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2024-01-04 APRALO ROPs Review WG

  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Justine Chew to wordsmith the 1st part of the proposed preamble for RoP
  • Staff to check on status of adoption by ALAC of the ALAC Email Guide (
  • Justine Chew to propose a new Nomination Process to complement use of Adjunct06 and APRALO-Announce list, and to consider feasibility of incorporating a blackout period on new subscribes to APRALO-Announce list
  • Justine Chew to replace "APAC-Discuss list" with "APRALO-Announce list" in RoP text as required
  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr to propose text for Specific criteria for Vice-Chair candidates in Adjunct06
  • Justine Chew to insert in RoP Section 8 7, provision for AP-LT APRALO Chair to be responsible for ensuring reports are properly, visibly archived
  • Justine Chew to revise item 3 in Adjunct10 to include ALAC expectation for subscribers, and practice of periodically refreshing mail list subscribers
  • Staff to send message to WG members with links to call recording and action items, particularly highlighting action needed by WG Members (see below) 


  • WG members to undertake final review of / provide input to AP Adjunct06, Adjunct07, Adjunct08, Adjunct09 and Adjunct10, with specific attention to be given to:
  • Adjunct06 - whether the IM Representative must be an Unaffiliated Individual Member
  • Adjunct08 Part C - the Acceptance Process for IMs

2023-12-19 APRALO ROPs Review WG

  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr to propose ROP preamble text alluding to "APRALO Community" indicating that the APRALO Community may include anyone who participates without strictly being an APRALO Member. To consider also:
  • whether "APRALO Community" needs to be defined, with consideration to the already-included "Member in Good Standing" definition
  • relationship with AP Adjunct10 - APRALO Email Guide
  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Justine Chew (Review options in Jan 4 2024 call) to transpose criteria for ALSes in paragraph 27.4 to a separate Adjunct document (AP-Adjunct07), for consistency with approach for IMs and to allow more convenient amendments in future.
  • To also consider including acceptance process for ALSes in the separate Adjunct document.
  • Justine Chew to transpose criteria for IMs in paragraph 27.5 to a separate Adjunct document (AP-Adjunct08), to allow more convenient amendments in future.
  • To also consider including acceptance process for IMs in the separate Adjunct document.
  • Justine Chew to amend paragraph 33.1.2 to change requirement for Member recall request by APRALO Members to be sent to the APRALO Chair instead of to the AP public mail list; also to check for/amend similar provisions.
  • Justine Chew to re-prep AP Adjunct06 - Criteria for Candidates for APRALO LT Members, Liaisons & Appointees to present generic criteria vs. specific criteria, for further input.
  • Justine Chew to prep new AP Adjunct10 - APRALO Email Guide for comment

ACTION ALL: (deadline 29 Dec, 23:59 UTC)

  • WG members to provide final comments to draft AP Adjunct09 - APRALO Standard Proxy Form
  • WG members to comment / indicate in AP Adjunct06 - Criteria for Candidates for APRALO LT Members, Liaisons & Appointees, which criterion should be generic for all positions and which criterion should be specific to which position 
  • WG members to comment on 2 new Adjunct documents regarding criteria for ALSes and criteria for IMs
  • WG members to provide input on new AP Adjunct10 - APRALO Email Guide

2023-12-14 APRALO ROPs Review WG

  • Satish Babu to propose a solution for addressing his concern for a lack of reference to non-APRALO Members at APRALO meetings. 
  • Justine Chew to redraft (a) Section 13 - APRALO Meetings to reflect the quorum requirements for the 5 types of meetings and (b) Section 15 - Quorum to reflect corresponding quorum thresholds, as discussed.
  • Justine Chew to incorporate the proposed amendments to Section 22 - Proxies as discussed, to update and share the draft AP Adjunct08 - APRALO Standard Proxy Form.  
  • Justine Chew to expand definition of Member in Good Standing in respect of behaviour beyond ICANN, as discussed.


  • WG members to review the updated draft AP Adjunct098 - APRALO Standard Proxy Form.
  • WG members to provide input on criteria for candidates should be established for LT Members (beyond just APRALO Chair) and Appointees, for discussion next meeting, for capture in an Adjunct Document.
  • WG members to read and review (a) section 27, especially paragraphs 27.4 on ALSes and 27.5 on IMs; and (b) Section D, in preparation for next meeting.

2023-12-05 APRALO ROPs Review WG

  • To consider if criteria for candidates should be established for LT Members (beyond just APRALO Chair) and Appointees, and where to detail these (in an Adjunct Document?)
  • Section 15: to revisit 2 levels of quorum for (a) Regular (monthly) meetings and (b) Non-regular (special) meetings
  • Para 15.4.2: to revisit whether a balance of % ALS Reps and UIMs needs to be provided for when establishing quorum
  • Para 15.4.3: to revisit whether proxies should count towards quorum for different meetings
  • Justine Chewto provide for Standard Proxy Form in Section 22 and an Adjunct Document.  
  • Justine Chewto propose how to set out criteria for ALSes from the ALS Mobilization WP Report in a consistent way as the criteria for IMs from the UIM Mobilization WP Report (para 27.5)
  • WG members to read and review (a) section 27, especially paragraphs 27.4 on ALSes and 27.5 on IMs; and (b) Section D, in preparation for next meeting.

2023-11-28 APRALO ROPs Review WG

  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Justine Chewto revisit/insert definitions for "Full Member" vs "Member in Good Standing" (page 10) so as to provide clarity on when which category of persons apply to what circumstance
  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Justine Chewto propose edits to the definition of "Quorum" (page 12) to include when quorum is needed and what happens when quorum is lost
  • Justine Chew to propose replacing references to "election" with either "selection" or "ballot" where needed


  • (red star) Work Group members to focus on reviewing and commenting on all of Section B in preparation for next meeting (red star)

2023-11-21 APRALO ROPs Review WG

Reminder - All WG members to participate in the calls and if an apology, listen to the recording in order to contribute

Further discussions required on: 

  • Further input and discussion needed on part (a) definition of 'IM' at page 9 - whether "a Representative or  Leader of a certified ALS" or just "a Representative of a certified ALS" cannot become an IM
  • To revisit the definition of 'Quorum' at page 12 - (i) Keep or delete 8; and (ii) what does "eligible" mean? 
  • Further input and discussion needed on interplay of 'Full Member' and 'Member in Good Standing' at page 10, and the implications in 'Selection Call' at pg 13 - whether additional qualifications are warranted.


  • (red star) Start reviewing Part C (red star)

2023-11-07 APRALO ROPs Review WG 

  • All WG members to participate in the calls and if an apology, listen to the recording
  • APRALO ROP WG Members to review the document - left column is current and right column is the suggested text - and add comments (ONLY use comments feature). Use the naming feature to prompt someones attention (@ followed by name).
    • Grammatical/spelling checks will be completed at the end of this exercise 
    • Red line text = ADDITIONS
    • Green text = suggestions/explanation 
    • Document to be read top to bottom 
    • Questions either in comment or email to CLO/JC
  • WG to complete Section A & all/most B for the next call 
  • Goal is 'End of calendar year' for the completion of this document (6-7 weeks)
  • Next meeting is in 10 days to 2 weeks 
  • No labels