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ALAC Chair Maureen Hilyard

Blog Post Summary

Urgent ALAC Actions Post ICANN63 / 05 November 2018
Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum APRIGF - Russia / 16-19 July 2019

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ICANN63 Barcelona ends (CIIAG blog) / 28 October 2018

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ALAC Chair Maureen Hilyard at the 2018 IGF - Paris / 12-14 October 2018

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Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum APrIGF - Vanuatu / 13-16 August 2018
Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum APRIGF - Russia / 16-19 July 2019

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My IGF Paris Activities DiaryPhotosPhotos
  • Travelled for 27 hours from Auckland and then had to wait in a queue for over an hour, in the rain, to register for the IGF, even though it was the day before the event. Fortunately there were others from the Pacific to wait with - John Jack who helped to coordinate the APRIGF in Vanuatu and a colleague. It was daylight when we joined the queue and it was dark when we finally made it into the registration room to get our badges.
  • At the opening ceremony President Marcon sent some significant messages which would be good for us to discuss in our own meetings as well as those with other SO/ACs. Unfortunately many of us couldn't get into the main session room because they closed the doors when all the seats had been taken up - no standing allowed. (This also happened with other workshop sessions as well.)

  • Glenn was up at the crack of dawn getting the booth ready for the first day of the IGF. The table was fully of brochures from all over, except LACRALO. And our banners that we ordered ages ago had not turned up. apparently tomorrow, so we will see... (photo by Glenn)
  • I was asked to give a brief presentation in Marianne Franklin's "DC on Internet Rights and Principles: Sustainable Futures" but ended up on the panel and having to respond to a range of questions and queries about Sustainability and Human Rights. (photo from Joanna).
  • Because the Cook Islands is preparing for a fibre optic cable I attended a session on "Submarine Cables governance and SDGs" but unfortunately I could only stay for half an hour because of a conflict with the Sustainable Futures session.
  • Natalia and I shared booth minding duties during the Opening Ceremony featuring the French President. The room filled so fast that they locked the doors and didn't let anyone in. But we held the fort.
  • In the evening several if us attended the ISOC cocktail for some social networking.. an interesting evening - short - they'd run out of food before we even arrived (smile)
  • Home early deal with emails and to prepare for tomorrow's DC-SIDS session at 12.30 and then the afternoon assisting DIPLO with their reporting activities for the Geneva Internet Platform - Sara Kiden is also an active participant.
  • Another enquiry for information about joining up as an ALS or individual member - what is involved in being a member and how do they learn about what is involved (should we have a brochure about joining up and getting involved - what are the expectations of ALSes and individual members?

Getting business cards off visitors to the booth (smile)

MH presenting in the Human Rights session

At-Large socialising at the ISOC event

Olivier and Sebastian networking at a social event

  • Tuesday - Tracy Hackshaw and I initiated some discussion with small island developing states participants to establish an agenda for our dynamic coalition activities in preparation for this upcoming year of IGF activities, before the next IGF in Germany. There was some great discussion among the Pacific and the Caribbean but it would be good to be able to also involve our Mediterranean and African island states in our programme as well.
  • I was involved in Diplo reporting for sessions on: Lightning talk by Professor Lee McKnight (turned out to be Glenn's cousin) from Syracuse Uni who are setting up electricity and internet backpacks in Africa (esp Liberia): and Overcoming barriers to Financing Connectivity - a workshop involving financiers and people working in developing countries.
  • Spare time spent at the booth, writing up my Diplo online reports.

APRALO Leadership Team @ IGF Paris

Glenn and Natalia - the BEST At-Large Photographers

  • Weds session with Sally Costerton to discuss At-Large engagement with GSE - as workshops in Kobe for a start. Adam Peake to be the GSE Liaison for ALAC and can be added to the Outreach and Engagement mailing list so that he can attend their monthly meetings.
  • Weds session with Ombudsman, Herb Waye - offered his support if and when required.
  • I was the Diplo rapporteur for the lightning session on ICANN capacity building for underserved regions by Lito Ibarra - introduced by Nigel Hickson. Glenn recorded the session for At-Large.
  • Weds afternoon session with Ellen Strickland, InternetNZ, to discuss partnership opportunities for Pacific IGF activities during 2019.

Sally, Olivier and MH

Sally and MH working hard


Another IGF is over and it has been a busy one because it wasn't just about ICANN and At-Large. I was one of the team of Diplo Alumni who reported on every IGF session for the daily Diplo Geneva Internet Platform. I also spoke at our Dynamic Coalition (DC)-SIDS session as well as in the DC-Human Rights session. Our booth included material from Internet Society (ISOC) Chapters who are members of At-Large, and I got to meet lots of At-Large members from around the globe who came to visit. I also met with key ICANN people (Stakeholder Engagement and the Ombudsman) as well as other regional supporters of Pacific events (InternetNZ, Diplo and Dot Asia).

  • ( Evin) Please send any ALS & individual member info to Yatanar Htun, Myanmar. ( I have given her name to Lianna who is going to be visiting Myanmar.
  • (Evin) Contact Reine Mbang Essobmadje (info@ about individual membership

The At-Large Mafia

Dot Asia - Edmon, Jennifer & Yannis
