegation and redelegation requests ( final report complete)
  •  Significantly interested parties (SIP) public consultation completed
  •  Revocation - is currently with public consultation process
  • Comprehensive gloassary (in progress)
  • Recommendations for IANA reports on del and redel (the WG will begin this work after completing the FOI)

Activities since Durban

Published progress report on activities - met on teleconferences 5 x

Details on Revocation

 RFC 1591 identifies three mechanism available to the IANA operation: delegation, transfer and revocation

 Under RFC1591, a transfer requires the consent of the incumbent ccTLD manager

 Revocation refers to the process by which the IANA operator rescinds  responsibility for management of a  cctLD from a manager.

 If a manager does not consent to a proposed Transfer, the only mechanism available to the IANA Operator is to deal with the situation is revocation. 

Revocation does not mean the removal of the ccTLD from the root - the issue is with the management of the ccTLD

Assessing how the ccTLD has carried out the necessary responsibilities, judging the extent of the requirements having been met or not met, might have to be done locally rather than by the IANA Operator who won't have the regular knowledge of this performance.

Substantial misbehaviour - given in detail in the document - it is in public consultation - generally it requires a degree of seriousness, magnitude and persistence.. And compromises the security of the ccTLD.

RFC1591 refers to community support as well - loss of community support is included as an appropriate complaint

b) Country Names Study Group - Paul Szyndler

3 recommendations made

  • Cross community working group - to look further into the study
  • WG will provide advice of a uniform definition of the framework for all respective SOs or Acs..
  • The WG will provide detailed advice as to what the content will be


November 20, 2013. Country reports

 Recent Developments of Governmental Movements in Japan – TBC 

The Japanese government recently decided to set up an expert committee to create a mechanism for oversight of the management of DNS, including the registry operation, in Japan. The presentation will brief its background and how such mechanism is expected to be. 

Current Status and Plans of the registry NIC.VE – Jesus Rivera, .ve 

Current status of the registry regarding the functional structure of the (organization chart), explanation of the process of Domain Names Registration; Legal framework; relevant cases and procedures for conflict resolution through WIPO; NIC.VE numbers, Statistical Data (Indicators); Some considerations and updates on modernization projects. 

EURid co-Funded Marketing Programme Update – Giovanni Seppia, .eu 

The Co-funded Marketing Programme has been available to .eu accredited registrars since 28 April 2009. The first evaluation of the Programme took place in mid-2010, upon request of the European Commission. However, at that stage, only a limited number of campaigns had been carried out under the scheme and it was difficult, therefore, to properly assess the value of the Programme for .eu accredited registrars and its impact on .eu registration volumes and awareness of the domain. Over the course of 2010 and 2011, the Programme has taken off considerably. An overview of the campaigns conducted shows that the number of proposals submitted has risen steadily since 2009 to reach 90 proposals so far in 2013. Under the Co-funded Marketing Programme, EURid contributes to the costs of a registrar¹s .eu marketing campaign that meets specific conditions. The Programme has been recently awarded the CENTR Awards for Marketing and Communication.

November 19, 2013, Buenos Aires - ALAC/ccNSO meeting (meeting started late)

 1.Exploration and Discussion of opportunities for developing mutual interests and cooperation between ccNSO and the ALAC / At-Large Community.

  • Mapping of ALSes (as local Internet Communities in ccTLD operator's countries and Regions); opportunity to develop and update  previous work carried out in 2009/10. (Action item)
  • Opportunities and mechanisms to encourage local engagement and interactions.
  • Identification of mutual interests and involvement in policy and governance issues ; locally, Regionally (including Sub - Regionally); Globally.

2. Identification and Discussion of Interactions and Expectations of Liaisons and Work/Study Group contributions (including relevant Public Comments) between ALAC and ccNSO  

  • Communications between Chairs, Leaders/Executive, Council/Committee, ccNSO/At-Large. 
  • Role and Expectations on (and by) mutually appointed Liaisons

Panel Discussions Nov 20

Summaries of the comments of some of the speakers. 

Sebastian - ISOC - esp re Latin America and Africa - very coordinated

Baher - explained that capacity building is not as coordinated in the Middle East - Not just technical but aso policy related. Howeever, Technical is significant. Collaborate with other I* organisations = responding to the needs of local areas. Train the trainer and similar models are seen as a way to drive things forward and incorporated into development plans.

Paul Wilson - has coordinated the activities of all the RIRs - these are the bodies related to the distribution of IP addresses - work with ISPs - there is a diversity of priorities that come from guidance from our members - based on the relationship with the ISPs. APNIC's founding docs contain a mission to facilitate education around the region - share that mission with RipeNIC and LACNIC - collectively across the RIRs re involved in the training in variousforms - each of the RIRs has two meetings a year and those mtgs serve members and community - org specific content - conference oriented towards professional practices and challenges - do these in collaboration with TLDs, ICANN, RIRs, and NOGs who organise at a regional level cos they are the channels to the ISPs and the source of demand about growth and development within the industry. The mission is to bring this realtime ifnormation into the system.- capacity building in internet infrastructure across the region - technical capacity can make a lot of difference to achieveing an efficient infrastructure within a country within a developing market (professional abiility to lose technical skills to other areas).. The need for capacity building is a definite need in developing countries especially.




The was more of an interview session with Brad White.

Following a security breach Costa Rica, Rosalia was able to advise  other ccTLDs should it happen to them. For example:Recommendations

  • Have immediate and transparent communication with clients
  • Contact ICANN security team for advice and local CERT or CSIRT
  • Have a clear media strategy
  • Have an internal security incident protocol
  • Pre-empt: many security incident experience in the ccTLD community to learn from

Current ccNSO Activities; Call for Comment; etc., recommended for ALAC, RALO and/or ALS input, contribution or focus upon:

1. The ccNSO Framework of Interpretation Working Group (FoI WG) seeks public comment on its initial interpretations of current policy and guidelines related to "Revocation", which is defined as redelgations undertaken without the consent of the ccTLD manager. "Revocation" refers to the process by which the IANA Operator rescinds responsibility for management of a ccTLD from a manager. For more information and to submit your comments, please visit
***PLEASE NOTE*** Listen  to Recording => "To give a better idea of the progress made to date and an opportunity to answer questions from community members, there will be a webinar on this topic:
  • The recordings of the Framework of Interpretation Webinar on Revocation today 12 November. Mp3 (audio recording) Adobe Connect Recording (visual recording including slides)

2. The ccNSO Council has received applications for ccNSO membership from .ee the ccTLD for Estonia. The application has been filed by Heiki Sibul, representing the cc's manager Eesti Interneti SA EIS.  If were no objections to .ee's was welcomes a member #144 of the ccNSO!


This list will be updated continuously.

 Activities of the following  ccNSO WG's relate to specific interests of ALAC and parts of At-Large.

  • NEW => Review of match to country code Name Support Organisation Membership, GAC Membership and At-Large Structure - A Review and mapping exercise to build on and update earlier work done between ccNSO and At-Large is desirable and should be discussed during the BA Meeting(s) 

Please, note that corrections and updates to parts of these reports, will be done continuously.


NOTICE: the ccNSO Council has now started publishing the Council call preparation materials online as well. You can find them at



Current ccNSO Council Call - November 2013

(note now only CURRENT month Minutes etc., will be archived here and replaced with each subsequent meeting)

ALL OTHER Agendas, Minutes, Transcripts  and recording of all other ccNSO Council Meetings  can be found within the  ccNSO Master Calendar  HERE

Next ccNSO Council  meeting  will be on Wednesday November 20th at 1900 UTC (1600hrs local time) during the ICANN Buenios Aires Meeting, Room: La Pampa

Agenda ccNSO Council Meeting  -  20 November 2013     The agenda will be posted at
Proposed agenda and participation details will be listed below when available...


ccNSO Council Activity Summaries.


ccNSO Activity Summary - October 2013 

ICANN Buenos Aires

  1. ICANN Buenos Aires Meeting Page:
  2. ICANN Meetings full schedule:
  3. Pre-registered ICANN Participants:
  4. ccNSO Buenos Aires Meeting Page:
  5. Draft Agenda:
  6. Presentation summaries:
  7. Room & Time information ccNSO Meetings:
  8. Remote Participantion information ccNSO Meetings: To be published at (closer to the meeting)
  9. Pre-registered ccNSO Participants:
  10. Pre-Buenos Aires ICANN Policy Update Webinar Invitation 7 November 2013 - please RSVP via email to the GNSO Secretariat:

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during October 2013 are available at:

Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout October 2013 may be missing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery. Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary.


New Members

Various Announcements

Open ccNSO Related Public Comment Periods

ccNSO Activity Summaries:- September 2013


Working Groups


New Members

Various Announcements

Open ccNSO Related Public Comment Periods

August 2013

IDN ccPDP Vote

Call for Volunteers

Various Announcements

July 2013 

Durban Meeting

Working Groups 

IDN ccPDP Vote

Survey Results

New ccNSO Member


Call for Volunteers

Various Announcements

ccNSO Travel Funding Opens for Buenos Aires Applications:

Open ccNSO Related Public Comment Periods

June 2013

Working Groups


Various Announcements

Open ccNSO Related Public Comment Periods


(OPEN until 26 July 2013) Joint ccNSO-GNSO IDN working Group (JIG) Sraft Final Report on Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs:

May 2013

IDN ccPDP Voting Period

Working Groups
All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during May 2013 are available at:

Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout May 2013 may be missing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery. Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary. 


Minutes ccNSO Council Telephone Conference 14 May 2013:

New Members

.PY Joins ccNSO as Member nr 137:

Various Announcements

Security Study on the Use of Non-Delegated TLDs and Dotless Names commissioned:

Approved ICANN Board Resolutions from Board meeting 18 May 2013: 

New gTLD Program Committee (NGPC) posts oversight of progress made in consideration of the GAC advice:

May Update from ICANN's policy department:

GAC Chair Heather Dryden interviewed on the GAC Beijing Communiqué and new gTLD Advice:

ICANN replies to questions from Public Forum Session Beijing:

ICANN's Fiscal Year 2014 Draft Operating Plan and Budget published: 

ICANN seeks locations for three public meetings in 2015:

ccNSO Meeting Highlights Beijing:

ICANN's Fellowship Programme opens for applications to the ICANN Meeting in Buenos Aires 17-21 November 2013:­en.htm 

Open ccNSO Related Public Comment Periods

Input Requested on Implementation of Recommendations from the Report on User Experience Implications of Active Variant TLDs: (contact ccNSO Secretariat for more information)



April 2013

Beijing Meeting

ICANN Beijing Meetings page:

ccNSO Meetings page:

ccNSO Presentations: 

ccNSO Meetings Audio and Transcripts:

Tech Day Presentations: 


Final IDN ccPDP Report:

Survey Results

Members Meeting Survey Results Day 1:

Members Meeting Survey Results Day 2:

Survey on translations of ccNSO related documents:


Various Announcements

ICANN CEO Blog entry on New York DNS Summit:

ICANN opens Hub Office in Istanbul, Turkey:

ICANN statistics on L-Root growth and performance measurement:

Steve Crocker on Changes to the Public Forum Sessions:



March 2013

Beijing Meeting

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during March 2013 are available at:

Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout March 2013 may be missing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery. Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary.


New Members

Call for Volunteers

Various Announcements


Open ccNSO Related Public Comment Periods

February 2013

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during February 2013 are available at:

Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout February 2013 may be missing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery. Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary.


Extraordinary Call for Nominations to fill vacant seat for Latin American Region:

Minutes ccNSO Council Telephone Conference 12 February 2013:

New Members

.FO Joins as ccNSO member 135:

 Call for Volunteers

(OPEN until 3 March 2013)  ICANN Meeting Strategy Working Group:



January 2013

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during January 2013 are available at:
Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout January 2013 may be missing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery.

Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary.

Notes ccNSO Election Process Review Telephone Conference 25 January 2013:

Transcript Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN Working Group Telephone Conference 22 January 2013:

Call for Volunteers

Invitation from GNSO to Working Group on Inter-Registrar Transfer Policies (individual capacity):

Various Announcements

 ICANN Update on Strategic Planning:

ICANN Speaker Bureau launched:

January Update from ICANN's Policy Department:

ICANN's Fellowship Programme opens for Applications for Durban:

ICANN Board-Stakeholder Action List:

December 2012

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during December 2012 are available at:
Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout December 2012 may be missing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery. Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary.

Notes Programme Working Group Telephone Conference 17 December 2012:

Notes Contact Repository Working Group Telephone Conference 6 December 2012: 

ccNSO Council

ccNSO Workplan overall Policy:

Call for Volunteers  (OPEN until 14 January 2012) Volunteer Review Team Member on the Second Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT 2):

Various Announcements

ICANN Board Resolutions 20 December 2012: 

Update from ICANN’s Policy Department December 2012:

IANA consultation on Secure Notification Process:

Fadi Chehadé blog post on the WCIT meeting:

Fadi Chechadé´s speech at WCIT Opening Ceremony, Dubai:

ALAC Whitepaper on "Making ICANN Relevant, Responsive and Respected":


November 2012

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during November 2012 are available at:

Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout November 2012 may bemissing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery. Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary.

ccNSO Council

Minutes Council Telephone Conference 20 November 2012:

Nomination and Election Report 2013 Council:

Nomination and Election Report Extraordinary Council Elections European Region:

Call for Volunteers

(OPEN until 14 January 2012) Volunteer Review Team Member on the Second Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT 2):

Various Announcements

ICANN Board New gTLD Programme Committee approves resolutions to provide interim Domain Name protections to NGOs and IGOs:

ICANN appoints new Vice Presidents for Stakeholder Engagement:

ICANN at WCIT meeting in Dubai:

GAC List of Early Warnings to new gTLD Strings Applications:

November update from ICANN’s Policy Department:

Kurt Pritz resigns as ICANN Chief Strategy Officer:

NomCom seeks Statements of Interest and candidate recommendations for key leadership positions within ICANN:

Submit your local events in online form:

ICANN press release on IGF Azerbaijan:

October 2012

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during October 2012 are available at:

Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout October 2012 may be missing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery. Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary.

ICANN Meeting Toronto

ccNSO Meeting Highlights Toronto:

ccNSO Members Meeting Presentations:

Tech Day Presentations:



ccNSO Members Meeting Evaluation 16-17 October 2012:

Youtube Contributions

ccNSO @ ICANN Toronto:

ccNSO Council

Elections to the ccNSO Council Launched:

ccNSO Council Nomination Period Results:


New ccNSO Members

.GR (Greece) Joins as ccNSO Member 134:


Call for Volunteers

GNSO: Protection of Certain International Organisation names in all GTLDs:

GNSO Thick WHOIS PDP Working Group:

(OPEN until 5 December 2012) Volunteer Review Team Member on the Second Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT 2):

(CLOSED) Volunteers to Cross-Community Principles Development Working Group:


Various Announcements

ICANN Press Release on Increased Presence and Participation Initiative in Africa:

Update from ICANN’s Policy Department:

ICANN FY12 Audited Financial Statements:

Yrjö Länsipuro appointed 2012 NomCom Chair; Cheryl Langdon-Orr Chair-Elect:

ICANN Consolidated Meeting Strategy Proposal:

September 2012 

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during September 2012 are available at:

Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout September 2012 may be missing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery. Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary. 


ccNSO Council

Various Announcements

August 2012

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during August 2012 are available at:

Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout August 2012 may be missing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery. Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary.

Call for Volunteers

(OPEN until 7 September 2012)  Call for ccNSO Representative to the NomCom:


July 2012
Working Groups
All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during July 2012 are available at:
Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout July 2012 may be missing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery. Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary.
Youtube Contributions
ccNSO Prague Meeting Summary:
Various Announcements
GAC online register of GAC Advice to the ICANN Board:
Update from ICANN's Policy Department July 2012:
ICANN Rewarded IANA Functions Contract by NTIA:
ccNSO Prague Meeting Highlights:

May 2012 

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during May 2012 are available at:

Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout May 2012 may be missing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery. Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary.


Minutes Council Telephone Conference 8 May 2012:

Recording Council Telephone Conference 8 May 2012:

New Members

.KM Joins as Newest Member of the ccNSO: 

.IS Joins as Newest Member of the ccNSO:  

.SX Joins as Newest Member of the ccNSO:

.CW Joins as Newest Member of the ccNSO: 

Surveys (OPEN until 4 June 2012) Survey on ccNSO Wiki:

April 2012

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during April 2012 are available at:

Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout April 2012 may be missing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery. Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary.

Call for Volunteers (CLOSED 27 April 2012). Call for Volunteers to ICANN Academy Working Group:

New Members

.PS Join as Newest Members of the ccNSO:


Minutes ccNSO Council Telephone Conference 17 April 2012:

ccNSO Activity Summary
January 2012

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during January 2012 are available at:

New Members

.iq joins as newest member of the ccNSO: 

Various Announcements

ICANN Policy Department Update January 2012:
ICANN Framework FY 13 Budget:
ICANN Starts Accepting New gTLD Applications and Posts New Applicant Guidebook:
Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN (JIG) Working Group Initial Report on Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs.
ICANN’s Fellowship Programme opens application round for Prague meeting 24 – 29 June 2012:


Specific information on ALSes and ccNSO members bridging both worlds.

The list below is build upon the actual list of accredited ALSes and the relation to the region and country.
In the last column you will find, if the ccTLD is a member of ccNSO, the ccTLD extension of the country code and a direct link to the website of that specific ccTLD.

Through this list the existing ALSes can find out if in their country or region their is a ccNSO member and eventually could stimulate them to be part of the ccNSO. Same of course could happen from the ccTLD side, where they could do some promotional work in finding new ALSes joining the ALAC.

List of all ALSes and the presence in the ccNSO memberspace updated till October 2009.

The ccNSO has actually 107 members. (updated 27/9/2010).

New members since Seoul 2009 till September 2010 :


.mz Mozambique

.so Somalia

.tz Tanzania

.zm Zambia





Agenda's and minutes of previous ccNSO meetings.

Agenda meeting

Minutes meeting

Report of the meeting from liaison




Agenda council meeting 21 September 2010

not yet available ...


Agenda council meeting 17 August 2010

Minutes council meeting 17 August 2010

Agenda council meeting 23 June 2010

Minutes council meeting 23 June 2010


Agenda council meeting 11 May 2010

Minutes council meeting 11 May 2010


Agenda council meeting 13 April 2010

Minutes council meeting 13 April 2010


Agenda council meeting 10 March 2010

Minutes council meeting 10 March 2010


Agenda Nairobi meetings

Transcripts of the members meetings


Agenda council meeting 9 February 2010

Minutes meeting 9 February 2010

short report and questionnaire ALS outreach

Agenda council meeting 5 January 2010

Minutes meeting 5 January 2010

short report on council meeting 5/1/2010

Agenda council meeting 28 October 2009 (Seoul)

Minutes meeting 28 October 2009


Agenda council meeting 13 October 2009

Minutes meeting 13 October 2009


Agenda meeting 15 September 2009

Minutes meeting 15 September 2009

Report on meeting 15/9/2009

Agenda meeting 24 August 2009

Minutes meeting 24 August 2009


Agenda council meeting in Sydney 24 June 2009

Minutes Council Meeting 24-6-09 CD.pdf

Report on meeting in Sydney 24/6/2009

Agenda meeting 9 June 2009

Minutes meeting 9 June 2009


Agenda meeting 12 May 2009

Minutes meeting 12 May 2009


Agenda meeting 7 April 2009

Minutes meeting 7 April 2009




Report on ccNSO meeting in Mexico (24/3/2009)

Agenda meeting 16 February 2009

Minutes of the February 16th meeting


Agenda meeting 13 January 2009


ccNSSO comments on the new GTLD guidebook.

Agenda 11 December 2008

Minutes December 2008 of the meeting (in pdf format).


Former liaison reports.

ccNSO Liaison reports 2011

ccNSO Cairo

ccNSO Council November

ccNSO October 2008

ccNSO liaison September 2008

ccNSO Liaison - Aug 12 2008

ccNSO Phishing report published
New ccNSO Guidelines published

ccNSO Liaison - Feb 9 2008

ccNSO Liaison - Jan 22 2008

ccNSO Liaison - July 10 200

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