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Saturday, 2 March 2024

Welcome to ICANN79: At-Large Leadership Work Session

Action Items

No action items recorded. 

At-Large Leadership: Strategic Priorities and Metrics Work Session

 High-Level Notes

Cheryl Langdon-Orr introduced the background of metrics within the At-Large community referencing the recent At-Large Review.

Jonathan Zuck provided an update on ICANN's project management tool and also described a distributed model of distribution.

Jonathan Zuck noted the process to develop metrics must need be objective. 

Cheryl Langdon-Orr noted that metrics should be: S.M.A.R.T = Specific; Measurable; Achievable; Relevant and Time based/bound

Sergio Salinas, Sebastien Bachollet, Aziz Hilali, Amrita Choudhury, Abdelkarim noted their concerns regarding instituting metrics for the allocation of At-Large travel slots. 

Pari Esfandiari note that the the terminology being used, such as 'mandatory' is troubling. Also, metrics should be qualitative rather than quantitative. 

Greg Shatan noted that Key Performance Indicators my be a better term than metrics as they cover quantitative/qualitative factors. 

Jonathan noted his objective is to get the regions to work more in the regions and also

Action Items

No action items recorded. 

At-Large Policy Discussion

High-Level Notes

Justine Chew provided key general updates on the Applicant Support Program (ASP).

Justine Chew noted focus will be on Section 5. 

Justine Chew answered questions regarding the deposit for successful ASP applicants

Justine Chew provided overview of what kind of support may be provided and the application evaluation phases and categories. There are still dependencies regarding this.

Justine Chew and Cheryl Langdon-Orr answered questions regarding the evaluation phases and categories. 

Justine Chew and Cheryl Langdon-Orr provided overview and answered questions regarding the ASP evaluation period. 

Justine Chew and Cheryl Langdon-Orr provided an overview of application fee reduction for successful applicants. 

Action Items

Create polls for ASP Handbook in subsequent CPWG call 

Sunday, 3 March 2024

Joint Session: ALAC-GAC 

High-Level Notes

Jonathan Zuck and Nico provided a welcome

Rosaline Kenny-Birch provided a brief history about the Applicant Support Program (ASP). Mentioned a linkage between ASP, UA, and IDNs, along with information about the challenges that the ASP program faced during the 2012 round. 

Tracy Hackshaw highlighted the importance of effective communications and outreach for the ASP. 

Justine Chew reiterated importance of providing public comment to on the Draft ASP handbook. Mentioned that there are dependencies to the launch of the ASP and the differences between previous round of ASP and the upcoming round of ASP. 

Tracy Hackshaw provided an overview of the IGO criteria for ASP, along with the types of support available to successful ASP applicants. 

Greg Shatan provided an overview about Supplemental Recommendation 17.2. 

Justine Chew highlighted the ALAC's position on ASP. Wants to ensure ASP is a success. Goal of increasing number of applicants from underserved regions. Awareness and funding are both areas of concern. Emphasized the need for an open communications plan that can be shared with the GAC and ALAC networks. 

Rosaline Kenny-Birch reiterated the importance of fostering diversity through the ASP. 

Justine highlighted two opportunities for GAC's participation in providing input about ASP handbook. These include cross-endorsement of statements and/or joint letter to the ICANN Board. 

Alan Greenberg provided information about the 10 primers chosen for enabling inclusive, informed  and meaningful participation at ICANN. Noted that this advice has been closed. 

Indonesia Delegate asked about culturally oriented TLDs and how they could avoid conflict. Justine noted that there was no policy recommendations against these types of TLD applications, but mentioned that GAC can send GAC early warning to applicants 

CTU delegate asked what could be done better in this round of Applicant Support and what targets will be set for this upcoming round. Encourages the enhancement of the ASP. Rosaline Kenny-Birch re-empahzised that financial and non-financial support are relevant. On what success looks like, refer to the ASP GGP and mentioned that 10 successful would be considered a success but would support even great number of successful applicants. 

Trinidad and Tobago Delegate noted that a non-scoring criteria may pose a legal issue where somebody may want to challenge or appeal a unsuccessful applicant. 

Brazil Delegate asked about non-financial components and what a framework for implementation would look like. Justine mentioned Supplemental Recommendation 17.2 and next steps for implementation. 

Action Items

No action items recorded.

Joint Session: ALAC-SSAC

High-Level Notes

SSAC members provided brief introduction about themselves

Ram Mohan provided brief comments about what the SSAC and ALAC have talked about previously at the SO/AC roundtable and how synergies can be aligned. Aim is to take the information that SSAC has and collaborate with the ALAC on disseminating information that would be useful to the end use community. 

Ram Mohan stated that they'd like to work with ALAC on how to best share information with the community to regarding security information 

Jonathan Zuck would like to determine how to best use the ALAC network to effectively educate others about security information. What should the end user message be regarding things like DNSSEC. Would like to work with the SSAC on how to promote DNSSEC information to end users and those who should be promoting DNSSEC. 

Steve Crocker provided information and answered questions regarding Urgent Request, SAC122, and what the SSAC believes should be done to remedy the Urgent Request issue. Steve Crocker stated that it would be helpful to have documentation and data about urgent request and understanding the history regarding Urgent Request in the ICANN community context. 

Warren Kumari provided information regarding the SAC113 and the .INTERNAL TLD. This TLD is in the process of being reserved for private use. Warren also provided use cases of TLDs that are being used for private use.

Barry Leiba provided information about SAC123 and the evolution of the TLD namespace. Ambiguity in alternative naming systems can undermine end-user trust. Due to ambiguity, the SSAC recommends that ICANN track and provide updates on alternative protocols being used in the domain namespace, and efforts to mitigate and reduce risk of having coexisting alternative namespaces and protocols. 

Action Items

  • Jonathan Zuck and the ALAC will work on DNSSEC materials to share with SSAC for their input. 

Monday, 4 March 2024

At-Large Leadership Working Session with NPOC Leadership

High-Level Notes

Jonathan Zuck and Juan Manuel Rojas provided a welcome. 

Jonathan Zuck provided overview of ALAC and its structure. Representatives from around At-Large community are in attendance. 

Juan Manuel Rojas provided overview of what Not-For Profit Organizations Constituency (NPOC) is and it's remit. NPOC is part of Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group. 

Juan Manuel Rojas provided information and background about the Applicant Support Program along with information regarding other Next Round IRT subtracks.

Juan Manuel Rojas highlighted the improvements that are mentioned in the draft ASP handbook along with the points that are not yet clear in the draft ASP handbook. 

Jonathan Zuck asked a question regarding whether 50% reduction would be useful and what kind of non-monetary services may be available to successful applicant. Jonathan Zuck highlighted the ALAC-GAC joint session 

Manju Chen clarified that unclarity around Draft ASP Handbook are observations and not firm position of the NPOC. 

Cheryl Langdon-Orr highlighted that there has been a lot of collaboration on the drafting of the handbook. Mentioned that a measure of sucess would be receiving ten successful applicant.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr mentioned that the ALAC wants to focus on increasing the diversity of applicants, which includes applicants from underserved regions and indigenous groups. ALAC is keen on focusing on question 5 of the ASP public comment. 

Cheryl Langdon-Orr suggested sharing concerns and highlights on ASP with NPOC leadership. Juan Manuel Rojas agrees the criteria and subtext is important to have. 

Juan Manuel Rojas stated that another joint meeting could be planned to discuss ASP and the Next Round Guidebook language. Possible future meeting could be had between the ALAC and NCSG. 

Caleb Ogundele provided an overview about the domain name for private-use and the NPOC's concerns over the possible use of .internal. NPOC has concerns that smaller entities will not have the bandwidth or resources to reconfigure their servers. 

Satish Babu highlighted the sessions where ALAC had discussed the possible use of .internal and the importance of choosing a string. 

Jonathan Zuck stated that the use of .internal is optional. Caleb Ogundele stated that if it is optional then the NPOC does not have concerns. 

Bolutife Adisa highlighted that NPOC is working on a public comment for the Next Round Applicant Guidebook and mentioned that Freedom of Expression and Predictability Framework are of particular interest to the NPOC. 

Action Items

No action items recorded. 

NARALO Town Hall

High-Level Notes

Greg Shatan, NARALO Chair, outlined the four pillars of the NARALO FY24 Outreach and Engagement Plan. 

Greg Shatan, Judith Hellerstein, and Marital Moll presented an updated on the activities of NARALO in the key At-Large Working Groups, including the CPWG and OFB-WG. 

LACRALO, EURALO Chairs outlined what their RALOs do in terms of outreach. 

The ICANN Planning Team provided an update on the FY26-FY30 Strategic Plan. 

Alfredo Calderon provided an update on the NomCom openings for leadership positions. 

Action Items

No action items recorded. 

 Tuesday, 5 March

At-Large Leadership Working Session on the ICANN Grant Program

High-Level Notes

Giovanni Seppia provided an overview of what the ICANN Grant Program is, its origin, and how the program is funded. 

Shayna Robinson provided an overview of what kind of funding will be available, who can apply for grant funding, and what kind of programs the grants can be used for.

Giovanni Seppia provided information about key dates from the grant program.  

Giovanni Seppia and Shayna Robinson answered questions regarding the financing of the program, the meaning of charitable status, application eligibility, required application information, the purpose of Board review of the application, application submission limits, and application cycles. 

Action Items

  • Michelle Desmyter and Gisella Gruber to schedule a 90 mins At-Large webinar on the Grant Program in the next few weeks. The announcement and call to be in EN/ES/FR. 

At-Large Regional Leaders Coordination session with RVPs


NARALO Chair Greg Shatan and RVP for North America Naela Sarras highlighted the FY24 NARALO achievements and also set out the outreach plans for FY25, including ICANN82 taking place in Seattle. 


LACRALO Chair Harold Arcos and RVP for LAC Rodrigo de las Parra highlighted the FY24 LACRALO outreach activites incude capacity building, outreach events, UA Day activities, and a Cross-RALO webinar on NetMundial +10. There are also ALS read out sessions. There are also rhe Road Shows that are being coordinated with GSE

For FY1=25, Roadshows, LACRALO WGs, Re-engage with ALSes, Engage with new ALSes, and develop a project with academia. 


EURALO Chair Sebastien Bachollet reviewed the FY24 achievements including ALS read outs, webinars.  There will be a cross-RALO webinar on NetMundial+10 in April. 

Europe RVP Chris Mondini expanded on the usefulness of the EURALO ALS read outs. Noted that webinars could be developed on upcoming policy issues to ensure a greater understanding of policy issues. 

Sebastien Bachollet noted that there will be a new map that will include individuals. He noted that in the future, a request is that when GSE is holding an event in the region, that a member of At-Large could speak at that event. 


APRALO Chair Amrita Choudhury introduced the process of coordination with GSE. 

APAC RVP Jia-Rong Low presented the FY24 APRALO activities and introduced the activities for FY25. 


AFRALO Chair Hadia Elminiawi introduced the overall outreach objectives for AFRALO. Highlighted the role of AFRALO members in ICANN policy activities. Noted that 19 AFRALO groups were approved for UA Events. 

For ICANN80 - Theme: Enhancing African infrastructure, 

Three events: 1) Roundtable - two parts: Strengthing internet infrastructure and a multilingual internet; 2) bringing university students to the AFRALO meeting; 3) A networking Event

AFRALO RVP Pierre Dandjinou noted a few items that they are working on - DNS African Industry Study, including participating in the monthly AFRALO meetings. Also, a greater focus on metrics. 

Silvia Vivanco and Hadia Elminiawi to schedule a meeting the week of 11 March or 18 March to begin the planning of the AFRALO activities at ICANN80

Adam Peake outlined the annual cycle for GSE/RALO Leadership communication: 1) Community Forum - Annual meeting with RVPs and RALO Leadership; 2) Policy Forum -  The RVP from the Region will speak at the RALO Coordination meeting; 3) AGM - 

Best Practice: 

Jia-Rong explained the APAC/APRALO approach

Jonathan Zuck raised point on replicating UA Day. Noted usefulness of Meetings in a box. Also, the possibility of including ALS reps to local GSE events. Commented that this would would likely result in a virtuous circle. 

Natalia Filina noted that the planned Digital Welcome Tool will include information to help bridge the Fellows and NextGen into At-Large. 

Sebastien Bachollet stated that Internet Governance is of common interest to At-Large ALSes, including in the CIP. 

Amrita and Hadia discussed the next steps for the At-Large UA ambassadors. The Ambassadors need to inform At-Large on what they need. 

Action Items: 

  • Silvia Vivanco to add Cross-RALO activities on the At-Large CIP page. 

Joint Session: ICANN Board & ALAC

High-Level Notes

Alan Greenberg asked the ICANN Board to provide clarification regarding the prohibition of former CCWG-AP members from applying for grants and would like to see the Board remove it for upcoming rounds of the grant program, including the first round. 

Jonathan Zuck pointed out that staff have a one-year prohibition from applying, which should be applied to CCWG-AP members. 

Maarten Botterman noted that the Board would like to avoid self-dealing in the grant program and to ensure that ethical responsibility is practiced. Currently, Org plans to move forward with this round of grant applications and looks forward to learning from the implementation of this program and how it can be improved. 

Edmond Chung along with many others are interested in seeing the grant program move forward and the Board has heard the communities concerns regarding the CCWG-AP prohibition. He urges the community to revisit the discussions that happened to see how this issue can be move forward and remedied. 

Amrita Choudry asked the Board how end-user voices could be supported in upcoming internet governance fora. 

Veni provided information about the ICANN org  engagement activities that are being conducted to discuss these different Internet Governance Forums. 

Sebastien Bachollet noted that updates regarding these forums should be communicated effectively and would appreciate more regular updates regarding ICANN org's engagement activities. 

Veni stated that there is no formal outreach structure and providing talking points to outside organizations are not within remit.  

Alan Greenberg provided information about NIS2 and the ALAC's previous advice on registration verification. Alan Greenberg believes policy work is needed for NIS2 and access to registration data. wants the same level of protections for registrants regardless

Becky Burr encouraged the ALAC to keep in mind whether policy would be need to ensure security and stability along with any anti-trust laws that may come into play. 

Jonathan Zuck defined success in contention resolution as not having the same process repeated in the upcoming round. This could include auction of first resort and additional advice regarding private resolution 

Leon Sanchez confirmed that the success could be a mechanism that would prevent what was done in the past round. 

Justine Chew provided an update on the top three issues of importance for the ALAC as they relate to the Next Round of New gTLDs. This includes auctions/private resolution and gaming prevention, applicant support (funding plan, communications plan,  and recommendation 17.2 and non-financial support), and PICs/RVCs. Justine Chew emphasized that ALAC has a large network that could be leveraged. 

Becky agreed that there are many questions that need to be clarified. 

Leon Sanchez asked the panel what they would like to know about the Ombuds selection process. 

Sebastien Bachollet provided an explanation of the questions that the ALAC had regarding the Ombuds selection process regarding a 2019 resolution calling for a community panel to be created for the selection of the next Ombuds. 

Danko provided an update on the Ombuds selection process and the committee that has been formed. 

Action Items

No action items recorded. 

NARALO Round Table  "DNS and Domain Abuse in the Digital Economy"  (At-Large Plenary hosted by NARALO)

High Level Notes: 

Graeme Bunton noted that he is optimistic that DNS abuse will be significantly reduced, especially if ICANN compliance uses the tools now available to them. 

Lareen Kapin provided Federal Trade Commission (FTC) fraud statistics.  She noted that imposter fraud (gov't and business) is the top type of fraud. People are losing significant funds related to crypto scams. Phishing is a key focus on scams that the FTC is looking at. Lareen noted that end users must be focused on as they are significantly harmed by scams. 

Ram Mohan discussed the activities on the ground including the type of mitigation. Phishing causes significant harm and the differences between taking it down within 6 hours vs 16 hours makes a key difference. We should be looking at median time for take down and focusing on reducing the time it takes to take down the phishing scam. Registrars are a key group that could help with this. If automatic algorithms could be employed to look for certain phrases and content, that would help. Context is also key here.  The contracted parties play a key role in helping here. There is an entire set of different players here that should be reached out to, such as hosting companies. The final point is that the goal is to mitigate and for our communities to look at ways that registrars help mitigate DNS abuse. The hours it takes to shut down a scam is dramatically higher the longer they are operating. 

Steve Crocker provided a description of DNS abuse relate to Project Jake, policies for collection and access to Registration data. He discussed the role of the registrar and the various bodies involved in making rules. 

Reg Levy agreed with Ram that the speed at which scamps are taken down also needs to be balanced with the interests of registrants in the case that the domain was compromised rather than was involved in malicious behavior. We are looking at patterns of DNS abuse. Often an IP address is the key source vs a domain name. Malicious users only buy a couple of domain names. Tucows is working on this. There is no nexus before registration data and DNS abuse. We are also working through education. 

Action Items

No action items recorded. 

Wednesday, 6 March

At-Large Plenary Session 1: Internet Governance for the Sustainable Development Goals

High Level Notes: 

Pari Esfandiari and the panelist provided an introduction about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Pari Esfandiari asked the panelist questions regarding internet technologies, digital developments, and its relationship with SDGs. 

Panelist emphasized the importance of promoting and incorporating SDGs, digital equity, and a safe and secure internet.  

Panelist answered questions regarding SDGs and the role of different internet governance forums. 

Panelist highlighted the importance of the Multistakeholder Model, especially with the evolving digital landscape and upcoming internet governance discussions. 

Action Items: 

No action items recorded.

Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Meeting

At-Large Plenary Session 2: Building Trust on the Internet through Registrant Verification 

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