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And we have new information since there is a new process this year and so Cheryl I believe is first going to speak to us about the background and what's happened in the past in the FY’12 Budget and afterwards Heidi will be able to explain to us how things are going to happen this year.  So I think I will ask Cheryl to start on her presentation.  Are there any comments or questions prior to that, Tijani my Co-Chair do you have?

Wiki MarkupTijani Ben Jemaa:                    No, nothing to add only to say the Subcommittee on Budget and Finance of ALAC is out of this Working Group so they are part of the working group.  They have \Jemaa:                    No, nothing to add only to say the Subcommittee on Budget and Finance of ALAC is out of this Working Group so they are part of the working group.  They have [inaudible00:03:00\].\\

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Okay, thank you Tijani and Cheryl it's your go now thank you.


Kevin also presented there.  But what I'd like to do is just, for the record bring ourselves up to speed on what has happened before.  What has happened before is we have made a call to the regions in the appropriate space and time in previous budget and strategic planning cycles for input from the regions and ALSs on the particular areas of interest that they have on the draft budget documentation. 

Wiki MarkupThe highpoints which nobody will be surprised at that have come up ad nauseum each year have been since we managed to get the At-Large \ [inaudible00:04:52\] that was the first one we used to be bashing on the door to get.    Once we got the At-Large Summit then the facilitation funding of a general assembly to be held within regions when key meeting, usually ICANN meetings but not necessarily ICANN meetings are being held in their area was what we worked to and I think most of us have bitter memories from last year’s financial year transactions with Staff of ICANN’s  in the financial area because of what we had put in in our public comments.\\of ICANN’s  in the financial area because of what we had put in in our public comments.

And it came in from all the regions and therefore became part of the ALAC contribution was the Wiki MarkupAnd it came in from all the regions and therefore became part of the ALAC contribution was the \ [inaudible00:05:43\] to have general assembly facilitations in a cycle that allowed for at least one to happen every three years.    So far one has happened for each region in running in a three year rotational roster.    The only budget through support we got \ [inaudible00:06:05\] for Staff facilitation not for the travel funding or anything else that that the regions themselves were asking for.    EURALO, AFRALO and AP RALO in the past have also asked for specific funding support for specific projects. \\ 

We've all swallowed the bitter pills on those frequently enough.  And the good news is that it would appear that with the new design which Heidi is going to take us through with the template, the request template and other processes that we have some foundational information at least that indicates that such requests will be better managed in the future.  So in the past we've thrown our “Please sir we’d like some more bean” ball into the ring.  It's really being filled, it's usually being stomped on and hopefully this is going to change. 


Heidi Ulrich:                           Yes.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Heidi one thing I would - going back to \              Heidi one thing I would - going back to [inaudible00:18:50\] I would say that what our community needs to do seeing as we are Confluence Wiki users, is develop our text in our community workspaces, our Confluence Wiki spaces and we insert into the template the hyperlink to the appropriate workspace. That saves duplication as effort. \\unmigrated-wiki-markup 

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    \Jemaa:                    [Inaudible00:19:19\] Heidi?\\

Heidi Ulrich:                           Yeah I think that’s a good suggestion.


This needs to be worked on and in practice it looks fine.  In principle it looks fine.  In practice we need to play with it.  And so some sample templates would be very, very useful.  And it may be that in San Francisco we might need to go through a hypothetical exercise with a real template, let's say support for a general assembly for a region in an upcoming ICANN meeting and go through with the COO and his staff and say okay so here is what we put in, here is what we thought you wanted, whether we get this right or wrong and how can we make it actually meet your needs as well as be more understandable for our community.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    And so that I can make use of the additional notes space but it will be for what?  For the description of the event or for the description for the support, the description of the technical support, any other description, so it would be too long.  We telling you that perhaps it's not right, it doesn’t fit completely but I tried - I only tried to see what are the problems only.  So I \Jemaa:                    And so that I can make use of the additional notes space but it will be for what?  For the description of the event or for the description for the support, the description of the technical support, any other description, so it would be too long.  We telling you that perhaps it's not right, it doesn’t fit completely but I tried - I only tried to see what are the problems only.  So I [inaudible00:23:59\] you can make use of the additional notes on something and I will do if I manage to put all the information I have to put, it's okay.    But if I don’t manage it will be a problem.\\

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          So Tijani what I suggest is asking a question from Heidi and asking whether when proposing a project is this template the only document that needs to be there or is it the template is actually part of a set of documents that need to be given?


Heidi Ulrich:                           He is actually saying that he likes the idea of an example template and that I can work with him on sending some of the questions that you're asking during this call and then he will create a template that will answer some of those questions.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Fantastic super thank you very much Heidi.
:          Fantastic super thank you very much Heidi.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    And Heidi we need one place for activity that’s Wiki MarkupTijani Ben Jemaa:                    And Heidi we need one place for activity that’s \ [inaudible00:31:40\]?\\

Heidi Ulrich:                           Yes that’s correct.


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Okay, right so I think we've got 15 minutes to go perhaps we should move and get our own things in order and to see where we move from here.  The first thing that we need to do obviously to get our regions or our RALOs to bring the input into the system and so the first thing which I was going to suggest was that we have an email that is sent over to the regions for the regions to have a good look at the page which Seth has actually put there.  Tijani you have a question?

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Yes, it's \Jemaa:                    Yes, it's [inaudible00:38:47\] the question, yes you are liking \ [inaudible00:38:55\] to the RALOs and I propose that the RALOs give their inputs before or at 25 January so that we will be able from 25 to 30 to draft the ALAC budget.\\

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thank you Tijani, does anyone have any comment to make about this?  Does anyone object to this?  Okay.


I would also suggest that if possible we would make the deadline for the RALOs to respond on the 24th of January at 23:59 so that would allow staff to summarize or bring all of these requests together and put them on the Wiki for the ALAC to review during their meeting which is first thing my day on the 25th.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              No.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          I see a no from Cheryl. 

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              No.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          I see a no from Cheryl. 

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    No because we would have the weekend Wiki MarkupTijani Ben Jemaa:                    No because we would have the weekend \ [inaudible00:44:36\].\\

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              You want to know why I am saying no?


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Yes I believe Heidi is going to do; she is going to do it like this.  I don’t know who is dealing with the microphones on there but I don’t know who’s hand is up and who’s hand is down when the microphone is on there and I would suggest that we don’t have the microphones so I can at least see who is speaking.  I have three mics and four participants which is a little bit hard.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              And there's no way we poor buggers Wiki MarkupCheryl Langdon-Orr:              And there's no way we poor buggers \ [inaudible00:46:30\] given these useless pieces of equipment.    So either Marilyn or Seth control yourselves and stop it.\\

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Oh dear okay right.  So that’s the next thing I would suggest then happens and then after that we have to drive it.  but we are not going to - are we going to have another call until then?  Or do we have to do everything by email from now on?


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Okay well then this is obviously something which Matthias is going to have to do first thing tomorrow morning since time is again of the essence.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    I liked your idea to have someone who is in charge of this budget task and you can ask the RALO to - Matthias can ask the RALO to give the person who is in charge of the budget so he can Wiki MarkupTijani Ben Jemaa:                    I liked your idea to have someone who is in charge of this budget task and you can ask the RALO to - Matthias can ask the RALO to give the person who is in charge of the budget so he can \ [inaudible00:48:35\].\\

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Yep the person, the liaison who can liaise with us for this task.  That sounds like a good idea, does anyone think otherwise?


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          But I think what Tijani was saying Cheryl was that there would be - Matthias could ask when he sends the information to his contact in each region could ask whether each region could actually nominate some who would be able to liaise back if there are any questions that we might wish to ask from the region at short notice, then who would be that person.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              \              [Inaudible00:49:38\] sure yes, asking who \ [inaudible00:49:40\].\\

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Yes specifically for this process.  I think there is one thing that needs to be done in those times when we have very little time on our hands since once again we are being rushed, is that we need to really get people to own processes and to push them.  The group of us that is here is totally unable to push everywhere at the same time.  And obviously the more the regions themselves the better it is because that really is the bottom up push, the push from the edges.  Cheryl you’ve raised your hand.


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Okay then let's move swiftly on to 7, any other business knowing that if Heidi get an answer from Juan prior to the end of the meeting we might be able to jump back to one of the previous points.  Any other business?  Cheryl please.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Thank you Olivier               Thank you Olivier it's a particularly important point and it's one that I distinctly want to raise in the context of this meeting because it encompasses formally the \ [inaudible00:56:38\] committee of the ALAC for Finance and Budget.    I would like to have on the record here that as the prior Chair of the FNBSC, I believe we should approach the ALAC as it not only repopulates outgoing members for its regional representativeness in FNBSC but to review, revise and expand the not only role, but the constituency, the makeup of its standing committee. \\unmigrated-wiki-markup 

From my perspective Olivier it appears to me whilst in days gone by having a single representative who has happened to be or actually has to be an ALAC member coming together in a Finance and Budget Sub Committee of the ALAC at least meant we had cross regional and regional representation in the comments and activities that we previously undertook in Budget and Finance and Strategic Planning processes and \ [inaudible00:57:57\] this brave new world we are heading into no longer going to be feasible. \\unmigrated-wiki-markup 

I would like to suggest and I'm seeking \ [inaudible00:58:07\] recommendation under its agreement for how it implements or advises ALAC on the implementation of the ALAC review principles seek that the ALAC formally review the structure and function of its standing committee and advise the ALAC that Work Team C consider having a nominated key person from each region, notice I'm not saying an ALAC member, a nominated key person from each region whose focus is on finance, budget and activity planning for the region and their ALSs is added to, in other words expanding the membership and role of the standing committee that the ALAC has called Finance and Budget Sub Committee. \\ 

And that’s a huge shift but I think it's a necessary one because of exactly what we are going through now, not enough prior planning to prevent the piss poor performance when things happen too soon.


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Please yes.  Perfect, Tijani?

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Yes I think that in Wiki MarkupTijani Ben Jemaa:                    Yes I think that in \ [inaudible01:03:03\] must move the leadership of the region and it's up to the region.    They can choose a person to be the focal point for this task.\\

Heidi Ulrich:                           Yes, the liaison that you were speaking about?


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Okay any further other business?  No more in which case we just have to have a quick vote again for whether - for a confirmation of the next Work Team C meeting which would be on the 2nd of February 2011 at 1900 UTC.  As you will know the meeting today is at a different time and day than what it used to be before which used to be Tuesday at 2000 UTC.  And so the question is whether we want to permanently relocate ourselves to Wednesday at 1900 UTC every two weeks?  No this really depends on what is better for whom and Tijani your hand is up?
No this really depends on what is better for whom and Tijani your hand is up?

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Yes we did Wiki MarkupTijani Ben Jemaa:                    Yes we did \ [inaudible01:04:21\] for that and this people didn’t express themselves what you can do Olivier.    So I think that it is the best time now for this working group.    We have to adopt it and until someone raises again the question of the time we have to come up with this time.\\

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Okay I can see everyone agreeing to what you're saying and so I think this is then set and I feel sorry for countries in which this time is a little bit out of the usual social hours.  But unfortunately had those countries been out in force and explaining, preferring other times then we would have know.  But it was a very limited reply to the Doodle poll.  So 1900 UTC it is every other Wednesday.  And I just have to ask whether there is any last questions before I adjourn this meeting and Cheryl is still typing - Cheryl would you like to perhaps say something rather than type it?
