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audio recording 9 jan.mp3

At-Large Advisory Committee

January Teleconference – 9th January 2007

Summary Minutes

Participants: C Aguirre, J Salgueiro, A Muehlberg, H Xue, S Shahshahani, P Dandjinou, W Seltzer, J Levine, J Morris, S Sandford-Smith (Staff), N Ashton-Hart (Staff)

Absent: A Muniya, C Dzinonu

Absent with conflict: I Aizu, A Greenberg

Minutes by: ICANN At-Large Staff

Meeting scheduled start: 13:30 GMT. Called to order at 13:37 GMT.


  • Who is going to own domain names in different languages?
  • new timeline for domain guide? (Staff, John)
  • ALAC working structure with RALOs, other ICANN constituencies, other user oriented organisations: communication tools/ webtools: proposals, who takes responisbility?

problem of administration (admitting new members etc.)
(MemberClicks Demo by Staff - when?)

  • running our website - (update on getting an interim contract with Jean for our website)
  • ALAC working structure:

internal procedures (proposal Vittorio)
budget committee (current: Jacqueline, John, The Chair)
vice chairs (proposal Alan)

  • budget committee to plan budget current and planning next fiscal year (deadline? support of regions?)
  • next tel conf: always tuesdays?
  • other issues

Online discussion:

  • external review: who gives an introduction? timeline?
  • preparing next ICANN meeting Lisboa: who takes responsibility?
  • Newsletter: who takes responsibility? Timeframe?
  • report on ombudsman - Ynternet (The Chair)
  • operational plan: who sets it up, what issues are up?

issues report domain tasting (Bret/The Chair


Liaison reports:

ICANN Board (Vittorio)

Vittorio sent information in advance of meeting. Vittorio reported that there had not been a lot of activity since the last telcon due to the holidays.
There was a brief discussion about why there was a need for confidentiality. Wendy suggested there should be a bias to disclose as opposed to a bias to confidentiality.

GNSO (Bret/Alan)

The Chair stated that neither Brett nor Alan were on the call and there was no one else with any information.

IDN (Hong)

Hong sent a report in advance and stated that there was no action in the President’s Advisory Committee to report.

WHOIS (Wendy)

Wendy stated that the position is the same as in Sao Paulo, the public comment period is underway. There was some discussion between The Chair and Wendy as to whether ALAC should take a position, Wendy suggested that WHOIS should be abolished, it was decided that Wendy would send a note out to the regions to gauge their position on the topic.

Call by gNSO for submitting comments on the Preliminary Task Force Report on Whois Services until 15 January 2007 (Wendy will do as Alan is not taking part in the teleconference).

CCNSO (Siavash)

Nothing to report.

PSC (Pierre)

Pierre stated that there was not much to report as not much has happened since the last ICANN meeting. There should be a report before Lisbon.


The minutes for November are in draft form at the moment. The will be put up noted as draft. Wendy would like the various positions taken to be elaborated upon, not just the decisions. It was agreed that minutes would be ready within 3 days of a meeting (except in the case of ICANN meetings which may take longer) and will be posted on the Wiki for everyone to review for a period of 1 week at which point they will be posted publicly. The committee will be notified of the deadlines as a reminder.

  • Implementation of minimum participation criteria for ALAC members*

There was a discussion regarding Clement’s participation and failure to respond to queries from The Chair and Pierre on his level of participation. It was thought that he has not been to an ICANN meeting in a year and a half, Hong remembers him attending one in 2004. All were in agreement that Clement had had enough time and notice to participate more and as had he had not done so and he is in breach of the minimum participation guidelines all were in agreement that action should now be taken. The Chair reiterated that as Clement has not attended an ICANN meeting in 2 years it was her sad duty to ask for reconsideration of his appointment. The next step is for the Chair to write to the board with the information about his attendance asking for him to be replaced. Staff asked if the committee wanted to use the same procedure to replace him as for the European seat, once the notification from the Chair had been sent to the Board; all were in agreement and The Chair agreed that the AFRALO list would be sent an invitation to the region to nominate volunteers for the vacant seat.

Going forward Jacqueline proposed looking at participation at the midyear point. This would allow the following 6 months to improve participation, with the knowledge that you’ll be replaced if you don’t participate more fully before the end of the year. This was accepted without dissent but Pierre did suggest that the review should take place sooner than 6 months.

New ALS applications, due diligence, next vote (Staff Tracking Sheet)


Vittorio stated that in the past they were more focussed on companies than individuals. At the same time, if they meet the criteria he thought we should sign them up. The Chair proposed that we go offline and send a note to the committee with our recommendation within the next two days.

ISOC Tunisia:

Pierre thought they were OK but had not discussed them with Alice. He agreed to try to get hold of Alice right away to reach agreement.


Jacqueline: LAC will get together and provide regional advice.

ISOC Puerto Rico:

The Chair requested that John and Wendy make a recommendation John agreed but felt that the LACRALO should look at it too. Both Wendy and John noted that they clearly meet the criteria so we endorse them.

Staff asked about and noted that this application had been pending for quite some time, that voting was overdue, and noted that the Chair had sent repeated emails to clarify the situation with no reply and asked what the committee wished to do, understanding completely that the representative of this candidate was a valued contributor to EURALO discussions but noting that they were clearly not eligible. The Chair said she would to send them another email and report back to the Committee on the reply if any.


The Chair asked Staff if a reply had been received to the request for further information; Staff noted that no reply had been received and the Chair asked another reminder to be sent.

It was noted that there was a temporary problem with staff being able to post on the library The Chair requested that Staff send round all the apps and forms. (NB: All the forms are actually posted on the website and the access problem was resolved later the same day)

The Chair asked for regional advice on the other 2 NA applications. Wendy voted yes. She stated that she makes a standing approval of every applicant who applies. John made no reply.

The Chair requested that Wendy and John get together with Alan on the two NA apps, and the Europeans on the European apps.

The Chair proposed that Staff setup a vote to start next Monday with a week voting period. There were no objections.

Report on regional developments/RALOs


Jacqueline stated that Carlton is the Secretariat. The main thing they are working on is auto-translations of mailing list. Staff stated that he is hoping that a system is found that can be used by many of the regions.


Siavash reported on the last APAC telcon – the major theme was ALSes signing or incorporating. His understanding is that people were happy to get the MOU completed and the RALO formed and let the organisation evolve over time. He stated that there would probably be a meeting in Bali.

He reported that they had discussed incorporation but that there was not a lot of support for this at the moment as the region is so varied that it would take a long time to co-ordinate it. At the moment it is proposed that the LAC model be followed.

Hong added that things are proceeding well and that they are projected to meet at APRICOT but that she felt more discussion was needed for incorporation issue. She proposed to make the RALO formation information in all 5 regions cross-linked so that the people in the different regions may learn from each other's experience. It was agreed that documents relating to regional formation efforts would be posted on the Wikis as they became available and a notice would be sent to the lists once this had been done.

Staff summarised the state of budgeting and preparations and stated that we should meet the deadline requested by Hong and Siavash of finalising approval for the meeting on 28th February within the next week.


Pierre reported that a telcon is being organised for the end of January with all the ALSes with the target being that the RALO be established by Lisbon. The ICANN staff are liaising with the regional community to find a time that works for as many ALSes as possible and will then setup a teleconference.


Vittorio reported that they are almost in the same situation work-wise as before Sao Paulo. Staff suggested using the same meeting schedule for EURALO at Lisbon as was done with LACRALO at Sao Paulo – Vittorio agreed but stressed that work online should not cease in the meantime. The Chair endorsed the approach of a F2F meeting in Lisbon along these lines.

The Chair reported that the call for applicants for the open ALAC seat for Europe closes on 16th January, Vittorio and The Chair both felt that this was enough time.

North America

John reported that they have located the ALSes and there had been a flurry of activity, but recently the activity had seemed to slow. Staff noted that a teleconference was being arranged to discuss next steps including a possible F2F meeting to advance organisation of a RALO.

Proposal for studies/polls (follow up ALAC-Board meeting)

The Chair suggested this be continued later in the interests of shortening the meeting, but that it is important that members take on ownership for these projects, and asked for input on what studies and polls should be done. She will send out a note asking for proposals to the list.

DNS Guide Timeline

Staff disclosed that there was no further update on this item due to the holidays, but that further information would be forthcoming in due course. John reiterated his willingness to coordinate the process to conclude the guide by July 2007.

Management of

A discussion of the idea of paying an independent party to take on the creation of content and management of the same of the site was conducted. Staff made clear that if anyone were to be paid by ICANN, this would mean that the same process of approving the content via ICANN legal staff would need to be undertaken, and the entire point of being created was for the voice of ALAC to be independent of that approval process. It was suggested that the funding for maintenance of the site could be for non-content-related activities, and that the person being paid could then volunteer to do the content maintenance. Staff suggested that considering the situation it was likely for this to be seen as simply a way for the vetting of content produced by ICANN-funding to be circumvented. It was then suggested that the duties previously undertaken by Jean Polly, which were the subject of the discussion, could be undertaken by the new Vice-Chairs. There was no final resolution on the question.

Web Tools

Staff asked if there could be volunteers from amongst the committee to review the MemberClicks database system. There were no volunteers. Staff said that they would circulate an email with details again about the system, and reiterated the fact that we had no electronic and transparent system for managing records of ALSes and individual members for regions and reminding the committee that a review of the system had been pending since early December. The Chair suggested that the issue be taken onto the list. There was no dissent.

Budget Committee

Volunteers were asked to participate in the budget committee. There were no new volunteers, so the existing members agreed to continue for another year. The committee for 2007 is therefore: John Levine, The Chair Muehlberg, Jacqueline Morris.

Internal Procedures Development

Vittorio reiterated that he had previously volunteered to draft a first draft of internal procedures for ALAC. It was agreed that he would put the first draft together within 10 days.

Appointment of Liaisons

The Chair asked for comments on the proposal of Alan Levine, made on the email list. Some were in favour of limiting the Board Liaison to a past or present member of the ALAC, whilst others were in favour of more open recruitment. The question was asked as to whether ICANN would provide funding for non-ALAC members, appointed as liaisons, to attend ICANN meetings. Staff said that a response would be procured, but suggested that it believe that this would not be a problem.

A general consensus formed around the idea that liaisons should be sought within the committee first, with outside persons being looked at if someone particularly suitable from outside the committee was available. Staff reiterated that whatever was decided, it was hoped that the community would be advised of the rules and some comments on them solicited. Jacqueline referred to the February 2006 meeting where some of these issues had been previously discussed.

There was otherwise general agreement with the proposal of Alan.

Election of / Responsibilities of Vice Chairs

A discussion of the roles and responsibilities of the vice-chair was conducted, with general agreement that the position was not necessary since the only duties that really mattered were to chair meetings in the absence of the chair. It was decided to nominate a Vice-Chair for this purpose.

No such nomination was called for at this meeting.

External Review

The Chair asked the staff if any further information about the review was available. Staff replied that once further information was available, it would be simultaneously conveyed to both the staff and to Vittorio as Board Liaison, and that further information was not presently available.

Since a number of Committee members had left the meeting, and since it was noted that the meeting had been taking place for approximately two hours, the meeting was adjourned without completing all agenda items at 15:26 GMT


1. Minutes in draft within 3 days with exceptions for unusual circumstances by Staff. Draft minutes posted on socialtext with 1 week given for review. After 1 week they’re posted publicly.

2. Reminders of new documents and resources made available on Socialtext to be announced by Staff both for regional workspaces and ALAC workspace.

3. Chair to notify the ICANN board of the need to replace Clement due to his inability to meet the minimum participation criteria.

4. Minutes for December meetings to be reviewed on for the next 7 days, then compiled and posted on by Staff.

5. Minutes for November meeting to be headed as draft and posted by Staff on

6. Regional Advice on the application of ISOC France to be provided by Vittorio and the Chair NLT 12th January to the ALAC list.

7. Regional Advice on ISOC Tunisia to be provided by Alice and Pierre NLT 12th January to ALAC list.

8. Regional Advice on BIIPA to be provided by LAC regional ALAC members NLT 12th January to ALAC list.

9. Regional Advice on pending NA applications to be provided ASAP by NA Regional members.

10. to be emailed by the Chair for the third time about their non-qualification for ALS status.

11. A Vote to be setup by the Staff, to start on Monday 15th January, and to run for one week, for the six applications due for voting before the end of January 2007.

12. The Chair to send out a note asking for subjects for polls and surveys to be conducted to be sent to ALAC.

13. Budget to be finalised by the Staff for proposed 28th February Bali Meeting NLT 16th January

14. The issue of the management duties previously undertaken by Jean Polly for was continued to the next regular meeting.

15. An email asking for volunteers for review of MemberClicks was to be sent by the Staff to the list.

16. Vittorio to complete first draft compilation of the procedures of ALAC NLT 19th January

17. The issue of nominations and election of a Vice Chair was tabled until the next meeting.

18. Staff was asked to forward details of the Nomination Committee appointments to be made in 2007 to the ALAC list.

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