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  • Olivier Crepin-Leblond and Wale Bakare to start populating the EURALO event calendar with regional events.

  EURALO June 2018 Report

1.EuroDIG 2017 in Tallinn, Georgia

The three EURALO CROP travellers to EuroDIG 2018 are Clement Genty, Oksana Prykhodko, and Andrei Kolesnikov. The CROP travelers’ reports are on:
The EURALO members present at EuroDIG, Tallinn, had a photograph with the ICANN President & CEO Göran Marby. Details on EURALO-ICANN AtLarge Facebook group

2. EURALO FY18 RALO Discretionary Funding Status

Heidi Ullrich (HU) communicated to the EURALO community, informing members that the end of ICANN Financial Year 2018 (FY18) is 30 June. HU said that EURALO has $649.50 remaining in the RALO discretionary fund.

It was decided that the remaining amount would be used to make promotional pins and stickers for the forthcoming ICANN meeting in Barcelona.

3. EURALO call, June 19 18.00 UTC

HU commented that CROP issue would be discussed in Panama, ICANN62 meeting.

 Olivier Crépin-Leblond (OCL) asked whether the new CROP will be restricted to a specific event or meeting.  HU said the discussion would be finalized in Panama.

 Yrjö Länsipuro (YL) said he is happy to discuss the At-Large activities in Panama.

In addition, SB said there are some works to be done in ICANN in the future like WS2 Accountability. SB cited ATRT3 as an example, mentioned the review team’s political undertone.   

Action Items

-Olivier Crepin-Leblond to follow up with Annette, once she is back in her office, to organize a Webinar on the topic Framework of Interpretation and to develop a checklist for human rights impact assessment.

-  Olivier Crepin-Leblond to follow up with Staff EURALO to consider a panel or talk to participate in "Re:publica" in 2019 and add this to EURALO's strategic plan.

- Yrjö Länsipuro to follow up on the FY9 RALO Discretionary funds to fund local activities for RALOs.

- Yrjö Länsipuro and Olivier Crepin-Leblond to solicit input from ALS who work with privacy and GDPR to provide comments on the ICANN Seeking Community Feedback on Proposed Unified Access Model.

4. Social Media Working Group (SoMe WG) 

John Laprise said the working group is to look at how we use social media. JL is looking for 3/5 individuals to coordinate, sharing content and active participants within EURALO perspective. Social media power users to start the work.

- Olivier, Oksana, Wale, and Yrjö volunteered to be members of the SoMe WG     

5. ALAC Chair: Call for Nominations

According to ALAC Chair, Alan Greenberg’s email to At-Large members, call for Nominations will remain open for no less than 14 days and will end at 23:59 on Monday, 18 June 2018.

6. ICANN62 Meeting, Panama 25 – 28 June 2018

ALAC Chair’s announcement: the out-going ALAC chair, Alan Greenberg announced that voting for the position of in-coming ALAC Chair has concluded.

The ALAC has chosen Maureen Hilyard as ALAC Chair for the period of one year, beginning at the end of the ICANN63 Annual General Meeting:

2018 ALAC Chair Vote

Report date: Thursday 28 June 2018 05:00 UTC

Poll ID: 145201
As at Poll close: Thursday 28 June 2018 04:59 UTC
Number of voters: 15 · Group size: 15 · Percentage voted: 100.00
Ranked by votes.


Options ID






Maureen Hilyard





Tijani Ben Jemaa








The At-Large community members’ meetings and social events photos during ICANN62 in Panama

a.Geographic Names

Christopher Wilkinson (CW) commented that the ad-hoc process not the best way of selection. He stressed that the geographic region should take the interest of internet end-user across the globe.

b.Questions to ICANN CEO and President, Göran Marby

¤ What are your views about the purpose of ALAC/At-Large within ICANN?

¤ With the significant reduction in funds which have been used to do outreach (CROP, SO/AC Special Budget requests) how does he envision At-Large continue to do that component of our role?

¤ Would you care to comment on:

         - the relationship between ICANN and USG?

         - the relationship between ICANN and the European Commission?

 ¤ What are your views on the current Strengths, Weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in so far as the ICANN Organization and the ICANN Community are concerned.

 ¤ To the extent that this has not already been covered already this week, do you have any further comments on GDPR and WHOIS implications and what is ICANN expecting from the DPAs and the courts.

c. Questions and Answers Session with ICANN CEO and President, Göran Marby

Q1.  Olivier Crepin-Leblond (OCL) asked about the next round of new gTLDs: OCL said, David Olive, spoke to us about the next round of new gTLDs. Is it your belief there will be the next round? I thought the people hadn’t chosen that yet?

Ans1. Göran Marby (GM) said the decision is for the ICANN board to make on another round of new gTLDs.

Q2. The Global Indigenous Ambassador Program (GIAP) question from Judith Hellerstein (JH). JH asked if GIAP can get slots from the Fellowship program because of the program success.

Ans2: GM directed the question to David Olive (DO) to answer. DO responded that the ongoing public comment process is the best place to make comments about the Fellowship and GIAP slots. Alan Greenberg commented that a participant of the GIAP said it would be better to have the program funded separately rather than slot in Fellowship. GM responded that the issue is solely based on the budget process. GM mentioned that he would personally like to have more time for ICANN budget process, for the sake of balancing between the ICANN organization and ICANN community. In his conclusion, GM said the discussions should not just be about the CROP program or Fellowship program but community in general and increase the discussions about a better ICANN budget process.

Q3. Holly Raiche (HR) asked about the EPDP and GDPR policy issues. HR questioned that what sort of policy issues we are going to be talking about with respect to the strategic plan (if in place).

Ans3. GM answered that strategically ICANN has had 27 trends done. GM responded that one of the trends we have failed to talk about is the security of the root server system. The risks of DDoS attacks.

Quoted: And I have to give a compliment to the root server operators who just came up with, first time coming up with a joint plan. The details of it could be discussed and should be discussed, but the actual fact that they did it was important. So, that’s one of the trends. Economy financial, the development of the markets itself, are interesting notions and discussions.

But, it’s also another trend that comes is how do we actually do policy under … Now we have to learn to do it under the legislation. GDPR is the first time we sort of hindered [inaudible]. Hindered by making policies because there is a law that has a direct effect on our quickly to make policies.

Q4. Sebastien Bachollet (SB) asked that he would like to know ICANN CEO’s feeling about the current relationship between ICANN and the US Government and the European Commission.

Ans4. GM responded that ICANN has excellent relationships with many countries around the world as well as the European Commission. GM said no formal relationship with USG and ICANN is neutral in its dealings with countries. GM said about GDPR, ICANN deals with European Commission a lot simply because the GDPR came from it.

9.At-Large Regional Leaders Meeting – June 28, 13.30 – 15.00 Local Time.

d. RALO Hot Topics

EURALO Chair, Olivier Crepin-Leblond (OCL) presented the current situation about the EURALO hot-topics and suggested other RALOs should present updates with regards to their hot-topics.

Chair At-Large Regional Leaders meeting, Humberto Carrasco (HC) said he’s concerned about the hot-topics and said we should be focusing on data privacy, security vis-à-vis GDPR.

EURALO Chair, Olivier Crepin-Leblond (OCL) stated that EURALO hot-topics are being updated yearly, for example, the topics for 2017 were different to 2018. So also, the 2019 topics would be different to 2018.

Heidi Ullrich (HU) suggested that this group should work with ALAC on the policy issues.